Zhengzhou fully implements optimized childbirth policies, with a one-time subsidy of 15000 yuan for three children

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:31 PM

Starting from September 1st, the Implementation Measures for Optimizing Maternity Policies and Promoting Long term Balanced Population Development in Zhengzhou City will be fully launched and implemented. The new policy will consider marriage, childbirth, upbringing, and education as one, comprehensively and accurately implement policies, and reduce the burden of childbirth, upbringing, and education on the masses in a targeted manner, so that more families can "want to have children, dare to have children, and be willing to have children".

Before the age of 3 for young children

Couples are entitled to 10 days of parental leave each year

In order to actively respond to the aging population, accelerate the construction of an active childbirth support policy system, and strive to maintain a moderate level of fertility and population size, the Measures specify that the provincial capital should fully implement the three child birth policy and supporting measures.

Specifically, before the baby reaches one year old, female employees are given no less than two hours of breastfeeding time per day. For every child born in accordance with the law, before the child reaches the age of 3, both spouses will be given 10 days of parental leave each year. The period of parental leave will be considered as attendance, and all types of wages and bonuses will be calculated and distributed as usual. Parental leave for multiple births does not accumulate, and parental leave is generally not carried forward across years. After the maternity leave for female employees expires, they can apply for leave until the baby is one year old, with the approval of the employer. The benefits during the leave period will be determined through consultation between both parties.

Enrollment, household registration, and employment

Fully decoupled from personal fertility situation

The Measures clearly stipulate the cancellation of social support fees and punishment provisions that do not comply with the current fertility policy, and the comprehensive decoupling of enrollment, household registration, employment, credit, evaluation of excellence and excellence, promotion of job levels, and selection of various representatives and committee members from individual fertility situations.

At the same time, our city will strengthen the informatization construction of the population service system. Relying on "Digital Zhengzhou" to establish a comprehensive population information service platform, integrating information such as hospital delivery, birth medical certificates, child vaccination, childcare services, enrollment and household registration, marriage registration, medical insurance and social security, and death cancellation, to achieve the integration, sharing, and dynamic updating of basic population information, and to build a population information monitoring system covering the entire population and life cycle.

Promote childbirth analgesia

Make childbirth safer and smoother

At present, fear of pain is an important and even the main reason why some women are afraid of childbirth. Making the childbirth process safer, smoother, and more comfortable is also the most fervent desire of every mother. Therefore, the "Measures" propose that our city will promote childbirth analgesia services, standardize relevant diagnosis and treatment behaviors, and improve the level of childbirth analgesia.

Zhengzhou will implement national and provincial medical service project management regulations and strictly carry out assisted reproductive technology in accordance with the requirements. Reasonably adjust the prices of medical services such as childbirth analgesia and assisted reproduction to reduce the cost of reproductive healthcare. At the same time, our city will guide and promote medical institutions to provide targeted services to the public through health education, psychological counseling, traditional Chinese medicine services, drug treatment, surgical treatment, assisted reproductive technology, and other means, to improve the level of infertility prevention and treatment.

Building a strong defense line for maternal and child health and safety

In order to improve the level of eugenics and childcare services, Zhengzhou will comprehensively implement the five systems of maternal and child safety, enhance pregnancy risk prevention, high-risk maternal and postpartum management, maternal mortality assessment and critical illness assessment, and the level of emergency treatment for pregnant women and newborns.

According to the plan, our city will implement the action of enhancing the capacity of maternal and child health institutions. Each provincial city should focus on building one public maternal and child health hospital, one public children's hospital, and one public maternal and child health hospital in each county/city. Each district and development zone should have one standardized maternal and child health service institution organized by the government. Our city will comprehensively improve the conditions for hospitalization and childbirth, establish a sound birth defect prevention and control network, enhance the level of premarital health care, prenatal care, prenatal screening, and prenatal diagnosis services, and continue to carry out screening for the "two diseases" of newborns, hearing diseases, 35 genetic metabolic diseases, and deafness genes.

In 2025, each community will be equipped with inclusive childcare centers

The Measures specify that according to the standard of "6 childcare spaces per thousand residents" for permanent residents in the jurisdiction, a 300 meter radius inclusive childcare circle is planned and constructed. Comprehensively enhance the capacity of public childcare services, and establish the Zhengzhou Comprehensive Childcare Experimental Center by the end of 2023. In 2025, all communities in the city will be equipped with no less than 20 inclusive childcare centers.

