No longer recruiting graduates from Sichuan University? The law firm's announcement is obviously inappropriate. Beijing Law Firm | Subway secretly filmed | Sichuan University

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:52 PM

It has been 20 days since the incident on Guangzhou Metro Line 8 where Uncle was suspected of secretly taking selfies to prove his innocence, but the aftermath has not yet subsided. A law firm in Beijing recently announced that it will no longer recruit graduates from Sichuan University. Job seekers holding a Sichuan University graduation certificate are advised not to submit resumes to this firm. In response to this, personnel from the law schools of Sichuan University and law firms who are "professionally aligned" said, "If they feel that our school's students are not good after being hired, then it is their freedom not to use our school's students in the future.".

The public announcement by a certain law firm may seem like a show of goodwill and enmity, but in reality, it is unfair and suspected of violating the law. On the surface, who to hire or not to hire does indeed belong to the scope of the employer's employment autonomy, which is their freedom. However, this freedom is not without boundaries, and the boundaries are the law.

The Labor Law of our country clearly stipulates that workers shall not be discriminated against in employment due to differences in ethnicity, race, gender, or religious beliefs. Several legal professionals have pointed out that although "graduation schools" do not fall under the discrimination situation explicitly stipulated in the Labor Law, if employers do not recruit graduates from Sichuan University as a separate group and deprive them of their equal employment rights, it clearly undermines social fairness, breaks through the scope of employment autonomy, and is suspected of violating the law.

Apart from being suspected of violating the law, it is also unreasonable to deprive the entire school's students of their job application qualifications due to one person's fault or one dispute. There is no doubt that the students involved in the "subway sneak shooting incident" made significant mistakes. In the subsequent development of the incident, she also publicly apologized for her mistakes and paid a heavy price. Her behavior may damage the image and reputation of Sichuan University, and may even have a certain negative impact on the employment of its students. However, this does not mean that her personal mistakes can be magnified as the mistakes of all Sichuan University students, and all Sichuan University students can bear the blame for her personal mistakes. This kind of thinking style, similar to the feudal era's "sitting together" system, should have been swept into the garbage heap of history long ago.

In addition, the inference in the notice where a certain law is located is also illogical and very absurd. For example, the notice claimed that "given the recent behavior of Sichuan University in dealing with students surnamed Zhang, its academic attitude is clearly not high, and the quality of its graduates is difficult to convince society.". In response to the improper behavior and remarks of the students involved in the "subway shooting incident", Sichuan University has imposed disciplinary measures such as staying on campus for observation and staying with the party for observation. This handling result has indeed sparked great controversy, but the voices of these controversies are mostly based on individual opinions. Although many netizens are dissatisfied that the students involved have not been expelled from school or party membership, they have not provided convincing evidence. Contrary to their opinions, there are also many people who believe that this punishment is clearly biased. It can be seen that a certain law firm believes that the school's handling was improper, which is actually a subjective judgment lacking argumentation. The inference based on this as a starting point lacks logical basis and is inconsistent with the facts - public information shows that in the 2022 "China's Best Discipline" ranking, Sichuan University Law School ranks 10th among its peers nationwide, with excellent academic reputation and graduates' market reputation.

As a law firm that provides legal services to the public, protects the legitimate rights and interests of parties involved, and upholds the correct implementation of the law, its public announcements are suspected of breaking the law and have numerous logical loopholes, which is regrettable. Unfortunately, this announcement also received some supportive voices in cyberspace. Some netizens have praised the "righteous act" of a certain law firm, believing that employers should not only ban the students involved in the "subway shooting incident", but also Sichuan University and Sichuan University. Although these voices do not constitute the majority and cannot represent the mainstream among netizens, they are still a reminder that raising awareness of the rule of law and cultivating the spirit of the rule of law in the whole society is still a heavy and long way to go task.

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