Today's data selection: A-share market leader is born during the year; the resident population of many central and western provinces will decrease in 2023

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 22:26 PM

Many central and western provinces will see a decline in resident population in 2023

Recently, various provinces are releasing population data for 2023. According to statistics compiled by China Business News reporters, nine provinces have currently announced relevant population data for 2023. The main population data bulletin for 2023 released by the Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics on the 26th shows that the province’s permanent population will be 66.27 million at the end of 2023, an increase of 500,000 people compared with the permanent population of 65.77 million at the end of 2022.

Including Zhejiang, nine provinces have currently released population data for 2023. Among them, two provinces have achieved positive growth in resident population, namely Zhejiang and Hainan. Among them, at the end of 2023, the permanent population of Hainan Province was 10.43 million, an increase of 160,000 from the end of the previous year.

Many central and western provinces will see their resident populations decline in 2023. Among them, at the end of 2023, the permanent population of Shanxi Province was 34.6599 million, a decrease of 153,600 compared with the previous year; the permanent population of Guangxi at the end of 2023 was 50.27 million, a decrease of 200,000 compared with the end of the previous year; the permanent population of Chongqing at the end of 2023 was 3191.43 million, a decrease of 219,100 from the end of the previous year; Gansu's permanent population at the end of 2023 was 24,654,800, a decrease of 269,400 from the end of the previous year; Qinghai's permanent population at the end of 2023 was 5.94 million, a decrease of 10,000 from the end of the previous year.

AI draws Ultraman: Chinese court makes the world's first effective judgment on copyright infringement by a generative AI service

Exclusively learned from multiple channels that the Guangzhou Internet Court recently issued a judgment that a generative AI service infringes the copyright of others. This is also the first effective judgment in the world that a generative AI service infringes the copyright of others. The case held that in the process of providing generative artificial intelligence services, the defendant violated the plaintiff’s right to copy and adapt the Ultraman works involved in the case, and should bear relevant civil liability. This is another representative and innovative judicial judgment in my country after the Beijing Internet Court ruled on the copyright infringement dispute of "AI Wen Sheng Tu" in November 2023.

A new A-share market leader was born during the year. Ke Lai Electromechanical's 12-consecutive market surpassed Shenzhen-Zhonghua A's 11-consecutive record.

New productivity concept stocks, flexible automation equipment and industrial robot system application supplier Clai Electromechanical closed at the daily limit and won 12 consecutive boards, surpassing the 11-consecutive record set by the "Chinese generation" stock Shenzhen Zhonghua A at the beginning of the year, becoming the 2024 The new serial king of A-shares this year. As of the close, Shenzhen Zhonghua A's share price has increased by 193.79% year-to-date, followed by Clai Electromechanical's increase of 150.84% ​​in the same period. In addition, Lanke High-tech, whose ultimate actual controller is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and Zhongshi Media, a listed company under CCTV, have both reached the daily limit for 8 times in a row.

In addition, Hasen Technology, which has overlapping mergers and acquisitions of export business, Ruineng Technology, which has industrial automation control products and motor products that have been applied to the field of robotics, Jilin local Changbai Mountain, which has national ski bases and ice and snow tourism season products, and video image detection and analysis Weiheide, which uses AI-like technology, has been trading at the daily limit for 7 consecutive days.

Is it fair to give priority to children with low bride price in school? Jiangxi Chongyi County Civil Affairs Bureau responded

Recently, Chongyi County in Jiangxi Province has introduced a "zero-betrothal gift" and "low-better-day gift" family courtesy mechanism to promote the reform of wedding customs and provide newlywed families with positive incentives such as children's schooling, transportation, and health check-ups. Among them, "zero betrothal gift" and "low betrothal gift" The standard is: the betrothal gift and gift money given by the man to the woman is zero or no more than 39,000 yuan. The children of couples with "zero-bridal gift" and "low-bridal gift" can choose schools in the first order throughout the county during the preschool and compulsory education stages with gift cards. This news has triggered heated discussions.

On February 26, a relevant person in charge of the Social Affairs Unit of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Chongyi County, Jiangxi Province responded to The Paper and said that he has received inquiries about this mechanism one after another. We need to remind everyone that this mechanism is not a mandatory requirement, but an initiative. The positive incentive methods of "zero betrothal gift" and "low betrothal gift" are currently being led by multiple departments and will be implemented on a trial basis for one year.

Children of "zero-bridal gift" and "low-bridal gift" couples can use gift cards to choose schools in the first order throughout the county during preschool and compulsory education. Will this affect the fairness of enrollment? The above-mentioned staff said that the local school admissions are based on the school district where the students live. They have conducted preliminary surveys and communicated with the Education, Science and Sports Bureau. It will not conflict with the existing admissions policy and will not affect the fairness of student admissions.

About one-third of people will get shingles at least once in their lifetime

February 26 to March 3 is International Shingles Awareness Week. Among more than 2,000 skin diseases, herpes zoster is one of the most painful skin diseases. According to statistics, about 1.56 million people over the age of 50 in my country develop new herpes zoster every year. During the interview, the reporter found that the number of patients with herpes zoster in the hospital increased significantly after the New Year. Doctors said that this was mainly due to factors such as the high incidence of influenza, overwork, and irregular life leading to reduced immunity. The virus latent in the body was activated, causing Infected.

