Today’s data selection: Migratory bird ski instructors are popular; two departments have allocated 50 million yuan to support disaster relief in Yunnan

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 11:00 AM

Ice and snow sports are ushering in a boom, driving the surrounding industries to heat up. It is understood that every ski season, thousands of ski instructors "migrate south" across thousands of kilometers, so they are also called "migratory bird instructors". "They teach an average of more than 40 hours a week. If you teach one-on-one, Single boarding is 300 yuan per hour, double boarding is 200 yuan per hour. "At the same time, tourists also increase traffic to surrounding restaurants and B&Bs.

The two departments have allocated 50 million yuan in advance to support disaster relief in Yunnan

In order to resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, on January 22, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently allocated 50 million yuan in central natural disaster relief funds to support Yunnan Province in Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City Landslide disaster relief shall be used to coordinate emergency rescue and rescue work for the affected people, focusing on emergency response such as personnel search and rescue, relocation and resettlement, and danger elimination, as well as secondary disaster hazard investigation and repair of damaged houses.

What secondary disasters need to be prevented after a landslide occurs?

Landslide disasters are often accompanied by earthquakes and often occur during the rainy season.

Why do landslides also occur in winter? Experts say that in winter, some landslide-prone areas have terrain and stratigraphic conditions that are prone to landslides. The terrain is steep and the triggering factor is local rainfall. Therefore, local rainfall or melting snow infiltration in winter may also form landslides in some landslide-prone areas. disaster.

After a landslide occurs, there are often free surfaces on the back wall and both sides of the landslide source area, which are high-risk locations for secondary landslides and are prone to secondary landslides and collapse disasters. After a landslide occurs, a large amount of loose accumulations will be formed, and combined with heavy rainfall, a debris flow disaster may occur. If a landslide blocks a river or forms a barrier lake, it will cause flooding disasters. Once the barrier lake breaks, it will cause dam-breaking floods and other disasters.

Recently, a primary school in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province canceled winter vacation homework. Winter vacation life focuses on comprehensive learning and expanding knowledge, making children's winter vacation more meaningful.

The principal of the school said that in fact, we adults also need to take a few days off during the New Year, and the same goes for children. So don’t think that the child has lost a lot just because the child takes a few days off. You must see the growth of the child in another aspect.

Sales of luxury cars and new energy vehicles fell by more than half in January

Although January is the traditional peak sales season, car dealers in many places felt unusually cold in January this year.

"The market is too deserted. In January, the number of customers entering the store dropped by 90%, and the transaction volume was about the same. I have been working in this store for more than two years, and this month is the worst. Even if there is a Spring Festival in January 2023 Due to the negative factors of the holiday, the number of customers entering the store and sales are not so bad," Zhang Feng, a sales consultant at a new energy vehicle store in Shanghai, told China Business News on January 19.

Tesla, which once again launched its first official cut in the new year, has not seen a significant improvement in its orders. Staff at multiple Tesla stores told reporters that the number of customers entering the store and orders fell by 60% to 70% in January.

"At this time in December last year, we signed 4 to 5 orders per person. But so far in January, the orders for the entire store are only a dozen units, and the orders for some stores are single digits." A Tesla store said the salesperson said.

It’s not just new energy vehicles. Except for a few leading companies such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW, most dealers of other brands in the fuel vehicle camp are feeling the same chill. Since the beginning of January, reporters have visited and telephoned dealers in Beijing, Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Wuhan and other places. Dealers of both fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles have reported that the market was unusually deserted in January, with the number of stores entering and the number of orders declining. Prices generally plummeted by 50% to 70%, with individual brands falling by 80% to 90%.

Today’s data selection: Migratory bird ski instructors are popular; two departments have allocated 50 million yuan to support disaster relief in Yunnan
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Today’s data selection: The number of marriage registrations in many places increased significantly last year; don’t accept these 6 types of WeChat red envelopes

Urgent reminder! Do not accept these 6 types of WeChat red envelopes. Criminals have created some fake red envelopes in an attempt to defraud money. Urgent reminder, please do not accept these WeChat red envelopes! 1 Red envelope that requires a password: A WeChat friend sent a red envelope, but when you clicked on it, you were prompted to enter a password. If you encounter such red envelopes, please exit in time to avoid monetary losses. 2 Red envelopes that require personal information: When receiving this type of red envelope, you need to enter your mobile phone number, name, bank card account number and other information. This is a trap set by criminals: the Trojan horse virus in the background can take the opportunity to steal the mobile phone verification code randomly sent by the bank system and transfer the money in the card at any time. 3 Red envelopes that need to be forwarded: After clicking on this type of red envelope, the page prompts that you need to go to other WeChat groups or share it with your circle of friends to receive it. Use WeChat friend chain to transfer

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