How did it become the "Internet Wishing Pool", where blind dates can be found in Zhejiang

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 31, 2024 07:28 AM

As a government service app, Zhejiang Province’s “Zheli Office” is born with its own hot-search capabilities.

In March of this year, a young man posted his love and marriage experience on social media, which instantly made Qinqinglian, a dating platform owned by Zhejiang Liban, popular. Just when the majority of netizens are still lamenting that blind dates can still be done on the government service app, the "Zhejiang Li Office" showed off their faces again:

Xiao Liu, a college student in Zhejiang, is busy writing his graduation thesis. The paper requires a set of data on the flow of people at the previous Silkworm Flower Festivals in Huzhou City. However, despite searching in various ways, Xiao Liu cannot find accurate data. In desperation, she left a message asking for help at the "Zhejiang Li Office" to try her luck. The next day, Xiao Liu received a call from relevant government staff in Huzhou City, providing her with the data she wanted.

Before this year’s Qingming Festival, “Zhejiang Liban” became the protagonist of another heart-warming story. Mr. Sheng's father from Jinhua died in a car accident when he was 3 years old. Mr. Sheng originally planned to move his father's new grave to the cemetery this year. However, the only photo of his father during his lifetime was accidentally lost during the move. For this reason, Mr. Sheng asked for help from the "Zhejiang Office". As a result, the Pujiang County Public Security Bureau of Jinhua City found the photo of Mr. Sheng's father from the massive data in just one day, and performed technical processing on the photo to improve the clarity.

"Zhejiang Office", which has been popularly searched for several times, has now become an "Internet wishing pool". In April, Jay Chou held a concert in Hangzhou, and the tickets for the concert were sold out at lightning speed. Faced with scalped tickets that cost several times the price and high waiting fees on ticketing platforms, some netizens called out "Zhejiang Ban", hoping that one day they could grab tickets on "Zhejiang Ban", which attracted a lot of support.

It is difficult to determine whether the "speech" of netizens is just ridicule. After all, in the perception of many Zhejiang people, "omnipotent" is the biggest label of "Zhejiang Office". As the general platform for mass enterprise services in Zhejiang Province, administrative approval matters such as medical insurance processing, social security inquiries, and ID card replacement need not be mentioned. Public services such as physical examination appointments and borrowing books are only "basic operations", which has triggered heated discussions. The "Qingqinglian" platform has actually been launched on the "Zhejiang Liban" as early as May 2021.

It takes ten years to sharpen a sword. Ten years ago, "Internet government services" was still a fashionable concept. Ten years later, "Zhejiang Office" has become the general platform and general entrance for corporate mass services. How to create a digital service system that is ubiquitously accessible, smart, convenient, fair and inclusive, the 10 years of experience of "Zhejiang Office" is worth looking at.

When I talked to a friend from Zhejiang about the blind date function of "Zhejiang Office", my friend said: "This is just one of the functions, not even the main function."

In 2016, the Zhejiang Communist Youth League launched an online collection activity to understand the “worries” and “troubles” of contemporary young people, and found that the issue of marriage, love and friendship was one of the main demands. Therefore, the "Qinqinglian" public welfare dating platform was launched in 2017 as a WeChat public account. In May 2021, "Qinqinglian" was connected to "Zhejiang Office".

The addition of functions seems very convenient, but one more question needs to be asked, how does the "Zhejiang Libang Office" achieve such all-inclusiveness? Looking back on history, the "Zhejiang Li Office" has been building a "network" over the years.

In 2014, Zhejiang Province fully implemented “four lists and one network”. In November of the previous year, the Zhejiang Provincial Approval System Reform Leading Group meeting proposed the plan to build a "one network" for administrative approval and make full use of modern information technology to promote the government's own reform. This "network" is the predecessor of today's "Zhejiang Office", the Zhejiang Government Service Network.

In January 2014, the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government took the lead in establishing a special class for the construction of an online government affairs hall. After nearly half a year of intense preparations, on the afternoon of June 25, 2014, the Zhejiang Government Service Network was officially launched.

The Zhejiang government service network, which is just beginning to make a name for itself, has a very high starting point. As the country's first integrated provincial, municipal, and county government service platform, Zhejiang Government Service Network provides centralized services such as handling guides, form downloads, and evaluation inquiries for all administrative approval matters for more than 3,300 departments at the provincial, municipal, and county levels. . Among them, more than 9,000 matters provide online services. In the convenience services section, it focuses on 15 topics such as marriage, childbirth, adoption, education and training, job hunting and practice, which are most urgently needed by the masses and handled most frequently. It has gathered more than 30,000 service resources across the province and integrated information on 67,000 offices and venues. .

In the same year, the “Zhejiang Government Service” App and WeChat official account were launched. It provides hotspot services such as mobile phone appointment for diagnosis and treatment, water and electricity payment, motor vehicle violation inquiry, and public bicycle rental. Later, it launched a public payment platform of the government service network to realize the online collection of government non-tax revenue such as traffic violation fines.

