The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

Release time:Jun 04, 2024 12:47 PM

Editor's note: Continue the historical context and compose contemporary chapters. Since the new era, under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts, the inheritance and development of China’s excellent traditional culture has taken on a new look and created a new situation. Each cultural heritage, from tradition to modernity, connects history and future, and becomes a vivid cultural business card for the world to understand China and for China to go global. The "Lianbo" column specially launches the "Passing on the Fire" series of planning to experience the Chinese cultural heritage from cultural inheritance.

Lianbo Chaozhou, Guangdong, is known as the "Capital City of Lingdong".

Strolling through the ancient city, the "Bridge Market" on both sides of the Guangji Bridge is filled with lifelike Chaozhou embroidery, emotional Chaozhou operas, and cups of fragrant and timeless Gongfu tea... just like a moving "intangible cultural heritage museum" , dizzying.

In 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here for inspection and research. In the Guangji Building exhibition hall, the beautiful Chaozhou intangible cultural heritage works attracted his attention. The general secretary praised while watching: "It's so exquisite!" "This must take a lot of effort and time!" "Chaozhou people are indeed good at work!"

"Kungfu" is the essence of Chaozhou's intangible cultural heritage.

The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

Chaozhou woodcarving is a folk carving art. It often uses a zigzag layout and uses landscapes and pavilions to cleverly divide the twists and turns and continuous stories into different pictures. The characters in the work are complex but not chaotic, and the plot is vivid and interesting, which is deeply loved by the people.

△ Jin Zisong, the provincial inheritor of Chaozhou woodcarving, a representative national intangible cultural heritage project.

At the research site, after hearing that Jin Zisong, the provincial inheritor of Chaozhou woodcarving, has been engaged in woodcarving for 47 years, the general secretary asked: "What is the current market situation?"

"Everyone's living conditions have improved, and they like to use some wood carvings for decoration of new houses. The demand is very high, and some small pieces are also very popular." Jin Jinsong replied happily.

"This is something rich in national characteristics, and the blessings of the people are all on it." The general secretary affirmed, "This kind of original work has deep cultural connotation and must be popular!"

The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

Also popular is Chao embroidery, which began in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Chaozhou embroidery is one of the four famous embroideries in China - the main school of Cantonese embroidery. It has been passed down for thousands of years and is unique with its magnificent effect and three-dimensional padding embroidery method.

△Kang Huifang, the representative inheritor of Guangdong embroidery, a national intangible cultural heritage representative project.

In 2015, Chaozhou embroiderer Kang Huifang was invited to participate in an exhibition organized by the United Nations and was awarded the title of "Cultural Ambassador" by the United Nations. In 2020, she met the General Secretary and was excited when she mentioned this matter. "Without the strength of the country, there would be no such stage to display our folk skills. I sincerely thank the country for paying attention to us, the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage."

"You are the inheritors of thousands of years of culture of the Chinese nation, and you are well-deserved to be the 'cultural ambassador'." General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "Thank you for your contributions!"

The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

A piece of Chaozhou embroidery "Afang Palace" took 12 embroiderers three years to embroider; a large wood sculpture "Ganlu Temple" engraved with more than 130 characters and more than 30 horses took 23 years to complete. No matter the materials, no time, and rich characteristics... the skills of Chaozhou intangible cultural heritage craftsmanship have been engraved in time by Chaozhou people.

"The intangible cultural heritage of Chaozhou, represented by Chaozhou embroidery, Chaozhou porcelain, Chaozhou carvings, Chaozhou sculptures, Chaozhou opera, Gongfu tea, Chaozhou cuisine, etc., are the treasures of Chinese culture." The general secretary urged that the protection and protection of intangible cultural heritage should be strengthened. Inherit, actively cultivate inheritors, and make intangible cultural heritage shine with more charming brilliance.

△On March 4, 2024, the "Chaozhou Qinglong Temple Fair" intangible cultural heritage parade was held. The picture shows kindergarten children wearing Hanfu and parading on Changli Road.

In order to pass on the intangible cultural heritage, Chaozhou City issued the "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chaozhou City" to promote the integration of intangible cultural heritage content into the cultural education of primary and secondary schools, encourage the establishment of intangible cultural heritage courses in primary and secondary schools, and attract more Many young people have participated in the protection and inheritance of Chaozhou intangible cultural heritage.

In addition, Chaozhou continues to expand the living inheritance space of intangible cultural heritage and promote the organic integration of intangible cultural heritage into scenic spots, tourism and leisure neighborhoods.

The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

62 intangible cultural heritage exhibition halls, 10 master studios, 28 "Museum City" series halls, and 30 teahouses make the ancient city of Chaozhou full of ancient charm. Craftsmen who carve wood, embroider, make copper, and knead clay can be seen everywhere. . A vibrant picture of Chaozhou's intangible cultural heritage is slowly unfolding.

△On Guangji Bridge, the "Chaozhou Ancient City·Chaozhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Market" activity attracts tourists to experience.

Riding the wind of science and technology, Chaozhou, a "rich mining area" for intangible cultural heritage, is also a pioneer in the field of integration of digital economy and arts and crafts, and has made great efforts to create the "Chaozhou Arts and Crafts Yuanshi Boutique Museum", allowing precious intangible cultural heritage works to be "digitally" The form will last forever.

In the market, whether it is a pot of Gongfu tea after a meal or the sound of Teochew opera coming from the radio on the street, it all proves that intangible cultural heritage is closely integrated with people's lives.

And this is the best way to protect and inherit intangible cultural heritage.

The splendid chapter of cultural context|The inheritance of eternal charm and trend

Brilliant intangible cultural heritage. Many intangible cultural heritages with a long history have been inherited and developed, making Chaozhou, a thousand-year-old city, more vibrant and more charming.

Proofreading | Meng Lizheng, Lu Yang, Song Chunyan, Liang Yaqin, Yan Tiantian, Mao Changzhi

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