Herpes zoster is an infectious skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. More than 90% of adults have varicella-zoster virus lurking in their bodies, and about 1/3 of people will suffer from it at least once in their lives. Herpes zoster.

According to experts, herpes zoster may not cause a rash at the beginning. About 70% to 80% of herpes zoster patients will experience prodromal pain. The pain generally occurs at the site where the subsequent rash appears. This kind of prodromal pain feels different to different people. When these symptoms appear, you need to be alert that you may be suffering from herpes zoster.

Today's data selection: A-share market leader is born during the year; the resident population of many central and western provinces will decrease in 2023
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According to the Ministry of Public Security, 153 cross-border naked chat phone fraud suspects were escorted back to China. The night before last, 153 suspect of cross-border naked chat phone fraud were captured by the Chinese police and the Indonesian police through police law enforcement cooperation. They were escorted back from Indonesia by the public security authorities in Beijing and Shandong. More than 100 cross-border naked chat extortion cases involving multiple provinces and cities across the country were successfully solved. In response to the current situation of high incidence of naked chat extortion crimes, the Ministry of Public Security has organized and deployed public security organs in Beijing, Shandong and other places to closely monitor key cases, strengthen research and analysis, strengthen clue investigation, and preliminarily grasp the relevant situation of the large-scale cross-border naked chat extortion criminal gangs operating within Indonesia. In August this year, the Ministry of Public Security dispatched personnel to lead a working group of police officers from Beijing and Shandong public security organs to Indonesia to carry out work. With the strong support of our embassy in Indonesia and the police liaison officer

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Recently, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, in conjunction with the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, jointly issued a demonstration text of the "Beijing Medical Aesthetics Service Contract". Medical beauty institutions shall not create appearance anxiety, nor shall they charge a one-time fee exceeding 5 times the cost of a single treatment. If medical beauty services are not implemented within 7 days of payment, consumers have the right to request a one-time full refund. The high-speed railway station with an investment of over 40 million yuan has not been put into operation for many years. The railway department believes that there will be serious losses after its opening. On February 2nd of this year, some netizens consulted the progress of the opening of Haitou Station through the "Leadership Message Board" on People's Daily. The netizen said, "The Haitou High Speed Rail Station has never been in operation since the opening of the West Ring High Speed Rail in 2015. I hope to open the Haitou High Speed Rail Station so that it can be convenient for Haitou Town, Bangxi Town, Qifang Town, and Rongbang in Baisha County."

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The artificial intelligence industry is in urgent need of personnel, and AI talents can earn nearly 420000 yuan per year. Since the end of last year, the wave of applications represented by generative AI has been constantly fermenting, and new applications are constantly emerging. The supply-demand contradiction of related talents is becoming increasingly prominent. According to data from a certain recruitment platform, this year's new artificial intelligence positions for fresh graduates ranked first among more than a dozen emerging industry recruitment positions, with a year-on-year growth of over 170%. Among them, the average annual salary for deep learning related positions was nearly 420000 yuan, ranking first among all types of positions. Both fresh graduates and social recruitment have seen a significant increase in demand for artificial intelligence related recruitment in the past three years. Putuo District in Shanghai has gathered over 2000 software information service enterprises. According to relevant departments, in recent years, these enterprises have undergone a significant transformation towards artificial intelligence, resulting in a significant talent gap. Therefore, the government

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Will the summer in Shanghai this year be scorching hot after the end of the rainy season? It is said that El Ni ñ o brings high temperatures | Shanghai | El Ni ñ o

Today is another scorching day in the north, while the rainy season in Shanghai continues. According to data from the National Meteorological Administration, since June this year, a total of 183 national meteorological stations in China have experienced daily maximum temperatures exceeding monthly extremes, and 46 stations have exceeded historical extremes. For example, in Beijing, as of the 22nd, the number of days with high temperatures in June reached 7.9, the highest in history since 1961, with the highest temperature reaching 41.1 ℃. In the south, there is widespread heavy rainfall. 16 rivers in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan and other areas have experienced over alert floods. Such abnormal weather seems to be related to El Ni ñ o. The heavy rainfall continued in June this year, and the precipitation in Shanghai can be described as astonishing. According to the annual water situation reports from the Shanghai Municipal Water Bureau, as of June 25th, the average precipitation in Shanghai in June this year has reached

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Exclusive to the entire network? Recently, the gang sold the real questions and answers of the senior high school entrance exam to make a profit of 200000 yuan. Recently, the Jiangsu police found that someone openly sold the test papers and answers of the simulated junior high school entrance exam in many places across the country in short videos. However, some cities have not yet carried out the joint exam. The police joined the relevant QQ group as candidates and found that the purchased test papers and answers were genuine, costing only 20-30 yuan per subject. After obtaining evidence, the police arrested four suspects. Sun confessed that he discovered business opportunities by buying answers online during his student years, and used the time difference between exams in various schools to collect and sell real exam questions. Since August last year, he has illegally profited nearly 200000 yuan. At present, four people have been taken compulsory measures for the crime of illegal use of information networks. Shenzhen Futian District provides a subsidy of 5000 to 15000 yuan for individual consumers to purchase new cars: total amount control, first