In 2015, the Zhejiang Government Service Network launched a data open platform to provide the public with government data access and download services, house ownership certificate inquiries, tax payment certificate inquiries, and other 10 livelihood services. At the same time, "One Network" has also been further extended to the grassroots level, forming a five-level linkage pattern of provinces, cities, counties, townships, and villages, achieving full coverage of more than 1,400 towns and more than 20,000 villages in Zhejiang Province.

What is particularly worth mentioning is that the Zhejiang Government Affairs Service Network also took the initiative to "expose its power online" for the first time. Its Sunshine Government Affairs section published a list of administrative powers of provincial government departments, a negative list for enterprise investment, and a list of special fiscal funds management. In November of that year, it also added List of departmental responsibilities.

"Four lists and one network" is Zhejiang's active exploration in the field of "delegation, regulation and service" reform. A series of measures such as confirming power responsibilities, exposing power responsibilities, exercising power responsibilities and controlling power responsibilities are a bold attempt by the government to reform itself. Among the four lists, the "Administrative Power List" prevents the government from acting indiscriminately, the "Department Responsibility List" addresses the government's inaction, the "Enterprise Investment Negative List" allows companies to do whatever they want without being prohibited by law, and the "Special Fiscal Fund Management List" is The government makes good use of money.

"The purpose of posting the 'Four Lists' on 'One Net' is to further promote the government's streamlining of administration and delegating power. By listing and making administrative powers public, we can effectively solve problems such as unclear departmental responsibilities and irregular performance of duties." Zhejiang The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Data Bureau said.

The name of Zhejiang Provincial Data Bureau sounds like a technical department. But in fact, in addition to technology, the data bureau also undertakes a lot of business work. One of the major tasks of the "Zhejiang Li Office" reform path is to seek institutional breakthroughs.

Administrative approval is moved to "one network", which makes it easier for the people to do things, but problems also arise. The first thing we encounter is the legal effect of electronic materials. The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Data Bureau told reporters that at that time, many front-line business departments raised questions. In the past, offline government service window services were archived in the form of paper materials. After the service is online, how should electronic materials be archived? How should its legal effect be defined?

"If these problems cannot be solved, it will be impossible to advance Internet government services and can only be reduced to empty talk." said the relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Data Bureau.

A breakthrough in the system has become the key to breaking the situation. In January 2017, the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the "Interim Measures for the Management of Electronic Documents on the Zhejiang Government Service Network", which clarified that electronic documents such as documents, certificates and certificates stamped with reliable electronic seals should be processed and archived by administrative agencies through the Zhejiang Government Service Network. It has the same legal effect as paper documents. As a result, the legal validity of electronic materials no longer becomes an issue.

There must be a breakthrough in the system, and there must be a breakthrough in ideas. With the "maximum one trip" reform in Zhejiang Province, "Zhejiang Office" has also entered a new stage of development. A widely circulated story is that Zhejiang authorities once visited a certain place for study and inspection. There were a total of 18 window service staff in the service hall of a local street. They were all familiar with the procedures for various approval matters and the required materials. They were known as " "Eighteen Arhats". In admiration, the team leader came up with an idea after returning to Zhejiang: Can the things in the heads of the "Eighteen Arhats" be solidified into rules on the computer and put on the Internet? Only in this way can we achieve "the masses do less errands" or even "no errands" at all.

The breakthrough in concepts is reflected in the understanding of government services. For a long time in the past, government services were often "use whatever the government has", but now what we have to do is "whatever you want and what difficulties you have, the government will realize it and solve it." In 2017, on the basis of the "maximum one trip" reform, Zhejiang further promoted the "one-passport-all" policy, starting from the livelihood matters that people are most concerned about and most commonly handled, sorting out the service materials for each matter, and eliminating the need to pay through data sharing. With other materials, you can check real estate, apply for a driver's license, withdraw provident fund, apply for a birth certificate, etc. with just one identity certificate.

Taking the expiry renewal of a motor vehicle driving license as an example, before the “one-passport” policy, the clerk needed to manually fill in the form and submit two pieces of materials. Now it only requires identification, no materials, and no need to fill in any forms. The same applies to the re-endorsement of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan passes. In the past, you had to submit 4 pieces of materials and it took half a day to process; now it is done in minutes with zero materials and zero forms.

The matters are still the same matters, and the materials are still the same materials. The substantial improvement in service efficiency and convenience relies on data sharing supported by the backend. Not only that, data sharing also makes the services of "Zhejiang Office" more reliable and secure.

If the masses do less legwork, the data will have to do more legwork. To make "multiple data escapes" truly come into effect, systems also need to be supported and guaranteed. To this end, the Zhejiang Provincial Government promulgated the "Zhejiang Provincial Public Data and E-Government Management Measures" in March 2017, clarifying that if administrative agencies at all levels use electronic seal systems to issue electronic certificates to citizens, legal persons and other organizations, electronic certificates and paper certificates The cross-examination certificate has the same legal effect.

