President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum injected strength into China-Arab solidarity and cooperation

Release time:May 31, 2024 04:58 AM

Opening up a new era of China-Arab relations and creating a new future for a better world - President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum injected strength into China-Arab solidarity and cooperation

On the morning of May 30, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing and delivered a keynote speech titled "Deepening Cooperation, Carrying on the Past and Forging into the Future, and Accelerating the Construction of a China-Arab States Community with a Shared Future." People from Arab countries, experts and scholars attending the meeting said in interviews with reporters that President Xi Jinping explained in his keynote speech the exemplary significance of China-Arab relations for peaceful development, mutual learning among civilizations and global governance, and announced that the second China-Arab Summit would be held in China in 2026. , proposed that China is willing to build "five major cooperation patterns" with Afghanistan, inject new impetus into building a China-Arab community with a shared future, and inject more certainty and positive energy into a turbulent world.

Put forward four goals to promote China-Arab relations to a new level in the new era

This is the third time President Xi Jinping has attended the opening ceremony of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Ministerial Conference, and the fifth time he has made an important policy announcement to the Arab world. In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping emphasized that China is willing to work with Afghanistan to help each other, achieve equality and mutual benefit, tolerate and learn from each other, and work closely together to build China-Afghanistan relations into a benchmark for maintaining world peace and stability, a model for high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and a different It is a model of harmonious coexistence of civilizations and an example of exploring the correct path for global governance.

Tang Zhichao, director of the Middle East Development and Governance Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and the leaders of Afghanistan, China-Arab relations are currently at the best period in history. China has established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with 14 Arab countries and the Arab League. President Xi Jinping looks forward to the development prospects of China-Arab relations from four aspects, which will effectively promote China-Arab relations to further develop from the current high level and achieve greater development.

This is the exterior scene of the opening ceremony of the 6th China-Arab States Expo taken in Yinchuan, Ningxia on September 21, 2023. Photo by reporter Feng Kaihua

On that day, King Hamad of Bahrain, President Sisi of Egypt, President Saied of Tunisia, President Mohammed of the United Arab Emirates, Secretary-General of the Arab League Gheit and 22 heads of Arab delegations attended the opening ceremony, which fully reflected the unity and cooperation between China and Arab countries. , the common desire to promote China-Arab relations to a new level.

At the opening ceremony, President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech received positive responses from all parties: “Bahrain attaches great importance to China’s international status”, “Bahrain-China political relations are based on a solid foundation, and we take care of each other’s interests and concerns” “Strengthening cooperation is The best way to deal with countries is the best way to realize the aspirations of the people." "China's development experience is widely appreciated in Arab countries"...

In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping reviewed the early gains from the implementation of the outcomes of the first China-Arab States Summit, expressed his willingness to work with the Arab side to give full play to the strategic leadership role of the summit, continue to promote the leapfrog development of China-Arab relations, and announced that China will host the second summit in China in 2026. The second China-Arab Summit.

Abdullah Rahbi, the Permanent Representative of Oman to the Arab League, who came to China to attend the meeting, said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum. This ministerial meeting plays an important role in connecting the past and the future, helping to further implement the results of the first Arab-China Summit and laying a solid foundation for the second Arab-China Summit.

Arab League Secretary-General Gheit spoke highly of the progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the first Arab-China Summit, and expressed his expectation to institutionalize the summit and hold regular meetings, continue to promote the implementation of joint plans between the two sides, and achieve more mutual benefits and win-win results.

Drawing up the "Five Major Cooperation Patterns" to accelerate the construction of a China-UAE community with a shared future

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech that China is willing to build "five major cooperation patterns" with Afghanistan and accelerate the construction of a community with a shared future between China and Afghanistan.

Chinese and foreign guests attending the meeting said that the "Five Cooperation Patterns" are in line with the common wishes and needs of both China and Arab countries, and systematically propose new initiatives and new measures for practical cooperation between China and Arab countries in the fields of innovation drive, investment and finance, energy cooperation, economic and trade reciprocity, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. The two sides have further explored the new potential of China-Arab cooperation in the areas of cooperation advantage, expanded the depth and breadth of China-Arab cooperation, and received warm welcome and positive response from Arab countries, which will help China-Arab cooperation continue to achieve new breakthroughs.

