Entering Beijing to take up his new post, Director Chen Zhong

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 05, 2024 06:15 AM

According to news on the official website of China Investment Corporation on June 3, China Investment Corporation, after review and approval by the board of directors, appointed Chen Zhong as deputy general manager of China Investment Corporation.

According to updated information in the "Leadership and Executive Committee Members" section of China Investment Corporation's official website, Chen Zhong has been appointed as a member of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager and Chief Risk Officer of China Investment Corporation.

Previously, Chen Zhong was the director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

According to the public resume, Chen Zhong, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1973 in Shehong, Sichuan. He joined the Communist Party of China in December 1995 and started working in April 1997. He has a postgraduate degree, a PhD in economics, and is a senior economist.

Chen Zhong has successively served as Vice President of the Chongqing Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Deputy General Manager of the Credit and Investment Management Department, Deputy General Manager of the Credit Supervision Center, Deputy General Manager of the Credit Approval Department, General Manager of the Investment Management Department of China Life Insurance Company, and China Life Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Vice president of the company and general manager of the institutional client department, deputy mayor of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, and director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shaanxi Province.

According to the official website, China Investment Co., Ltd. was established on September 29, 2007. Its purpose is to realize diversified investment of national foreign exchange funds and maximize shareholder rights within an acceptable risk range, so as to serve the development and deepening of the national macroeconomics. the need for financial system reform. The company is headquartered in Beijing with a registered capital of US$200 billion. CIC has three subsidiaries, namely CIC International Co., Ltd., CIC Overseas Direct Investment Co., Ltd. and Central Huijin Investment Co., Ltd.

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