Why is Wenzhou? Zhang Zhenfeng, deputy governor of Zhejiang Province and secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, talks about it. It is not in the center of the Yangtze River Delta but is very special.

Release time:Jun 05, 2024 05:53 AM

This year is the sixth year that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been elevated to a national strategy. In order to implement the spirit of the General Secretary's important instructions, Liberation Daily and Shangguan News launched a series of interviews with political figures in the Yangtze River Delta cities, interviewing responsible comrades in key cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui to discuss how to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

"Tuk-tuk-tuk" "dong-dong-dong"... On the Tang River that runs through downtown Wenzhou, several local folk dragon boat teams are training, and the sound of dragon boat drums is loud and lively. When the reporter met with Zhang Zhenfeng, deputy governor of Zhejiang Province and secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, they talked with him about this vibrant scene. When he got excited, Zhang Zhenfeng raised his arms and made two dragon boat rowing movements. "The number of pre-registered dragon boats in Wenzhou this year exceeds 1,000, which is more than twice that of last year. The dragon boat spirit of working together and striving for the first place is also the city spirit of Wenzhou."

This year's symposium of major leaders in the Yangtze River Delta region will be held in Wenzhou. Among the cities in the Yangtze River Delta, although Wenzhou is the farthest from Shanghai, the two places have always had very close exchanges. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 600,000 Wenzhou people starting businesses, working and living in Shanghai. After the operation of the Hangzhou-Wenzhou high-speed railway, the travel time from Wenzhou to Shanghai has been reduced to 2 hours, which will greatly shorten the spatial, psychological and living distance between Wenzhou and the core cities of the Yangtze River Delta.

Facing new opportunities, Wenzhou will seize the opportunity, make full use of its strengths, further connect with Shanghai, integrate into Shanghai, embrace Shanghai, and make new contributions to writing a new chapter of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Zhang Zhenfeng: This is a great trust and support for Wenzhou, and we are very grateful. From a geographical point of view, Wenzhou is not in the center of the Yangtze River Delta, but is located at the "South Gate" of the Yangtze River Delta. Wenzhou has always played an important role in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and has unique value.

During his work in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged Wenzhou to “build three major central cities in the province.” Last year, Wenzhou achieved a regional GDP of 873 billion yuan, an increase of 6.9%, and a permanent population of 9.76 million, an increase of 82,000 people. Currently, Wenzhou is striving to become a "double-thousand" city with a GDP of trillions and a permanent population of tens of millions, striving to build the third pole of high-quality development in Zhejiang and build the "Southern Gate" of the Yangtze River Delta with high quality.

Zhang Zhenfeng: For Wenzhou, becoming the host city of the main leaders’ symposium in the Yangtze River Delta region is a good opportunity to showcase the city’s style.

First, Wenzhou will highlight the development results of the private economy. There are several distinct "90%" in Wenzhou's economic structure. In many fields such as industrial added value, taxation, and employment, the private economy accounts for more than 90%. In the past few years, in the face of the impact of the epidemic and complex external situations, Wenzhou's private economic development has been under pressure but has been resilient. Last year, the number of market operating entities bucked the trend and exceeded 1.41 million. The added value of the private economy increased by 9.9%. The profitability of enterprises above designated size was the highest in Zhejiang Province. In March this year, the National Development and Reform Commission held an on-site meeting in Wenzhou to promote the development and expansion of the private economy.

At present, Wenzhou is actively cultivating and developing new productive forces, iteratively upgrading the industrial chain length system, promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, collaborative innovation of emerging industries, and forward-looking layout of future industries, and accelerating the creation of China's fashion industry capital and a city of specialization and innovation. and advanced manufacturing base.

Second, let the results of ecological civilization construction be shared with everyone. Wenzhou is a culmination of mountains, rivers, seas, lakes, islands, waterfalls and wetlands. In recent years, under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, Wenzhou has firmly established the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets", unswervingly followed the path of ecological priority and green development, and accelerated the creation of a beautiful China where man and nature coexist harmoniously. Wenzhou model. In the past 20 years, the number of days with excellent air quality in Wenzhou has increased from 251 days to 347 days, and the air quality rate has reached 97.5%; the plain river network has been completely eliminated, and the proportion of Class I-III water quality in state-controlled sections is 100%; the proportion of excellent water quality in coastal sea areas is 84 %, people and nature, green mountains and green water blend here, spreading out a beautiful picture of green butterflies.

