Today's data selection: How much can the interest rate of existing housing loans be reduced; The national average temperature in summer is the second highest in the same period in history

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:08 PM

This summer, the national average temperature is the second highest in history since 1961

On September 5th, the China Meteorological Administration held a press conference. Jia Xiaolong, Deputy Director of the National Climate Center, introduced that in the summer of 2023, the temperature in most parts of China was close to normal to slightly higher, with an average temperature of 22.0 ℃, which was 0.8 ℃ higher than the same period in normal years, the second highest in history since 1961, second only to the summer of 2022. Beijing, Hebei, Hainan, and Xinjiang all have the highest temperatures in history during the same period, with Tianjin and Shandong being the second highest, and Shanxi, Ningxia, Guangdong, and Yunnan being the third highest.

The overall global temperature this summer is relatively high. From June to August, the average global land temperature was 15.2 ℃, which is 0.6 ℃ higher than the historical average climate during the same period, making it the third hottest summer since 1961. The temperature in western Europe, Central Asia to most parts of northwest China, Canada, and northern United States is generally 1-2 ℃ higher, especially in northern Canada where it is 2-4 ℃ higher and locally above 4 ℃.

In 2022, the number of cases handled by national arbitration institutions increased by 14.3% year-on-year

The report released by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission on the 5th shows that in 2022, more than 470000 cases were handled by 277 arbitration institutions nationwide, an increase of 14.3% compared to 2021; The total amount of arbitration cases in China is 986 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7% compared to 2021.

According to this "China International Commercial Arbitration Annual Report", in 2022, among the various types of cases handled by arbitration institutions nationwide, financial cases accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 37.5%; E-commerce cases came second, accounting for 7.97%. From the perspective of the amount of subject matter in various types of cases, the amount of subject matter in financial cases is 265.7 billion yuan, accounting for about 27% of the total amount of subject matter in China; The second category is construction engineering, accounting for 17.21%; Equity transfer ranks third, accounting for 12%.

The report states that the types of cases accepted by Chinese international commercial arbitration institutions are still complex and diverse, but the main types of disputes and the largest number of dispute cases involved are still traditional dispute types such as construction engineering disputes, mechanical and electrical equipment disputes, general goods sales disputes, equity investment and equity transfer disputes. However, with the strengthening of the concept of environmental protection and the development of the digital economy, the number of disputes in natural resources, the Internet, entertainment industry, intellectual property rights and other fields is also gradually increasing. The report states that this growth trend is not only a higher requirement and challenge for the professional level of arbitration institutions and arbitrators, but also a reflection of the advancement of trade arbitration business with the times.

The China Automotive Consumption Index for August 2023 was 80.8

The latest "Automobile Consumption Index" released by the China Association of Automobile Dealers on the 5th shows that the automobile consumption index in August 2023 was 80.8, higher than the previous month. It is expected that China's automobile sales will enter the peak season sales state in September. According to the China Association of Automobile Dealers, based on the sub index that constitutes the automobile consumption index, the demand sub index for August 2023 was 78.1, higher than the previous month. It is expected that the demand for car purchases in September 2023 will increase compared to August. In September, the hot and rainy weather has passed, and the weather has improved. Some customers who have car purchasing needs will put car purchasing activities on the agenda, coupled with some promotional activities from manufacturers, which will stimulate the growth of car purchasing demand for the month.

The sub index of in store purchases in August 2023 was 81.8, higher than the previous month. It is expected that the number of consumers entering the store to purchase cars will increase in September. In September, students have already started school, and the number of people traveling has decreased. Customers with car purchasing needs will prepare to purchase cars. At the same time, the cool autumn weather in September is conducive to an increase in the number of people entering the store to buy cars. The purchasing sub index for August 2023 was 84.6, higher than the previous month, and it is expected that the car purchasing situation will improve in September 2023. With the arrival of the peak season for car sales and the increase in customer demand for car purchases, car sales will achieve seasonal growth, and the month's car sales situation will turn positive.

