Previously served as Secretary of the Xuancheng Party Committee, Li Zhong was appointed as Vice Governor of the People's Government of Anhui Province

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 31, 2024 09:01 AM

On May 31, the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Anhui Provincial People's Congress passed the personnel appointment and removal case and decided to appoint: Li Zhong as deputy governor of the People's Government of Anhui Province.

The public resume shows that Li Zhong, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1968 in Feidong, Anhui Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in September 1991 and started working in July 1992. He has a university degree and a Bachelor of Arts. From September 1988 to July 1992, he studied Chinese language and literature education at Anhui Normal University. After graduation, he served as a teacher at the First Training Center of the Anhui Provincial Sports Commission, a staff member in the Provincial Sports Commission Office, and a deputy chief staff member of the Sports Industry Division; as a deputy chief staff member, chief staff member, and deputy director of the Fourth Section of the Policy Research Office of the Anhui Provincial Committee , Deputy Director of the Office; Director of the Comprehensive Research Office of the General Office of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Secretary's Office, Director of the Office of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, etc. In 2010, Li Zhong served as deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee. In 2014, he was appointed deputy secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee. In 2017, he concurrently served as director of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee. In April 2019, he assumed the new post of Party Secretary and Director of the Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. From December 2022, he will serve as Secretary of the Xuancheng Party Committee until this adjustment.

In February 2022, at a press conference of the Anhui Provincial Government, Li Zhong, then secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, revealed that in the second half of last year, the Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission went to the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and other regions for research and study, and organized many Expert consultation and argumentation, extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions, drafted and formed a work plan for the capitalization and securitization of state-owned assets. The "Plan" proposes to vigorously promote seven major work measures such as mixed ownership reform and equity diversification reform. Through three years of action, the "three One hundred billion yuan" target.

On December 2, 2022, the 2022 Yangtze River Delta Region State-owned Assets and Enterprises Joint Meeting was held via video in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui. Li Zhong, then Secretary and Director of the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Anhui Province, put forward six initiatives to jointly promote the high-quality development of the integration of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, including jointly promoting the docking cooperation of industrial and supply chains, jointly building the source of original technology for state-owned enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta, and jointly Implement the construction of major inter-provincial transportation and energy infrastructure, jointly deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, jointly build the Yangtze River Delta property rights trading market, and jointly create a provincial-level state-owned capital equity investment fund cluster in the Yangtze River Delta. Therefore, Li Zhong is no stranger to the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

In December of that year, Li Zhong went to work locally and served as Secretary of the Xuancheng Party Committee. Just over half a month later, on January 7, 2023, Li Zhong, then Secretary of the Xuancheng Party Committee, presided over a political and business meeting to listen to the opinions, suggestions and development demands of enterprises face-to-face, and conduct on-site research and solutions to the actual difficulties and problems of enterprises. At the meeting, he pointed out that convening a political and business symposium will be Xuancheng's specific measures to implement "one change, two things", and also serve as a platform for seamless interaction between government and enterprises, release a clear signal to create an optimal business environment, and build a close and clear-cut government. The Unified New Government-Business Relations will be held regularly on the first Saturday of every month from now on.

On February 4 last year, the day of the Beginning of Spring, the second Xuancheng political and business symposium was held as scheduled, with reporters from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News attending the event. At the symposium, Li Zhong pointed out that solving the difficult problems of the enterprise is the greatest support for the development of the enterprise. At the same time, he said that Xuancheng’s political and business forums will be held 12 times this year, which will definitely provide entrepreneurs with channels to fully reflect problems and build Xuancheng’s political and business forums into a city brand. At the same time, we hope that in a year's time, the fewer problems reported by enterprises, the better. By then, every time a political and business meeting is held, entrepreneurs will come to visit and chat.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News, Li Zhong said that we will optimize the business environment as a top priority to enhance regional competitiveness, and innovatively establish a "political and business forum" mechanism. The main responsible comrades of the municipal party committee and municipal government will take the lead in receiving Having sincere discussions and stipulating the path and time limit for problem resolution are now becoming Xuancheng’s new business environment brand and city’s business card. A total of 16 sessions were held from January last year to April this year, and 262 companies reported 372 issues. Except for 9 issues that are in progress, the rest have been resolved.

