Do real things, Liberation Daily National Day editorial: Do real things

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:49 PM

——Warmly celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

In the golden autumn of another year, we celebrate the 74th birthday of the People's Republic of China. The long holiday has begun, and from the steady flow of passengers from all over the country, we can already read people's special expectations for this National Day and the extraordinary significance of this National Day.

This is the first National Day since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held and the new journey of Chinese-style modernization began. We have just commemorated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and will soon celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up. We are constantly feeling the rolling tide of the scientific and technological revolution, and we are also experiencing the deepening of changes over the past century...

The future is getting closer to us, which means more fervent expectations and a more arduous mission.

"You don't know how difficult things are until they happen." Looking back on the past, we feel deeply about this. Our country, our nation, and our city will never be knocked down by difficulties, and we will never rest on our laurels. We have always been determined to move forward despite the wind and rain, and created miracles in the face of one challenge after another.

Stabilizing expectations, boosting confidence, and fully promoting economic and social revitalization are the common aspiration of the whole country. To this end, many efforts have been made and a series of measures have been launched, some of which have already shown results, while others will take a long time to come to fruition. The grand journey is never easy. When many things cannot be accomplished overnight, the more we need to strengthen our confidence and remain patient, especially we need to always maintain a truth-seeking and pragmatic heart.

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly emphasized that the new journey is an expedition full of glory and dreams. There are no shortcuts, only hard work. We must be down-to-earth, work hard, and not indulge in daydreams or false claims; we must be diligent and studious, respect reality, do not violate laws, and do not act blindly; we must be pragmatic, pay attention to actual results, and do not make superficial remarks or play tricks. Since the beginning of this year, thematic education on learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era has been carried out in depth throughout the party. "Learning to build the soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to rectify the style, and learning to promote cadres" is the word "practical" that condenses and runs through the whole process.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. It can also be said that effectiveness is the fundamental criterion for judging work. The vitality of the economy and society and people's expectations for the future are all rooted in concrete and tangible results. What we should uphold is an all-round, whole-chain, and whole-process "practical" approach - we should treat everything with a realistic analysis and judgment and take pragmatic and diligent practical actions.

The formation of new quality productive forces depends on truth-seeking and pragmatism. Self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology come from truth-seeking and pragmatism. High-level reform and opening up requires truth-seeking and pragmatism. Solving people's concerns and gathering people's support emphasizes truth-seeking and pragmatism. We need to test whether policies and measures have benefited, whether the market and social vitality has been stimulated, whether various long-standing confusions have been eliminated, whether various prominent contradictions have been resolved, whether the path forward is smooth, etc. The standard for whether the work deployment is correct and effective. Today, when all challenges are extremely arduous, "practical" is a lifeline and should also be regarded as a reality test of whether we loyally support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances."

Today, Shanghai must serve as the pioneer of Chinese-style modernization, deepen high-level reform and opening up from a new starting point, promote high-quality development, and implement the major strategies, major tasks assigned by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and Important requirements include perseverance and refinement into "construction drawings" and high quality into "real scene paintings". Ultimately, it depends on the word "real". This word "real" will repeatedly calibrate the focus and direction of our work, guide us to allocate limited resources in the most reasonable manner, continuously optimize and adjust policies and measures, and maximize quality and efficiency; it will also repeatedly calibrate the mission and mission of leading cadres at all levels. The original intention is to build consensus and win people's hearts by effectively responding to urgent needs and solving specific problems.

By doing things in a down-to-earth manner, the path under our feet can be "deep and solid". Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, start a new journey and write a new chapter with more powerful practical actions!

Do real things, Liberation Daily National Day editorial: Do real things
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