Third, demonstrate the results of technological innovation and transformation. Innovation is the driving force of urban development. Wenzhou is accelerating to build an important regional talent center and innovation highland, building the Oujiang Laboratory, the Daluoshan Science and Technology Innovation Corridor and other spires that lead innovation sources, and amplifying 68 high-energy science and technology innovation projects such as the Wenzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University Platform effect, build large incubator clusters with tens of millions of square meters, strengthen patient capital for scientific and technological innovation, and build a scientific and technological innovation system from the "top of the tower" to the "base of the tower".

In addition, it shows a happy scene of common prosperity. In recent years, we have focused on creating a city model for common prosperity demonstration areas, deepened the "Ten Million Project" in the new era, and built a beautiful countryside that is livable, industrial, and beautiful; we have deeply implemented the reform of "expanding the middle and improving the low" to create a model for the integrated reform of comprehensive assistance to low-income families. ; Solidly promote the construction of a child-friendly city, a youth development-oriented city, and an age-friendly city. It has been selected into the first batch of infant and child care service demonstration cities in the country and a national model city for healthy city construction. It has been ranked the happiest city in China for five consecutive years.

Zhang Zhenfeng: Nearly 40 years ago, the front page headline of "Liberation Daily" on May 12, 1985, published "Look to southern Jiangsu for township industry, look to southern Zhejiang for household industry - 330,000 people in Wenzhou are engaged in household industry", and distributed In the commentator's article "Inspiration from Wenzhou," the "Wenzhou Model" appeared in newspapers for the first time. I am very grateful to Jiefang Daily. We still cherish this historical relationship with Jiefang Daily.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that "Wenzhou, the golden signboard, is the result of innovation, with innovation as its greatest connotation." Wenzhou grew up by eating "reform rice", taking the "open road" and playing the "innovation card". This is also the essence of the "Wenzhou model". We say that in the past, entrepreneurship was innovation; now, innovation is entrepreneurship. In the new historical stage, Wenzhou's development will also give new revelations. On the new journey, we will keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions to Wenzhou to “continue to write the history of innovation”, continue to activate the “three major sources of power” of reform, opening up, and innovation, and reshape the new benchmark of “Wenzhou for the private economy”.

On May 12, 1985, the front page of "Liberation Daily" mentioned the "Wenzhou Model" for the first time.

Zhang Zhenfeng: On the platform, we will build an innovation pattern with the World Young Scientists Summit as the core; on the space, we will provide private enterprises with innovation space such as incubator clusters of tens of millions of square meters; on the path, we will support private enterprises to become invisible champions We will build a specialized and innovative city through various means, such as listing on the market and going public, and strive to move towards the goal of seeing innovative China in Wenzhou.

This year, the city's "First Meeting of the New Year" systematically deployed the construction of a city with the best business environment, issued "13" policy opinions, and created a "warm business" brand. We will adhere to the general tone of making progress while maintaining stability, firmly grasp the key measures to comprehensively deepen reforms, take the value-added reform of government services as a guide, iterate the "six-in-one" service mechanism for supporting enterprises such as government-enterprise express trains, and rely on "data to gain ground". "Data-enabled loans" and other measures will break through factor constraints and make proactive efforts to effectively implement the macroeconomic policies that have been determined, allowing private enterprises to dare to venture, innovate and invest.

In addition, Wenzhou will continue to promote reform and development through opening up, and show a unique and wonderful "Wenzhou in the world". Actively integrate into the construction of a unified national market, seize policy opportunities such as national large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, make good use of two markets and two resources, encourage and support private enterprises to deeply participate in global industrial division of labor cooperation, and integrate the headquarters and industrial chain The core links remain local, allowing the “sweet potato economy” to flourish. In line with international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will give full play to the "three comprehensives, one connection and one advancement" such as China's comprehensive development pioneer zone for Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese, comprehensive bonded zone, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, free trade zone linkage innovation zone, and national import trade promotion innovation demonstration zone. "Platform policy integration effect, increase efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment, and promote "Wenzhou people all over the world" and "Wenzhou people all over the world" to work together.

