Huazheng's original drama "The Stand" was staged at the National Center for the Performing Arts, telling the story of the "people-centered" original intention of the rule of law

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 01:15 AM

On the evening of the 2nd, the original large-scale drama "Standpoint" produced by East China University of Political Science and Law and vividly demonstrated the rule of law construction led by the Chinese Communists during the New Democratic Revolution was performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts and was well received by the audience.

The story of "Stand Point" revolves around the impartial trial of the "Huang Kegong Case" by the High Court of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. In 1937, Huang Kegong, who had great military exploits and was the captain of the 6th Team of the Anti-Japanese University, shot Liu Qian, a student of Northern Shaanxi Public School, because he failed to force her into marriage. Faced with the fierce debate between the military and civilians on the two views of "paying for merit" and "killing for life" in dealing with Huang Kegong, the presiding judge Lei Jingtian withstood the pressure of public opinion, insisted on trying the case in accordance with the law, and finally sentenced him to death, safeguarding fairness and justice and establishing Judicial authority in the border area.

"Our law grows from the soil", "Lift the people and justice above our heads", "Sit on the side of the people and sit upright"... In the choice between love and law, many lines are memorable Still new.

When the old comrades-in-arms recounted how Huang Kegong sacrificed his life to fight against the Japanese invaders to plead for him, and when Huang Kegong made his final request to die on the battlefield, many in the audience could not help but burst into tears.

Lei Jingtian's monologue hit people's hearts even more directly. He said: "I believe that there is always a glimmer of light waiting for us in the distance. We will definitely have a new world - in that new world, there will definitely be a brand new order. And the guarantee This order must have a just law, and everyone is equal before it!" After this monologue, the audience burst into applause.

When Mao Zedong wrote to Lei Jingtian, he proposed, "The Communist Party and the Red Army must enforce stricter discipline on their own party members and members of the Red Army than on ordinary civilians." This became a classic discussion of strict party governance.

Wu Zongxian, an audience member and professor at Beijing Normal University's Criminal Legal Science Institute, said that the scene that moved him the most was Lei Jingtian's explanation of why Huang Kegong was sentenced to death based on facts when the rule of law was not very sound at the time. This verdict convinced Huang Kegong, won the support of the people, and the approval of society. It served as an example of the pursuit of justice and equality at the time. This also inspired people today that everyone is equal before the law, act strictly in accordance with the law, and avoid bending the law for personal gain.

Shi Chunxuanzi, a drama producer, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Music of East China Normal University, said that from the campus youth version to the professional stage version, from the premiere of "Lei Jingtian" at Shanghai Majestic Theater in May 2020 to the renaming of "Stand" "Staging the National Center for the Performing Arts with a new look is a continuous learning process. The performing arts team and Huazheng experts and scholars conducted in-depth discussions on the historical documents of the rule of law, understood the value connotation and spiritual temperament of "Standpoint", and strived to create artistic masterpieces to better demonstrate the original intention of the Communists for the rule of law - the "people-centered" revolutionary rule of law tradition and The red rule of law spirit of “strict discipline and strict discipline”.

Actor He Bin, who plays Lei Jingtian, said that there is a distance between the character and the actor, but he will regard the character as a teacher and close friend. When Lei Jingtian served as the president of the High Court of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, he proposed sixteen-character work guidelines: integrity, discernment, fairness, integrity, courage, perseverance, detail, and prudence. Entering his life and spiritual world and inheriting the spiritual beliefs of his predecessors will be full of power.

Zhang Tong, the actor who plays Huang Kegong, said that the character Huang Kegong can disregard the safety of others for his own selfish interests, but he can also sacrifice himself for the country. The character is full of tension and very interesting.

In the play, the ideas of women's liberation and freedom of marriage are repeatedly mentioned. This also reflects that since the founding of the Communist Party of China, the liberation of women has been an important goal of the construction of the rule of law, and it has strongly promoted changes in the concept and system of marriage.

The "Resolution of the Women's Movement" passed in July 1928 pointed out that Chinese women's liberation "can only be achieved under the leadership of the proletariat and the shackles of the semi-feudal patriarchal society are completely destroyed." In December 1931, the "Marriage Regulations of the Chinese Soviet Republic" were promulgated, and Chapter 3 of it stipulated on divorce matters, "The freedom of divorce is determined. If both men and women agree to divorce, divorce will be performed; if one party insists on divorce, divorce will be performed." Since then, the Marriage Laws of different periods have continued the basic principle of freedom of marriage and divorce, and have also made the spirit and concept of marital autonomy deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Looking back at the marriage laws of major Western countries at the same time, the provisions on marriage autonomy clearly lag behind the legislation established by the base areas under the leadership of the Communist Party of China at the same time. For example, in the United Kingdom, the first "Divorce Proceedings Act" in 1857 has a double standard in terms of grounds for divorce: if the man files for divorce, the wife must have committed adultery to be approved; but if the woman files for divorce, the husband must commit adultery and other faulty behaviors such as abuse and abandonment. Approval does not establish the true principle of marital autonomy. It was not until 1969 that the "breakup doctrine" was written into the Matrimonial Causes Law.

It was not until the reform law of 1976 that the German Civil Code gave up the principle of fault-based divorce and changed the jurisdiction of divorce proceedings that reflected the inequality between men and women in the past from the jurisdiction of the court of the husband's residence to the jurisdiction of the court of the couple's common residence or the residence of the defendant. It was not until 1969 that the United States was the first to adopt a no-fault divorce law in California; by 1989, marital autonomy was basically realized nationwide.

It is reported that the drama "The Stand" will be performed twice more on November 3rd and 4th.

Huazheng's original drama "The Stand" was staged at the National Center for the Performing Arts, telling the story of the "people-centered" original intention of the rule of law
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