Today's data selection: Private bank deposit interest rates are as high as 5%; the number of children in preschool education has decreased for three consecutive years

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 22:48 PM

The per capita disposable income of high-income residents exceeds 95,000

The National Bureau of Statistics released the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin. The communiqué shows that in 2023, according to the five income groups of residents across the country, the per capita disposable income of the low-income group is 9,215 yuan, the per capita disposable income of the lower-middle income group is 20,442 yuan, the per capita disposable income of the middle-income group is 32,195 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of the upper-middle income group is 32,195 yuan. The per capita disposable income of the income group is 50,220 yuan, and the per capita disposable income of the high-income group is 95,055 yuan. Compared with 2022, the per capita disposable income of the high-income group in 2023 increased by 4,939 yuan, the upper-middle income group increased by 2,823 yuan, the middle-income group increased by 1,597 yuan, the lower-middle income group increased by 1,139 yuan, and the low-income group increased by 614 yuan .

Ten-billion private placements decreased by 25% in two years, and the number of tens of billions of private placements fell below 100

Compared with the peak of nearly 120 companies, the number of domestic private placements worth tens of billions has decreased by 25%. According to the latest data from the Private Equity Ranking Network, as of February 21, there were a total of 98 domestic private equity companies with tens of billions of management scale, including 51 subjective private equity companies, 32 quantitative private equity companies, and 15 tens of billions of private equity companies with parallel "subjective quantitative" strategies.

Compared with 104 companies at the end of 2023, the current total number of tens of billions of private placements has decreased by 6. Specifically, 10 private equity firms, including well-known institutions such as Qinchen Asset and Yunzhou Capital, have withdrawn from the "Ten Billion Club", while 4 private equity firms including Youshan Fund have joined the tens of billions camp. Since November 2021, the number of tens of billions of private equity companies has always remained above 100, reaching a peak of close to 120 companies. Industry insiders analyze that in recent years, market fluctuations have led to poor performance, which ultimately weakened investor confidence and is an important reason for the shrinkage of tens of billions of private placements. On the whole, subjective institutions have become the hardest hit area, and leading quantitative institutions that have performed poorly at the beginning of the year are still "strong".

Last year, the number of children in preschool education in my country decreased by 5.345 million. The number of children in kindergarten in preschool education in my country has decreased for three consecutive years.

In recent years, changes in the birth population will have a greater impact on the education field, and kindergartens will be the first to bear the brunt. Among them, the number of children in preschool education has decreased for three consecutive years.

The 2023 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin released by the National Bureau of Statistics on February 29 shows that throughout 2023, the country's general high school enrollment will be 9.678 million, with 28.036 million students enrolled and 8.604 million graduates. Junior high school enrollment is 17.546 million, with 52.437 million students and 16.236 million graduates. Regular primary school enrollment is 18.779 million, with 108.360 million students and 17.635 million graduates. Special education enrollment is 155,000, with 912,000 students and 173,000 graduates. There are 40.93 million children in preschool education.

In terms of children in preschool education, previous data shows that in 2022, there will be 46.275 million children in kindergarten across the country. In comparison, there will be 5.345 million fewer children in preschool education in 2023 compared with the previous year.

Judging from the number of children in kindergartens nationwide over the years, with the increase in gross enrollment rates, the number of children in kindergartens has increased year after year since 2004. In 2020, the number of children in kindergartens nationwide reached the highest peak in 17 years. In 2020, there were 48.183 million children in kindergarten nationwide.

In 2021, there were 48.052 million children in preschool education, a decrease of 131,000 from the previous year. This is also the first time that the number of children in kindergarten has dropped in many years. In 2022, there were 46.275 million children in preschool education across the country, a decrease of 1.777 million from the previous year. 2023 is the third consecutive year that the number of children in kindergarten has declined.

How long can we continue to play the arbitrage game of private bank deposit interest rates as high as 5%, with low loans and high deposits?

The deposit interest rate is almost out of print! "It is predicted that there will be another wave of interest rate cuts, so there is nothing wrong with participating early!" "

Depositor Maomao received deposit product recommendation information from financial intermediary Shen Yu, recommending him to purchase a deposit interest rate product from a private Internet bank. The 5-year deposit interest rate is as high as 5.55%, and the 3-year deposit interest rate is 5.15%. The reporter found that even as state-owned banks were lowering their listed deposit rates, many private banks were still holding on to high interest rates.

On the other hand, as the central level of interest rates in the whole society moves downward, loan interest rates continue to hit new lows. The interest rates on consumer loans on the market are generally around 3%, forming a certain interest rate difference with the deposit interest rates provided by private banks. This makes Few savers are eyeing the arbitrage space - obtaining low-interest loans from state-owned banks and then depositing high-interest deposits in private banks. However, the risks behind high interest rate spreads cannot be underestimated. High interest rate spreads are ultimately paid by private banks, which increases the risks of private banks. How long can this arbitrage game be played?

Urine tests may be able to detect Alzheimer's disease. A Chinese team claims to have developed an early screening kit for Alzheimer's disease.

"Can you imagine that you can early evaluate the risk of Alzheimer's disease with just a urine test paper? Just drop urine into the test paper, and you can quickly evaluate the risk level in 10-15 minutes." A certain person in Shanghai An article titled "Urine Test to Evaluate the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease" published on the university's official WeChat account on February 27th read this.

The article stated that this test kit consists of test strips, urine collection tubes, urine concentration tubes, etc., and is easy to operate. Patients only need to drop the collected urine into the test paper to quickly determine the risk level of Alzheimer's disease, which is conducive to early detection, early intervention and early treatment of the elderly.

According to reports, the kit was jointly developed by the scientific research team of Zhang Yunlong and Chen Ting of the School of Biological and Medical Engineering of the school, together with the Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Xinli Health Management Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Quick Test Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and has been declared a national invention. We have 2 patents and are actively promoting the transformation of results, hoping to put it into production as soon as possible.

Specifically, this kit uses neurofilament protein and phosphorylated Tau protein in urine as biomarkers to achieve early screening and prognosis monitoring of Alzheimer's patients. “After more than half a year of experimental research, the team used colloidal gold lateral immunochromatography technology and developed this human urine colloidal gold immunochromatography detection kit based on the monoclonal antibody double-antibody sandwich method. Combined with clinical diagnostic analysis indicators, The accuracy rate exceeds 95%,” the article stated.

Regarding how the 95% accuracy data was obtained, a reporter from China Business News tried to contact the team leader by phone and email. As of press time, the other party has not responded, nor has it stated whether the test kit will be open to third-party experiments. room verification.

Today's data selection: Private bank deposit interest rates are as high as 5%; the number of children in preschool education has decreased for three consecutive years
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Today's data selection: 200 night high-speed trains will be added during the National Day holiday; 11 people arrested in JPEX fraud case!

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