Today's data selection: The decontamination cycle for new houses in Shenzhen still exceeds 17 months; infants infected with meningococcal meningitis can die within 24 hours

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 21:18 PM

Shenzhen's "House Recognition but Not Loan" Full Moon: The sales cycle for new homes still exceeds 17 months, and the number of second-hand homes is increasing

Shenzhen’s new policy of “recognizing houses but not repaying loans” has been implemented for one month. Monitoring by the Le Youjia Research Center shows that the actual transactions in September have not been fully reflected in the online signing data. In September, 2,076 first-hand residences were sold online in the Shenzhen new home market, a 6% decrease from the previous month. At the end of September, the city's first-hand residential inventory area was 4.988 million square meters. However, as the transaction volume declined in late September, the first-hand residential sales cycle continued to rise, exceeding 17 months. In September, 2,400 second-hand residential units were transferred in Shenzhen, a slight decrease of 1% from the previous month. After the promulgation of the New Deal, the number of listings by owners has increased. Taking advantage of the active market, many owners who need improvement hope to sell their old houses as soon as possible in order to replace them with new properties.

China's demand for copper and oil is strong, and the new energy industry is the main driver

Driven by soaring solar-related demand, China's related copper demand has increased by 130% year-on-year so far this year. China's demand for major commodities is recovering rapidly, driven by a recovery in the new energy industry and transportation.

Recently, Goldman Sachs pointed out in a report that China's demand for many major commodities has actually been growing at a "robust rate." According to Goldman Sachs, China's demand for copper increased by 8% year-on-year, while demand for iron ore and oil increased by 7% and 6% respectively, exceeding the bank's full-year forecast. Goldman Sachs believes that China's green economy has shown "significant strength" so far. Data compiled by the bank show that China's new energy industry's demand for copper increased by 71% year-on-year in July, mainly due to the increase in photovoltaic installations.

A June report from GlobalEnergyMonitor showed that China's solar power generation capacity has reached 228GW, more than the rest of the world combined. China is on track to double its wind and solar power generation capacity, a full five years ahead of its 2030 target.

"National Day" Golden Week A-line Observation: Service consumption is hot, trendy games are many, holiday consumption hits new highs

On October 5, Meituan released the "National Day" Golden Week consumption data, which showed that the average daily consumption of service retail sales nationwide increased by 153% compared with the same period in 2019, ushering in the most prosperous "National Day" in five years, with Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Shenzhen rank among the top five in the country in terms of consumption scale. Among them, the scale of national catering dine-in consumption increased by 254% compared with the same period in 2019.

Meituan data shows that Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Changsha, Hangzhou, and Luoyang are among the top ten popular tourist cities in the country, and hotel orders in niche cities have the highest growth compared with 2019. "Reverse tourism" continues to be popular. On Meituan, the number of accommodation orders in Linzhi, Wanning, Shanwei, Lincang and other places has doubled. As mobility accelerates, from cross-city to cross-border travel, the travel radius is significantly broadened. Dianping players have left their dining, drinking, entertainment and travel experiences in 135 countries and regions around the world. The surging crowds in scenic spots and the constantly refreshing number reminders in restaurants have become the epitome of the hot holiday consumption. According to data from Meituan and Dianping, the third day of the holiday, October 1, reached the consumption peak during this year’s National Day Golden Week.

The "Taste Bud Tour" with eating as the core injects new vitality into the long vacation. More and more niche destinations are turning into tourist destinations due to their special delicacies, driving consumption growth across the entire chain. According to data from Meituan and Dianping, the number of dine-in orders contributed by non-local consumers in Shantou, Chaozhou, Taizhou, Weihai, Yangzhou and other places has increased by more than 500% compared with 2019. Shanwei, Chaozhou, Yanji, Liuzhou, Zibo and other places have Leisure and entertainment orders increased by more than 600%.

Citi: Raise China's GDP forecast, China's economy has hit bottom

Citigroup raised China's economic growth forecast for this year to 5% from the previous 4.7%, and some promising data helped to reach a consensus on China's ability to achieve official targets. Citi economists wrote in a note released on Wednesday that total consumer goods sales and industrial output are likely to improve, adding that China's The decline in exports is also likely to narrow. Economists led by Yu Xiangrong wrote that the cyclical bottom has arrived, and with policy momentum increasing, everyone is paying attention to whether organic demand will pick up.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membrane on the surface of the brain and spinal cord. It has the characteristics of acute onset, rapid progression, and high mortality rate. Prevention and early identification and action are therefore crucial, and vaccination with safe and effective vaccines is the key to prevention. Usually, if you have fever, stiff neck, difficulty lowering your head, headache, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, mental disorder, or abnormal behavior, you should pay attention. In order to popularize common knowledge about encephalitis and meningitis and make more people understand and pay attention to this disease, the Meningitis Organization Alliance has changed World Meningitis Day from April 24 to October 5 in 2022.