In March 2017, the General Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Government issued the first batch of "Provincial Public Data Sharing List", opening up the sharing permissions of more than 2,600 data items in 29 provincial units. In May of the same year, the second batch of shared lists of 1,146 data items for 28 provincial units was announced, including court judgments and breach of trust information, national taxation tax audit information, and provincial power company arrears information.

In September 2018, the "Zhejiang Government Services" App was completely revised and renamed "Zhejiang Office", becoming the unified portal for mobile services in Zhejiang Province. In 2019, Zhejiang proposed to accelerate the "one-stop service" reform and build a "one-stop service" model with "online service as the mainstay, self-service as the supplement, and window support" to help Zhejiang build a "province of mobile services". "Zhejiang Li Office" naturally became the protagonist.

Mr. Zhang, a citizen of Jiaxing, wants to transfer the medical insurance relationship from Jiaxing, the original insured place, to Hangzhou, the current insured place. He logged into the "Zhejiang Office" and submitted the application for transfer and continuation of the medical insurance relationship as required, and the application was completed in just 1 minute. Mr. Zhang has handled similar matters before. Not only did he have to travel between two places, but there were many links and protracted steps, and the processing time took more than a month. But now it can be done online in seconds.

Behind Mr. Zhang’s “instant processing” is the “painful process” of business unification.

It’s not just the medical insurance information system. Severe data fragmentation, inconsistent standards, and low quality are common problems in the data of various localities and functional departments in the past. When all the data that can be shared is shared and the materials that can be simplified are simplified, new problems also arise: when the same business is handled in different places, the materials and forms that need to be submitted are often different. For example, to apply for a residence permit, you only need to submit two pieces of materials in this city, but if you go to another city, you need to submit 9 pieces of materials. We are both in Zhejiang Province, which one should be used as the standard?

If the business is not unified, it is impossible to talk about "one-stop service". In order to promote the standardization, structuring and digitization of government service matters, and achieve unified service guidelines, processing procedures, and form materials for matters across the province, the "Zhejiang Li Office" implements the "Top Runner" model and uses the "Top Runner" standard to promote more complete data sharing , the application process is more convenient, the application materials are more simplified, and the form fields are more streamlined. The relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Data Bureau made an analogy: "In a class, some students score 90 points and some students score 60 points. What we have to do is to level everyone's scores to 90 points."

The standard must be "high rather than low." The process of "levelling" is obviously painful, and some local governments and functional departments are naturally feeling the pressure. To this end, Zhejiang has promoted and formed a mechanism at a high level. The main leaders and leaders of the provincial party committee and government have organized regular meetings. When encountering matters that have been unable to unify standards, the Data Bureau pointed out on the spot at the meeting that the corresponding local government or functional departments should Respond on the spot. At the same time, more than 60 provincial-level units, 11 districts and cities, 101 administrative service centers, and special work classes involving nearly 9,000 staff have been established to fully mobilize and stimulate the reform and innovation of all departments at all levels in the province. Enthusiasm to overcome the difficulties of reform one by one.

The painful process is rewarded with gratifying results. According to reports, at present, more than 200,000 government service matters in Zhejiang Province have been standardized to 3,638, of which 3,093 have been connected to the "one-stop service" items, accounting for 85% of the total, realizing "one matter, one form, one process." The unified business has also brought about the continuous improvement of service experience. Since the implementation of the "one-stop service" reform, the passenger flow at the lobby window has steadily decreased, and "never run once" is gradually becoming a reality from a slogan.

In January this year, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Optimizing Government Services, Improving Administrative Efficiency, and Promoting "Getting One Thing Efficiently Done". Promoting the value-added reform of government services and realizing the implementation, implementation and details of "getting one thing done efficiently" in Zhejiang have become the new tasks of "Zhejiang Office".

Facing new tasks, the importance of unified business is once again reflected. Taking the "one thing" of credit repair and the "one thing" of the birth of a newborn as an example, through unified service guidelines, unified processing procedures, and unified form materials, the two matters were divided into three lines and more than 100 sets of business standards in the past. and 4 lines and more than 70 sets of business standards, all simplified into a set of service guidelines, a set of business processes, and a set of form materials for the province. It is reported that the "Zhejiang Office" has currently launched more than 30 "one things" online, including high-frequency business mass "one things" such as business start-up, birth of newborns, social security card resident services, etc.

"In the past 10 years, 'Zheli Office' has become Zhejiang's general platform and general entrance to business services for the masses, and a carrier for government services, digital government and even digital Zhejiang's achievements. In these 10 years, we have been seeking 'change' , but what is consistent and consistent is the people-centered service purpose, taking meeting the people’s yearning for a better life as the starting point and goal of government service construction,” said the relevant person in charge of the Zhejiang Provincial Data Bureau.

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