Can the interest rate on existing housing loans be lowered and how much can it be lowered? Multiple banks responding to hot issues

With the release of the Notice on Reducing the Interest Rate of Existing First Home Loans by the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision on August 31st, the implementation of the interest rate adjustment for existing first home loans has attracted much attention. According to the Notice, commercial personal housing loans for the first housing in stock refer to commercial personal housing loans for the first housing that have been issued by financial institutions before August 31, 2023, or those that have signed contracts but have not been issued, or other commercial personal housing loans for the first housing in stock that the borrower's actual housing situation meets the first housing standards in the city.

According to the explanations of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and CITIC Bank, loans that adjust the interest rates of existing housing loans must meet the following basic conditions: they belong to commercial personal housing loans; Those already issued before August 31, 2023, or those who have signed a contract but have not been issued; When issuing loans, implement the first home loan interest rate policy, or the current actual housing situation meets the first home housing standards in the city; The loan disbursement interest rate is higher than the lower limit of the housing loan interest rate policy in the city where the loan disbursement was made.

Construction Bank, Bank of China, and other banks have cited the adjusted implementation level/lower limit of the first home loan interest rate policy in the city where the house is located at the time of loan issuance as "LPR+10BP" as an example. Taking Construction Bank as an example, the bank assumes that the borrower's current loan interest rate is 5.1% and LPR is 4.2%, corresponding to the loan interest rate of LPR+90BP. If according to relevant rules, assuming that the borrower's stock first home loan interest rate is reduced and the execution level is LPR+10BP, their mortgage interest rate will be reduced by 80BP, from the current 5.1% to 4.3%.

The second largest city in the UK declares bankruptcy

According to CCTV News, on September 5th local time, the municipal council of Birmingham, the second largest city in the UK, announced its bankruptcy.

Birmingham City will cease all new expenditures, except for statutory services such as protecting vulnerable groups. The bankruptcy of the Birmingham City Council is related to a £ 760 million bill to resolve claims for equal pay for equal work.

Birmingham is the second largest city in the UK, located in the West Midlands region of West Midlands County, England. It has an excellent geographical location, 160 kilometers from the capital London, and is only a 1 hour and 20 minute drive away. The area is 208.8 square kilometers and the population is 980000.

The city has a very long history of industrial and commercial development, and is the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, known as the "factory of the world". As an international metropolis, it is the most culturally diverse city in the UK, with many immigrants from the Caribbean, South Asia, and Ireland in addition to Caucasians.

The automotive industry in Birmingham is very large, with approximately 1/4 of residents engaged in professions related to automobiles. The world-renowned Land Rover, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar cars all have their headquarters and production plants located here.

The biennial Birmingham International Auto Show is one of the most important auto shows in Europe, with significant scale and influence in the world. In addition, high-tech, biopharmaceutical, and technological research and development capabilities are among the top in the UK. The industrial output of the city accounts for one-fifth of the national industrial output in the UK. Birmingham is also the most important higher education base in the UK, with the famous University of Birmingham established in 1825.

Today's data selection: Experts say iodized salt cannot prevent radiation; Double the number of sashimi orders in Japanese restaurants | Global | Data
Today's data selection: Experts say iodized salt cannot prevent radiation; Double the number of sashimi orders in Japanese restaurants | Global | Data

Experts say that iodized salt cannot prevent radiation. Japan announced the launch of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea on the afternoon of August 24th, which has sparked global attention and discussion, leading to a "salt rush" in many places. For this reason, experts from @ Science Defying and @ China News Network @ Sina New Knowledge Connection stated that the proportion of raw materials used in China's production of table salt, including sea salt, well salt, and lake salt, is 22%, 61%, and 17%, indicating that sea salt is not the main raw material. Moreover, China's salt production is safe and its salt reserves are sufficient, so there is no need to hoard salt. Some people also hoard salt because they have heard that eating iodized salt can prevent radiation. In fact, the iodine and potassium iodide in iodized salt are not high, and neither of them has radiation protection effects. Suspending imports of Japanese aquatic products: Japanese restaurant sashimi ordering volume doubles. On August 24th, according to the General Administration of Customs

Why don't we love watching Hollywood blockbusters anymore? Second tier | blockbusters | Hollywood
Why don't we love watching Hollywood blockbusters anymore? Second tier | blockbusters | Hollywood