Today's data selection: The decontamination cycle for new houses in Shenzhen still exceeds 17 months; infants infected with meningococcal meningitis can die within 24 hours
Today's data selection: Beijing's new housing fever subsides on the eve of the full moon when people buy houses but don't buy loans; the prices of air tickets on many routes suddenly dropped during the National Day
Today's data selection: Beijing's new housing fever subsides on the eve of the full moon when people buy houses but don't buy loans; the prices of air tickets on many routes suddenly dropped during the National Day

The Ministry of Education reminds students to consciously boycott illegal off-campus training during the Double Festival. The Ministry of Education and the China Consumers Association jointly issue the following care tips to the parents of students: Arrange your holiday life reasonably. Consciously resist illegal off-campus training. Off-campus training institutions are not allowed to use national statutory holidays, rest days, winter and summer vacations to organize subject-based training in violation of regulations. Training in illegal subjects avoids supervision. Not only is it difficult to guarantee the quality of training, but it also poses a huge safety hazard. It can also easily lead to problems such as "difficulty in refunding fees" and "running away with money". Parents are requested to consciously resist training in illegal subjects and effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Prevent training payment risks. If you really need to participate in non-disciplinary training such as sports, culture and art, science and technology, parents are asked to clearly understand the institution's school-running qualifications and rationally choose an institution with "complete certificates and licenses" and standardized school-running. Paying training fees is subject to limitations

Today's data selection: Russia confirms that Prigoren died in a plane crash; Stamp duty on securities trading lowered again after nearly 15 years in China | supply chain | crash
Today's data selection: Russia confirms that Prigoren died in a plane crash; Stamp duty on securities trading lowered again after nearly 15 years in China | supply chain | crash

The Russian investigation commission confirmed the death of Prigoren in the plane crash, stating that genetic analysis of the body in the plane crash in Tver Oblast has been completed. The results show that the identities of all 10 victims have been determined and match the list of flight personnel. On the evening of August 27th, after nearly 15 years, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation announced that in order to activate the capital market and boost investor confidence, the stamp duty on securities trading will be reduced by half from August 28th, 2023. From the perspective of market impact, all previous reductions in stamp duty rates for securities transactions have had a good boosting effect on the capital market. According to the first financial analysis, on April 24, 2008, the stamp duty rate for securities trading was lowered from 3 ‰ to 1 ‰, boosting the Shanghai Composite Index by 9. 9%

Today's data selection: A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in multiple regions; Youth Travel Service responded by rejecting patients aged 35 and above | Number | Youth Travel Service
Today's data selection: A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in multiple regions; Youth Travel Service responded by rejecting patients aged 35 and above | Number | Youth Travel Service

A total of 10 cases of monkeypox have been reported in many places. From the current data, the number of reported cases of monkeypox infection in China has increased to 10. Some relevant experts told 21 reporters that monkeypox virus invades the human body through mucous membranes and damaged skin. Humans are infected primarily through contact with diseased exudates, blood, other body fluids, or by bites or scratches from infected animals. The transmission between people is mainly through close contact, but also through droplets. Contact with items contaminated by the virus may also be infected, and it can also be transmitted vertically through the placenta. However, sexual transmission cannot be ruled out at this time. "People who live with or have close contact with monkeypox patients, or who have frequent contact with potentially infected animals, are at greatest risk of infection. While newborns, young children, and patients with potential immunodeficiency

Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares
Today's data selection: In the first half of the year, the per capita earnings of A-shares were 39000 yuan; More than 20% of South Korean netizens support the scale of single person tax | South Korea | A-shares

The "largest scale" centralized procurement has come to an end, and traditional Chinese medicine enterprises will face a major "reshuffle"? Recently, the results of the nationwide traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations collection, which is known as "the largest in history", has relatively complex rules and takes a long time, have been released recently, with an average price reduction of 49%. The overall price reduction is in line with expectations and relatively moderate, lower than the average reduction of 56% in the previous eight batches of nationwide drug procurement. It is reported that this is also the first time in China that traditional Chinese medicine has been collected in a centralized manner. The selected products have complete specifications and involve 6 treatment fields such as internal medicine and ophthalmology. Based on the winning results of the centralized procurement, a total of 63 enterprises and 68 representative products were selected, with a winning rate of 71.6%; The average decrease is 49.36%, and it is expected to save over 4.5 billion yuan in drug costs annually. For traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, centralized procurement of traditional Chinese medicine can achieve standardization through unified procurement and negotiation

Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period
Today's data selection: Beijing heat stroke has entered a high incidence period; Vietnam's Three Star Apple Factory Affected by Thermal Shock | High Temperature | High incidence Period

Beijing heat stroke into the high incidence of heat stroke is a severe heat stroke, clinical, heat stroke patients to the elderly and outdoor work groups. Traffic police, firefighters, construction workers, sanitation workers and other outdoor workers are prone to heatstroke due to long-term high-temperature environment, while many elderly people are not used to turning on air conditioners, resulting in excessive indoor temperature and rising humidity, which eventually leads to the occurrence of heat stroke. "Elderly people are highly susceptible to heat stroke due to inadequate thermoregulation. Most elderly people also have underlying diseases that, once they suffer from heat stroke, can cause abnormal liver function, kidney function, coagulation and respiratory failure, which are likely to be fatal." Zhang Qing, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of Chaoyang Hospital, said that family members should remind the elderly who live with them to turn on the air conditioner in time to cool down when they are at home in hot weather and ventilate frequently. Recent