Our city will strengthen financial support and coordinate the integrated development of inclusive childcare and inclusive kindergartens. For inclusive childcare institutions that meet relevant requirements, a one-time construction subsidy of 10000 yuan will be given for each registered number of childcare facilities; According to the annual quality evaluation level, inclusive childcare institutions will be given monthly operating subsidies of 200 yuan, 300 yuan, and 400 yuan for each childcare unit based on the actual number of childcare units used.

All Kindergartens with Integrated Kindergarten and Preschool Care Should Do Their Best

The Measures propose that each district and county government should provide childcare facilities that meet relevant standards free of charge through purchasing, replacing, leasing, and other means, and actively promote the construction of public and private inclusive childcare institutions. Vigorously promoting the integration of childcare and early childhood care, public kindergartens and private inclusive kindergartens should provide all possible childcare classes.

State owned capital should coordinate idle and inefficient public service facilities, idle school buildings, idle office spaces, and prioritize the establishment of inclusive childcare institutions; The housing regulatory authorities of government agencies, enterprises and institutions actively study and formulate supporting policies and approaches for the conversion and use of idle housing in government agencies, activate idle housing, and prioritize its use to support the development of inclusive childcare services.

A one-time subsidy of 15000 yuan for newborns entering households with three children

The Measures specify that Zhengzhou City will invest "real gold and silver", implement a childcare subsidy system, and focus on reducing the cost of childbirth. The policy stipulates that families with one, two, three or more newborns entering our city will receive one-time childcare subsidies of 2000 yuan, 5000 yuan, and 15000 yuan, respectively.

According to policy regulations, the cost of having a second child or more for insured female employees is included in the scope of maternity insurance support. During the period when unemployed individuals receive unemployment insurance benefits, they simultaneously participate in maternity insurance; Unemployed women can enjoy maternity medical benefits by participating in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. Moreover, if a newborn applies for independent insurance payment within 90 days after birth in accordance with relevant regulations, the medical expenses incurred from the date of birth will be included in the basic medical insurance reimbursement. Improve the medical insurance policy for preschool insured children, and further enhance the level of children's medical insurance through the effective connection of the comprehensive guarantee system of basic medical insurance, major illness insurance, and medical assistance with the beneficial commercial supplementary medical insurance.

Families with multiple children enjoy preferential policies for renting and buying houses in Zheng

In order to provide practical assistance to families with multiple children, the Measures specify that in the future, when allocating public rental housing, eligible families with two or more children can directly organize housing selection; Due to factors such as an increase in the number of women in rented households, employment, and children's enrollment in daycare, regular applications and exchanges will be implemented based on the availability of housing.

Within the restricted purchase area, families who have a second child or more may have an additional quota for purchasing a house. Families who have two or more children and purchase newly-built housing shall be provided with housing subsidies and deed tax subsidies by the beneficiary finance. The specific subsidy standards and methods shall be formulated and implemented by each district and county.

The difficulty of raising children for employees needs to be shared jointly by enterprises and society

In order to build a maternity friendly social environment, the Measures propose that our city should improve the mechanism for sharing labor costs during maternity leave, and explore a system for enterprises to provide corresponding subsidies for social insurance premiums paid by female employees during maternity leave. Measures taken by employers to help employees balance work and family relationships should be included in collective contracts and special collective contracts for the protection of the rights and interests of female employees.

In the future, childbearing friendliness will be an important aspect of social responsibility for employers. Employers can combine production and work practices, negotiate with employees, and adopt flexible commuting, work from home, and other work methods to provide work convenience for employees who need to pick up and drop off their children to school, take care of sick or home-based children, and help them solve parenting difficulties.

Specifically, research projects undertaken by female researchers during pregnancy and lactation can be postponed for one year for acceptance based on actual circumstances. Employers with a large number of female employees should establish a care room for female employees, which should have functions such as a maternity lounge and nursing room, and be equipped with necessary maternal and child service facilities. Conditional government agencies, enterprises, institutions, schools, communities, and mass organizations can provide winter and summer care services.

Ensuring employment for women

Unbinding childbirth for women in the workplace

Research shows that women in the workplace have a weak desire to have children, and one important reason is that their career development needs further improvement. This is mainly reflected in the need to improve the stability and adequacy of women's employment security.

In response to this, the "Measures" clearly state that our city will actively promote gender equality in employment, establish a gender discrimination interview system for employment, and focus on the implementation of the "five periods" of labor protection, including maternity rights protection, menstrual period, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and menopause. Regular special inspections will be carried out to ensure the rights and interests of female workers. Intensify training on the re employment of childcare women, increase the handling of cases involving women's labor security supervision, carry out public interest litigation for the protection of women's equal employment rights, and safeguard women's labor and social security rights.

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