This summer, the box office of movies has exceeded 100 million yuan every day for 40 consecutive days. This number has set a new record in the history of Chinese cinema, breaking through 100 million yuan in consecutive days. But amidst the heat, there is also a sense of coolness: as of July 28th, the box office of "Spider Man: Crosses the Universe" and "Mission Impossible 7: Deadly Reckoning" were only 356 million and 316 million yuan, far behind the one week release of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The once popular Hollywood blockbusters are no longer popular. The attractiveness has long declined. In fact, the cooling off of Hollywood blockbusters was not sudden, but had early signs. Looking back at the top 15 Chinese film box office rankings over the years, it can be found that the number of Hollywood films is decreasing and gradually being replaced by domestic films. As early as 2015, Hollywood movies almost dominated the top 15 lists

The departure and retention of the first generation of migrant workers in the construction industry, migrant workers under the age threshold | School of Sociology, Central China Normal University | Construction industry
The departure and retention of the first generation of migrant workers in the construction industry, migrant workers under the age threshold | School of Sociology, Central China Normal University | Construction industry

58 year old Xue made a tough decision last year, determined to work for his grandson for another ten years. He is from Xuzhou, Jiangsu. He entered the "most fashionable" construction industry at the age of 21 and came to a first tier city last year. Excluding the more than ten years of transitioning midway, he has also spent more than 20 years on the construction site. In their 50s, they are the most common faces on construction sites today. However, Lao Xue soon learned that the new regulations on construction sites no longer admit employees over 60 years old. Prohibiting men over 60 years old and women over 50 years old from entering construction sites to engage in construction work is a labor standard for "over age" migrant workers in the construction industry introduced in many places. The dismissal order aims to solve the issue of employment safety, but the "old Xue" still have their own entanglements about whether to stay or not. It has been 4 years since the term "migrant workers" was first introduced in 1983

Today's data selection: HM frequently closes stores in multiple cities; Chinese electric fans have become popular in Europe. Songshan | barley | HM
Today's data selection: HM frequently closes stores in multiple cities; Chinese electric fans have become popular in Europe. Songshan | barley | HM

Following the frequent closure of the Beijing Sanlitun store, the H&M store located on Jinsha Tianjie in Longhu, Hangzhou, has recently also hung a sign indicating its upcoming relocation. In recent years, H&M has frequently closed its stores and offered crazy discounts before closing. Last June, the first H&M store in China on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai closed down, and the action of withdrawing the store also involved multiple cities such as Hangzhou and Guangzhou. According to third-party monitoring data, H&M's stores in China have dropped from 479 in 2020 to 360 in 2022, a decrease of over 100 stores in about two years. Chinese electric fans became popular in Europe in early June this year, with the global average temperature reaching a new record high for the same period. Recently, a series of heatstroke prevention products such as air conditioners, fans, and sunscreen clothing have been exported in China. The person in charge of an electrical appliance manufacturer in Shenzhen introduced that they produce

Today's data selection: Two cases of monkeypox in Beijing are undergoing isolation treatment; Multiple major banks are facing two further reductions in deposit interest rates | Cases | Isolation
Today's data selection: Two cases of monkeypox in Beijing are undergoing isolation treatment; Multiple major banks are facing two further reductions in deposit interest rates | Cases | Isolation

Two cases of monkeypox have been discovered in Beijing and are currently undergoing isolation treatment. Recently, medical institutions in Beijing reported two cases of monkeypox virus infection, one of which is an imported case and the other is an associated case of an imported case. Both cases were infected through close contact. After discovering the case, the municipal and district health and disease control departments quickly carried out investigations and medical treatment. At present, the two cases are undergoing isolation treatment in designated hospitals and the situation is stable. Several major banks are expected to further lower their deposit interest rates, with both RMB and USD currencies being affected. Recently, several state-owned banks are expected to lower some of their deposit interest rates, involving RMB and USD currencies. Among them, the RMB current deposit interest rate was lowered by 5 basis points, and some fixed deposit interest rates were lowered by 10 basis points; US dollar fixed deposits may also be adjusted according to different maturities and sizes,