The 2023 World Young Scientists Summit opened at the Ouhai Olympic Sports Center. Photo by Chen Xiang

Zhang Zhenfeng: Due to the impact of the epidemic in the past two years, there was less movement. This year is the first year of the "second five years" after the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta was elevated to a national strategy. How can Wenzhou seize the opportunity to deeply integrate into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta? Seize development opportunities, broaden development paths, and enhance development strength? With this question in mind, we went to Shanghai, Suzhou, and Wuxi to study, visited neighbors’ homes, visited relatives and friends, and learned from the experience.

Arriving in Shanghai, the main leaders of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee met with our municipal party and government delegation. We feel that everyone attaches great importance to everything in the Yangtze River Delta. Through inspections, reflections, and exchanges all the way, we really felt deeply, were deeply touched, and gained a lot.

We learned the truth about development. Only by strategic integration can we gain the upper hand, and we must take advantage of the momentum in "integrating into Greater Shanghai and integrating into the Yangtze River Delta"; only by deeply cultivating manufacturing can we stand up, and must remain firm in the direction of manufacturing to strengthen the market; only by being determined to innovate can we win the future, We must unswervingly follow the path of talent-led innovation and innovation-driven development; only openness and tolerance can lead the way, and we must build a city with the best business environment with an open mind and courage to embrace all rivers; only by daring to venture and fight can we open a new chapter, and we must Cadres "take the lead" to lead the high-quality development of "thousands of horses galloping forward".

At the same time, during this inspection, the integration path was broadened. The main leaders of the municipal committees of Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuxi had in-depth exchanges with us and deepened regional strategic cooperation. In particular, we reached a series of substantive cooperation with Shanghai to strengthen cooperation in the automobile industry chain, opening up new space for cross-regional innovation and collaboration in Jiading. Many Wenzhou people invest and start businesses in Jiading. When the relevant cadres in Jiading saw us, they were very friendly and said, "Many of your Wenzhou enterprises are our service targets."

Zhang Zhenfeng: For a long time, Wenzhou has tasted a lot of sweetness in integrating with Shanghai and laid some foundations. Facing the new situation, we will conscientiously implement the spirit of a series of important speeches and important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee to vigorously promote innovation and deepening, reform and opening up, and integrate into the integration. , serve in the process of integration, develop in the process of integration, actively strive for opportunities, and give full play to their own advantages and characteristics.

First of all, the industrial chain must complement "Shanghai". Many Wenzhou enterprises "market in Shanghai and manufacture in Wenzhou", and the industrial chains of the two places form a "magnetic field" that resonates with each other. For example, Wenzhou is an important auto parts industry base, and Shanghai is an important automobile production center in the world. They can establish a normalized docking mechanism for the whole industry and jointly promote the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Automobile Science and Technology Innovation Consortium.

Secondly, the innovation chain must be integrated with "Shanghai". We will give full play to Wenzhou's advantages of developed manufacturing industry and abundant application scenarios, collaborate with Shanghai universities, scientific research institutes, etc. to build an innovation consortium to take over the spillover effect of Shanghai's science and technology innovation source function. For example, Wenzhou Science and Technology Innovation Park has introduced 7 R&D centers and 2 incubation project teams based in Wenzhou enterprises in Shanghai.

Thirdly, the transportation chain must be connected to "Shanghai". Comprehensively improve the capabilities of airports, seaports, dry ports, and information ports, promote the early opening of the Hangzhou-Wenzhou high-speed railway, continue to increase flights and routes, and use transportation circles to expand urban areas and integrate into economic circles.

Finally, the people's livelihood chain must also be connected to "Shanghai". Actively promote cooperation in education, medical care, culture and tourism, strengthen joint protection and management of the ecological environment, strive to include more matters in the "one-stop service", and strive to allow citizens to enjoy the quality life brought by integration.

In short, we hope to carry forward the dragon boat spirit, work together to write a new chapter in the integration of the Yangtze River Delta while integrating with Greater Shanghai, and bravely be the pioneers of Chinese-style modernization!

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