On September 22, 2023, guests learned about clean energy projects at the 6th China-Arab Expo. Photo by reporter Feng Kaihua

This ministerial meeting reached a number of consensuses and results: the Beijing Declaration was adopted, the important consensus of the first China-Arab States Summit and the progress in the implementation of the summit outcomes were reviewed, and the practical path to promote the construction of a China-Arab States community with a shared future was clarified; the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum was adopted Action Implementation Plan from 2024 to 2026", which will strengthen the construction of forum mechanisms between China and Arab states in the next two years and promote multilateral and bilateral cooperation in politics, economy and trade, investment, finance, infrastructure, resources and environment, people-to-people exchanges, aerospace, education and health, etc. Make plans…

This is the Lusail Stadium, the main stadium of the Qatar World Cup built by a Chinese company, taken in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on August 11, 2022. hair

Egyptian President Sisi said that Arab-China relations have broad prospects and huge potential, and both sides have a sincere desire to further enhance relations and strengthen cooperation. This makes us firmly believe that the work and results of the Arab-China Cooperation Forum will have a pragmatic and positive role in promoting the development of both parties in various fields.

This is the China-Egypt TEDA Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone taken in Suez Province, Egypt on August 10, 2023. Photo by reporter Sui Xiankai

Walking out of the opening ceremony, Lebanese Ambassador to China Milia Jabr was full of expectations: The continuous improvement and upgrading of Arab-China cooperation is beneficial to the development of both Arab countries and China. “I am fully confident in the future cooperation between Argentina and China, especially in scientific and technological innovation.”

On May 31, 2023, a delegation from the League of Arab States visited the ancient city of Kashgar, Xinjiang. Photo by reporter Gao Han

Speak out for justice and play a constructive role in resolving regional hot issues

Since October last year, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has escalated violently, and the people have suffered heavy suffering. This has aroused great concern and strong concern from all walks of life in the international community, including the people of China and Afghanistan.

"The war cannot continue indefinitely, justice cannot be permanently absent, and the 'two-state solution' cannot be wavered arbitrarily." In his keynote speech, President Xi Jinping reiterated China's position on resolving the Palestinian issue and expressed China's firm support for the establishment of a border based on the 1967 borders. We support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and full sovereignty, support Palestine becoming a full member of the United Nations, and support the convening of a larger, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference.

King Hamad of Bahrain said that he highly appreciates China's firm support for the just Arab cause, especially the Palestinian issue, its tremendous efforts to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza, and its full support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

Egyptian President Sisi said that Egypt speaks highly of China's position on the Palestinian issue. China has always firmly supported the immediate realization of a ceasefire in Gaza and the right of the Palestinian people to establish an independent country.

UAE President Mohammed said that we are willing to work together with China and the international community to promote the realization of a ceasefire as soon as possible and ensure that humanitarian aid can enter Gaza smoothly.

Wang Guangda, secretary-general of the China-Arab Reform and Development Research Center, said that in recent years, China has successfully brokered the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, supported Syria's return to the Arab League, upheld justice and spoke out on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, demonstrating its role as a responsible major country. The majority of Arab countries have continued to increase their trust in China, and at the same time, they have given firm support to China in safeguarding its own rights and interests. The Council of Foreign Ministers of the League of Arab States has adopted resolutions on friendship with China for 44 consecutive times. China and Arab countries have also worked closely together at the United Nations, the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other platforms to safeguard the basic norms of international relations and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

The 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum adopted the "Joint Statement between China and Arab Countries on the Question of Palestine", expressing the common voice of China and Arab states to firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people.

"Drops of water can wear through stones, and both sides can work together to achieve our goals." Tunisian President Saied said that he looked forward to more such opportunities to gather with Chinese friends in the future.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the development of Yunnan ethnic areas and the lives of ethnic minorities. In January 2015, when Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission visited Yunnan, he put forward the hope of "striving to become a demonstration zone for national unity and progress" and pointed out that "to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way, no nation can be less." Yunnan has 26 ethnic groups living in the world, with a population of 15.63 million ethnic minorities, accounting for about 1/3 of the province's population. Yunnan is the province with the largest number of ethnic minorities, native ethnic minorities, unique ethnic minorities and cross-border ethnic groups in China. ◇ The Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and focused on building a sense of community of the Chinese nation, and successively formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Demonstration Zone for National Unity and Progress" and "National Unity in Yunnan Province"

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