Representatives from 26 Latin American countries will meet and visit matching companies. The China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit will be held in Beijing next week.

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 00:19 AM

The 16th China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit will be held at the National Convention Center in Beijing from November 2 to 3, with the theme of "Open Innovation, Shared Development". Chinese state leaders will attend the opening ceremony and deliver a speech.

At a relevant press conference held today, Guo Huaigang, director of the Beijing Council for the Promotion of International Trade, introduced that this is the first China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit held in Beijing, with extensive invitations from international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank and Honduras, Argentina, Guyana, El Salvador, and Venezuela. More than 20 officials at the deputy ministerial level or above from other countries, 21 heads of trade promotion agencies and business associations such as the Colombian Trade Promotion Agency, Chilean Export Promotion Agency, Brazilian Export Investment Promotion Agency, Cuban National Chamber of Commerce, and the Bahamas Trade Commission, and representatives of various embassies in China More than 400 foreign guests from 26 Latin American countries, including representatives of well-known enterprises, attended the summit activities.

Guo Huaigang introduced that Chinese state leaders will attend the opening ceremony and deliver a speech. The plenary session, with the topics of "High-level opening up writes a new chapter for China-Latin America cooperation" and "New opportunities for China-Latin America trade and investment cooperation in the face of global changes", invited government officials from China and Latin America, heads of international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, and ambassadors to China and gave speeches to well-known entrepreneurs. At the meeting, the China-Latin America and Caribbean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency will release the "Beijing Initiative for China-Latin America and Caribbean Business Cooperation".

He said that the summit fully demonstrated the exemplary leadership and radiating role of Beijing as the capital in the overall situation of China-Latin America cooperation. During the summit, keynote speeches and round-table dialogues will be held respectively around the four themes of China-Latin America Digital Economic Cooperation Special Dialogue, China-Latin America Agricultural Cooperation Special Dialogue, China-Latin America Cultural Tourism Cooperation Special Dialogue, and China-Latin America Green Economic Cooperation Special Dialogue. These four major areas are not only characteristic and advantageous industries that Beijing is focusing on developing, but also key areas with a good foundation for cooperation between China and Latin America and broad development prospects.

He said that developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to seize new opportunities in the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Beijing's mature digital technology is highly consistent with Latin America's strong demands for international cooperation in digital technology. Latin America is rich in arable land resources and has superior production conditions. It is one of the most dynamic and potential regions for agricultural development in the world. Agricultural products have off-season complementary advantages with China. Beijing has multiple high-quality agricultural product production bases and leading agricultural enterprises. The two sides can cooperate to meet demand. strong. Beijing has a solid foundation for people-to-people and cultural exchanges with Latin America. It is a sister city to seven core cities in major Latin American countries, including Havana, the capital of Cuba, San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, and Lima, the capital of Peru. The Beijing Council for the Promotion of International Trade has established partnerships with 31 business associations in 16 Latin American countries. Sign a friendly cooperation agreement. Both sides are rich in cultural tourism resources and have huge potential for cooperation in cultural industries, cross-border tourism and people-to-people exchanges. Latin America is rich in energy resources, and Beijing has advanced technologies in green energy, new energy vehicles and other fields. The two sides have a good foundation for cooperation and broad space for cooperation.

It is reported that the summit will also include five supporting activities, including a roundtable meeting between China-Latin America trade promotion agencies and business associations, a China-Latin America think tank cooperation dialogue, a China-Latin America enterprise matchmaking meeting, a supporting exhibition for the China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit, and visits and inspections. Among them, the visits and inspections are divided into 5 routes, and foreign guests are arranged to go to the city's sub-center Canal Business District, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zhongguancun Artificial Intelligence Innovation Community, Daxing Biomedical Base, China-Latin America Cultural Exchange Center, Beiqi Foton, and Beijing Cuihu Agriculture Science and technology parks and enterprises conduct inspections and exchanges, demonstrate to Latin American participants the construction results of Beijing's "Two Districts" and advanced technologies in fields such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, autonomous driving, and smart agriculture, and promote on-site docking, exchanges, and sharing between Latin American enterprises and Beijing enterprises Develop new opportunities and seek new business opportunities for cooperation.

A special exhibition area for Latin America will be set up in the supporting exhibition of this summit to showcase the economic and social development, investment environment, advantageous industries, cultural characteristics and regional customs of each country, and to promote key cooperative enterprises and brand products.

The 16th China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit is co-sponsored by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the Beijing Municipal People's Government and the People's Bank of China, and hosted by the Beijing Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the China Chamber of International Commerce.

Representatives from 26 Latin American countries will meet and visit matching companies. The China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit will be held in Beijing next week.
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