In an exclusive interview published on the front page of yesterday's "Liberation Daily", Li Zhong systematically described the important work of Xuancheng for more than a year. In addition to holding political and business talks, Xuancheng is promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta as Xuancheng The biggest opportunity, potential and dividend for development, and it is clearly pointed out that the main direction of Xuancheng's development is to integrate into Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In order to link the resources of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Xuancheng has made every effort to promote the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Industrial Cooperation Zone with a planned area of ​​85 square kilometers since last year. The Guangde area faces Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Huzhou, the Xuanzhou area faces Nanjing, and the Langxi area faces Changzhou. ,Wuxi.

At the same time, he revealed that Xuancheng has been actively promoting the entire region to join the Shanghai metropolitan area. At the Shanghai Metropolitan Area Planning 2024 Xuancheng Station Seminar held at the end of March this year, Xuancheng proposed improving the level of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huxuan Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, accelerating the construction of the Yangtze River Delta Industrial Cooperation Zone, and promoting Shanghai and Anhui to jointly build Yangtze River Delta health care A number of important propositions such as the establishment of a new base were fully recognized by the participating members. After the opening of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Huzhou high-speed railway this year, the time from Xuancheng to Shanghai is about one hour. It will be natural for the entire region to join the Shanghai metropolitan area, which will also effectively promote significant changes in the economic and geographical pattern of Xuancheng in Anhui and even the Yangtze River Delta.

In addition, at the end of last year, the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Action Plan for the Construction of a World-class Leisure, Vacation, Health and Wellness Tourism Destination in Greater Huangshan", assigning this task to Huangshan, Chizhou, Anqing and Xuancheng. Li Zhong said that since last year, Xuancheng has been closely focusing on the Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets, linking Huangchiyi resources, focusing on integrating into the Shanghai metropolitan area, and striving to create a "landscape picture on rice paper", especially accelerating the development of the health and wellness industry as a way to promote the "big picture". "Huangshan" is carefully built with the characteristics and advantages of the construction, focusing on the joint construction of the Yangtze River Delta health care base in Guangde.

Xuancheng is located in the southeast of Anhui Province, bordering Hangzhou and Huzhou in Zhejiang to the east, Ma'anshan in the north and northeast, and Nanjing, Changzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu. It is located on the western waistline of the Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou triangle and is the hub of Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. As a regional central city, Xuancheng has continued to promote "Look East" in recent years and promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta with higher quality. Just as the main leader of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee said during a survey in Xuancheng, "I think Xuancheng is like Suzhou, and Guangde is like Kunshan." This shows Anhui's expectations for Xuancheng to seize the strategic opportunities for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta; in November last year, Anhui At the on-site office meeting in Xuancheng, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee clearly assigned Xuancheng the mission of “being a bridgehead for Anhui’s deep integration into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.”

Previously served as Secretary of the Xuancheng Party Committee, Li Zhong was appointed as Vice Governor of the People's Government of Anhui Province
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1. The Nanjing to Xuancheng Railway is advancing, with the construction of Lukou Airport, Lishui West, Gaochun, and Xuanzhou Station. Recently, the bidding announcement for the location survey and drilling subcontracting of the Ningxuan Railway was released on the website of China Railway Fourth Institute. The project passed the feasibility study and maintenance review of China Railway Group on April 19th this year, and is about to enter the preliminary design and testing stage, further away from the official start of construction. The Ningxuan Railway is located in the southern Jiangsu Anhui Yangtze River urban agglomeration, on the north-south development axis of the core area of the Nanjing metropolitan area; Starting from Nanjing City in Jiangsu Province in the north, passing through Jiangning District, Lishui District, and Gaochun District in Nanjing City in the south, and finally reaching Xuancheng City in Anhui Province, it is located in the southern Jiangsu Anhui Yangtze River urban agglomeration. The project is connected to the Qinglian, Lianhuai, and Ninghuai railways to the north, and to the Xuanji, Hefu, and Changjinghuang high-speed railways to the south. It is an important component of the Ninghang Second Corridor and the new Shandong Jiangsu Anhui Jiangxi high-speed railway. Nanjing Station of Ningxuan Railway to