Healing people's hearts, another medical drama is popular! "Asking the Heart" dares to touch on real medical issues

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 23:26 PM

The critical and complex illness, the race against time for rescue, the conflict between "reason and emotion", and the real-life hospital stories were brought to the screen by "Ask the Heart". The drama uses medical themes to present the grayscale of human nature, the plight of the people at the bottom, workplace pressure, and the shortcomings of the original family. Since it was broadcast on CCTV 8 and Tencent Video on the 7th, it has achieved both good reputation and popularity. .

"Asking the Heart" tells the story of three cardiologists with different life backgrounds and professional philosophies: Zhou Xiaofeng and Lin Yi have very different personalities, which is a metaphor for the dilemma between emotion and reason as ordinary people and doctors. They are a mirror structure with two sides of one body. "Little Sun" Fang Xiaoran, as the mediator, combined Lin Yi's enthusiasm and Zhou Xiaofeng's calmness, neutralizing the cold and heat into a kind of warmth. The three met at Dongli Hospital and had friction and collision. Later, they gradually got along and reached a tacit understanding in the process of treating diseases and saving lives. Finally, they fought side by side on the battlefield of life, healing others and themselves.

In order to present "reality", during the preparation period, the crew of "Ask the Heart" arranged for the leading actors to enter a real tertiary A hospital for internship for a month. During the actual filming, the crew built an 8,000-square-meter hospital scene and rented and purchased high-precision medical equipment such as ECMO and ventilators with a total price of more than 10 million yuan, striving to give all the leading actors and creators the most immersive and realistic experience. On every filming day, professional consultants from first-class tertiary hospitals will check the medical plot, lines and even the installation methods and display values ​​of medical equipment to ensure the authenticity of the "medical" professional plot. During the 132-day filming period, the crew hired more than 150 medical consultants to effectively ensure the rigor and authenticity of the medical content.

In addition to these truths, the truth of "Ask the Heart" lies in its courage to touch on real issues in the medical field.

Ma Jun, deputy director of the TV Drama Project Department of the Film and Television Drama Recording Center of China Central Radio and Television Station, said that "birth, old age, illness and death" are the greatest livelihood issues. "Ask the Heart" uses the hospital as a laboratory of human nature and a field of life and death to gain insight into the breadth of life and the depth of human nature. Various aspects of the world, restoring the medical ontology, exploring the value of life, and reconstructing mutual trust and warmth.

Zhang Yan, deputy editor-in-chief of Tencent Online Video, said that "Asking the Heart" never provides "standard answers" in the play, but through the characters' behaviors and choices, it shows the real doctor-patient relationship and provides healing to the audience in adversity. Effect. This is also the most inspiring power of medical industry dramas in addition to popularizing scientific medical knowledge.

Ai Xiaojin, director of the News and Publicity Department of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, said: "Every aspect of "Ask the Heart" is very realistic, which puts forward high requirements for review and requires the intervention and participation of more professional people. At the same time, "Ask the Heart" guides the audience to put themselves in others' shoes, arouses empathy, and builds a bridge of communication and trust between doctors and patients. It allows the audience to understand that the common enemy of doctors and patients is disease, which helps to enhance the understanding and trust between doctors and patients. ”

Satisfy the audience’s simple requirements – “good-looking”

Xu Xiaoou, executive vice president of Ningmeng Film and Television and chief producer of "Ask the Heart" shared the original intention of the creation: "Medical care has always been one of the most concerning issues in people's livelihood. Life and death are the ultimate issues that everyone cannot avoid. We and doctors To some extent, it reflects our relationship with life." She said frankly that the creative team returned to the basic creative method of realism in "Ask the Heart", using the most basic narrative and based on the most widely recognized values ​​and emotions. , truly presents common issues and common emotions, and firmly puts the starting point of insight and narrative on the side of the broadest audience.

Screenwriter Zhou Yifei mentioned that old age and illness are gentle buffers between life and death, and are windows to the various aspects of the world. Throughout the creative process, we constantly calibrated characters, screened cases, and pondered the appropriateness, with the unanimous hope of using the social aspect of medical care to collide with the perceptual world with a doctor's rationality to express the joys and sorrows of the human world. She reviewed her "ant-gnawing mountain" creative process. In her opinion, creators are the observers and recorders of the times. Since they have chosen the most professional medical field, which is much higher than life dramas or love dramas, , and it takes a lot of "stupid effort" to satisfy the audience's simple requirement-"good-looking".

Li Zhi, the director of "Ask the Heart", is a post-80s generation. When expressing heavy medical themes, he incorporated three colors - rationality, grayscale and warmth. When it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, he adopts a suspenseful narrative technique to strengthen foreshadowing, suspense and turning points, and uses an enhanced sense of rhythm to make the audience feel the tension of hanging by a thread. In addition to the "documentary" approach to the overall story, he paid great attention to some details: Fang Xiaoran soaked wolfberry in a thermos cup, Zhou Xiaofeng raised an exotic female leopard gecko, Lin Yi apologized to Fang Xiaoran with a homophonic meme, and the three of them formed a group. Passionate and passionate... These are real life portrayals of contemporary young people, and they instantly resonate with young people.

Li Jingsheng, vice president of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, said: "Education and medical care are hot spots, focuses, and even more difficult points in the creation of realistic themes. They cannot deceive the audience, and it is not easy to write well. "Ask the Heart" is very important in realism, It is handled very thoughtfully in terms of professionalism and drama. It does not avoid contradictions and sharp issues, but also handles them very gently. The entire film has an open narrative space and a broad social expression, giving the medical drama more versatility. Narrative clues.”

Zhao Tong, deputy director of the Television Art Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, commented that the links between the beginning and the end of the series echo each other, and they can treat the acute and palliative issues, as well as treat the symptoms and root causes. The conflict between doctors and patients also presents different situations in the play. In the first part, doctors are doctors and patients are patients. In the second part, doctors and patients show a compound relationship, and they are both doctors and patients.

Zhong Chengxiang, a librarian at the Central Research Institute of Literature and History and a famous literary critic, said that medicine and art are "in-laws". Medicine diagnoses and treats physiological diseases, while art serves as spiritual guidance. The two converge on the focus of "people". The drama "Ask the Heart" becomes more and more interesting the more I watch it. It is the taste of "human heart". It transcends the medical story process, blends life plots with medical themes, writes the trajectory of the human soul, and connects human feelings, humanity, and humanity. , grasping life as a whole, without falling into the narrow theory of genre films, "The temperature generated based on depth, intensity, and breadth is the real temperature."

Healing people's hearts, another medical drama is popular! "Asking the Heart" dares to touch on real medical issues
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