Today's data selection: "Bear infestation" that even Zhang Yimou can't beat; don't eat more than this many nuts a day

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 20:54 PM

Zhang Yimou and Andy Lau can't beat "Bear Bears": the cumulative box office of the first 9 movies exceeds 5.7 billion, and even adults have to make money

Apart from Jia Ling who lost 100 pounds during this year's Spring Festival, the biggest surprise is "Bear Infested". The tenth film in the series performed better than expected at the box office, surpassing the works of Zhang Yimou and Andy Lau, and directly ranked among the top three.

According to Maoyan Professional Edition, as of 18:41 on February 13, "Hot and Furious", "Flying Life 2" and "Bear Infested: Reverse Time and Space" were in the top three. Among them, "Bear Infested: Reverse Time and Space" not only beat Zhang Yimou "Article 20" and Andy Lau and Ning Hao's "Mr. Red Carpet" have also set various records in mainland film history.

Although many netizens describe "Bear Bears: Reverse Time and Space" as a dark horse, in fact, the industry has always been very optimistic about "Bear Bears". In addition to Fang Huaqiang, the holder of the "Bear Infested" IP, more than 20 companies including Wanda Film and Television, Hengdian Film and Television, and China Film participated in the film, and their capital strength cannot be underestimated.

This firmness comes from the certainty provided by "Bear Bears". The "Bear Bears" series of movies that have been "ignored" are actually hidden bosses. The cumulative box office of the first nine movies has exceeded 5.7 billion, and it has also set a new record for Chinese animated films in the UK, Issuance records in Germany, Russia and other countries.

11 years of history come to an end, WeChat shake function offline

In WeChat’s latest version 8.0.47, the “Shake” function has disappeared, replaced by the recently launched “Listen” function. The "Shake" function in the overseas version of WeChat "WeChat" version 8.0.47 is still available.

Data shows that WeChat added the "Shake" function for the first time in version 4.3 launched in September 2012. It has a history of more than 11 years by 2024. This function allows users to randomly find other users nearby or across the country by shaking their phones. , for social interaction. It can also be used to transfer pictures or participate in some activities.

WeChat's "Shake" function was well received by users when it was first launched. During the 2015 Spring Festival, WeChat launched the "Shake Red Envelope" activity, which attracted a large number of users to participate. It is said that it created a record of 810 million shakes. However, it was later related The function has faded out of people’s sight.

The recently added "Listen" function on WeChat, in addition to retaining the previous function of listening to songs and identifying songs in "Shake", also adds "live music", "music fan circle" and personal settings, etc. Users can listen to music for free for 30 minutes by "watching a 15-second ad."

According to the Times Higher Education website, the results of the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Reputation Rankings show that Harvard University has topped the rankings for the 13th consecutive year. At the same time, the reputation of universities in mainland China continues to rise, with a total of 15 universities on the list, 8 of which are among the top 100 in the world. The reputation of universities in mainland China continues to rise, with a total of 15 universities on the list, 8 of which are among the top 100 in the world. Tsinghua University is far ahead, rising one place from 10th in the world in 2021 to 9th in the world in 2022 to 8th in the world in 2023. Peking University once again rose two places, from 15th in the world in 2021 and 13th in the world in 2022 to 11th in 2023.

Recently, firefighters conducted experiments on several popular fireworks such as "Gatling". The experimental results showed that: ① Holding "Gatling" fireworks originally has safety hazards. If the fire beads are sprayed on the grass or clothing, it can easily cause Fire; ② When the "fairy stick" is burning, the surface temperature is as high as 1,000 degrees. When discarding, be sure to completely extinguish it and keep it away from flammable materials; ③ If the firecrackers are thrown into manhole covers, septic tanks, etc., they will cause explosions, and parents should take care of them child.

Showing off nuts during the Chinese New Year? Eat no more than 28 grams of nuts per day

Nuts are best eaten at breakfast time. A handful of nuts can go a long way in enhancing your sense of deliciousness and satiety. Studies have shown that eating nuts at night will lose the cardiovascular protective effect. Nuts have a relatively high fat content. It is recommended that you eat no more than 10 grams of shelled nuts per day, and no more than 28 grams at most. In addition, when eating fruits, don’t always focus on one kind. It is best to eat fruits of various colors.

Today's data selection: "Bear infestation" that even Zhang Yimou can't beat; don't eat more than this many nuts a day
Today’s data selection: The number of marriage registrations in many places increased significantly last year; don’t accept these 6 types of WeChat red envelopes
Today’s data selection: The number of marriage registrations in many places increased significantly last year; don’t accept these 6 types of WeChat red envelopes

Urgent reminder! Do not accept these 6 types of WeChat red envelopes. Criminals have created some fake red envelopes in an attempt to defraud money. Urgent reminder, please do not accept these WeChat red envelopes! 1 Red envelope that requires a password: A WeChat friend sent a red envelope, but when you clicked on it, you were prompted to enter a password. If you encounter such red envelopes, please exit in time to avoid monetary losses. 2 Red envelopes that require personal information: When receiving this type of red envelope, you need to enter your mobile phone number, name, bank card account number and other information. This is a trap set by criminals: the Trojan horse virus in the background can take the opportunity to steal the mobile phone verification code randomly sent by the bank system and transfer the money in the card at any time. 3 Red envelopes that need to be forwarded: After clicking on this type of red envelope, the page prompts that you need to go to other WeChat groups or share it with your circle of friends to receive it. Use WeChat friend chain to transfer

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Dragon is no longer translated as dragon but as loong. As the Year of the Dragon arrives in Jiachen, many netizens posted photos of Dragon Year activities. We discovered an interesting phenomenon. Many "dragons" are no longer translated as dragon but as loong. Where does the loong code come from? Dragon can no longer be used? How should "dragon" be translated? Professor Peng Ping, deputy dean of the School of English at Beijing Foreign Studies University, introduced that in the early 19th century, the British missionary Marshman mentioned the Chinese dragon in his writings. The phonetic notation at that time was "loong", but when he explained it later The word "dragon" is still used. Professor Ping Ping introduced that the word dragon appears in Marco Polo’s travels to the East. From the appearance, Marco Polo believed that the dragon in Chinese architecture

What are the “iron rice bowls” that have disappeared? , county downsizing
What are the “iron rice bowls” that have disappeared? , county downsizing

On October 14, the 2024 National Civil Service Examination announcement was released, recruiting 39,600 people, an increase of 7% compared to last year, and the trend of enrollment expansion is obvious. While the national examination enrollment is expanding, news about the downsizing of civil servants and public institutions has also become a hot topic of attention from time to time. Some counties have not only abolished and streamlined multiple administrative departments, but also reduced the establishment of some public institutions. In some counties, the establishment has been reduced by more than 1,000. How to reduce? How to reduce county staff reduction? Consolidate institutions and reduce the number of establishments. Take the most typical Shanxi Province as an example. In April 2020, Shanxi Province identified the first batch of pilot reforms in counties with small populations. At the beginning of this year, two batches of six pilot counties successively revealed the results of institutional reforms. Among them, Fushan, Hequ and Loufan counties have relatively complete data. After the reform, the public institutions in these three counties were streamlined and the number of public institutions was reduced.

Today's data selection: The central government has pre allocated 1 billion yuan to compensate disaster areas; 108 people arrested for occupational salary fraud recently | compensation | driver | disaster area
Today's data selection: The central government has pre allocated 1 billion yuan to compensate disaster areas; 108 people arrested for occupational salary fraud recently | compensation | driver | disaster area

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources have urgently allocated 1 billion yuan to compensate for the losses caused by water damage in flood storage and detention areas. Recently, the Haihe River Basin was severely affected by Typhoon Dusui. Tianjin, Hebei, and Henan have successively opened 8 national flood storage and detention areas in the Haihe River Basin, storing 1.847 billion cubic meters of flood, effectively reducing the flood control pressure in downstream areas. Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources urgently allocated 1 billion yuan to compensate for the losses caused by water damage to crops, professional breeding, economic forests, housing, and household agricultural production machinery during the use of national flood storage and detention areas, and to help the affected people restore normal production and life order as soon as possible. After purchasing car damage insurance, there is no need to buy water related insurance again. If the vehicle is forcibly ignited after stalling in water, it will not be compensated. The reporter learned that the number of claims from multiple insurance companies in Beijing has increased sharply, and from the insurance companies, they have received

Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office
Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office

Summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan, according to statistics, as of now, the 2023 summer box office has exceeded 9 billion yuan, and multiple high-quality film works continue to stimulate the vitality of the film market. The recently released satisfaction survey results of Chinese film audiences show that domestic films "Chang'an 30000 Li" and "Octagonal Cage" received high satisfaction ratings of 85.1 and 84.5, respectively. The summer season saw a continuous increase in popularity driven by high-quality and high satisfaction domestic films. The summer passenger flow of multi city subways has surged: Beijing and Shenzhen have risen by one million, while Guangzhou has exceeded ten million. According to interface news, in the past month, the subway passenger flow in most cities has increased, and the overall subway passenger flow in the country has also been higher than the same period last month. Based on the 30 subway cities within the statistical scope, the overall passenger flow was 8950 last Friday