Zaozhuang, Shandong: Grand Canal Composes a New Chapter in Urban Development Wetlands | Culture | Canal

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:56 PM

The thousand mile canal meanders through.

In order to deeply explore the rich historical and cultural resources of the Grand Canal, tell the story of ecological protection and high-quality development along the canal, a network themed interview team sponsored by the Cyberspace Information Office of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Shandong Provincial Department of Transportation recently visited Zaozhuang City in Shandong Province, experiencing the profound cultural heritage of the canal in the leisurely blue waves and witnessing the vigorous vitality of high-quality development in the city amidst the competition of hundreds of boats.

Organic unity of protection and development

The cultural canal has a long-lasting charm

Taierzhuang Ancient City. Photo by Gao Qimin

In early autumn, accompanied by a gentle rain, I walked into the ancient city of Taierzhuang. The water alleys and ponds, ancient streets and stone bridges, pavilions and towers were like poetry and paintings under the rain curtain.

Taierzhuang Ancient City covers an area of 2 square kilometers and is located at the center of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. The city has a 3-kilometer ancient canal and 15 kilometers of water streets and alleys, known as the "living fossil of canal culture".

The Taierzhuang Battle in the spring of 1938 was the first major victory achieved by the Chinese army on the front battlefield since the Anti Japanese War. Many precious physical historical materials and revolutionary sites have become witnesses to history. In 2008, the Communist Party of China Zaozhuang Municipal Committee and Government decided to rebuild the ancient city of Taierzhuang, following the principles of "preserving, restoring, promoting, and utilizing the past", restoring the preserved historical heritage, and revitalizing a historic Taierzhuang ancient city.

To tap into the contemporary value of cultural heritage, Taierzhuang has innovatively created a "Intangible Cultural Heritage+" cultural brand. The long-standing Lunan shadow puppetry, the graceful and melodious Liuqin opera, and the magnificent "Fire Dragon and Steel Flower"... Intangible cultural heritage that has gradually declined in history has been revitalized and utilized here, becoming a "drainage" project for the ancient city.

Not only that, in recent years, Taierzhuang District has protected and developed the canal heritage, inherited and promoted the canal culture, showcased and created the charm of the canal, and reproduced the prosperous scene of the important town along the transportation route. By combining intangible cultural heritage with various forms such as tourism, research, cultural creativity, and exhibition halls, intangible cultural heritage projects have been able to be inherited and developed in a dynamic manner.

Zaozhuang, Shandong: Grand Canal Composes a New Chapter in Urban Development Wetlands | Culture | Canal

"The new development model of 'Intangible Cultural Heritage+' scenic spots has shown great vitality, which further strengthens our determination to deepen the integration of culture and tourism and achieve high-quality development. We will build Taierzhuang into a boutique scenic spot, empower the night tourism economy on the basis of the canal culture, innovate and create a unique night tourism culture, and help upgrade cultural products and tourism consumption." said Huang Xiaoli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive General Manager of Shandong Taierzhuang Ancient City Tourism Group Co., Ltd.

Consolidate the foundation of environmental protection

The "Ecological Canal" is revitalized

In the early morning, stopping by the Dayun River in Zaozhuang, what catches the eye is the vibrant green. A group of waterbirds seemed to be intoxicated by the green Grand Canal and stopped in the water for a long time.

As a famous "golden waterway" in the north, the Zaozhuang section of the Grand Canal is an important hub for north-south shipping of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal. In order to further enhance the function of Zaozhuang section of the Grand Canal, in 2020, the class Ⅱ waterway regulation project of Zaozhuang section of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal will become a key project of Zaozhuang City. The project is divided into two independent projects, "above the Malan Bridge" and "below the Malan Bridge", with the Malan Bridge as the boundary. At present, the main dredging project of the waterway has been completed, and 2000 tons of ships can be navigated year-round.

"The completion of the Malan Bridge greatly facilitates the travel of people on both sides of the canal." Shao Xueliang, a member of the Party Committee of the Zaozhuang Transportation Bureau and director of the Port, Shipping and Airport Construction Development Center, introduced that the main waterway of the Zaozhuang section of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, with stable slopes, clear water, and green banks, will become a demonstration section of green, low-carbon, circular, intelligent, and Zaozhuang characteristic landscapes.

Wild Red Lotus in Weishan Lake Red Lotus Wetland, Tengzhou City. Respondents provide pictures

In the southern part of Weishan Lake Red Lotus Wetland in Tengzhou City, 13 acres of wild red lotus are endless. In summer and autumn, the lake is surrounded by clusters of flowers and the fragrance of lotus, creating a beautiful scenery where the wind blows and the lotus lifts, and the lotus weighs a thousand.

It is understood that the scenic area always adheres to the basic principles of "protection priority, scientific restoration, moderate development, and reasonable utilization", and integrates wetland protection with the development of the Grand Canal culture into the regional ecosystem protection system.

"The wetland has successively carried out work such as' three returns and three returns', fish and lotus pond together, wildlife monitoring and rescue, science popularization and education, and the protection and utilization of the Grand Canal culture." The person in charge of the Weishan Lake Honghe Wetland introduced that through a series of protection measures, the biodiversity of the Weishan Lake Honghe Wetland, the uniqueness of the landscape, the stability of the ecosystem, and the inheritance of the Canal culture have all been effectively improved. It has now become a destination for ecological tourism in the Honghe Wetland and a new landmark of the Grand Canal culture crossing Weishan Lake.

Zaozhuang, Shandong: Grand Canal Composes a New Chapter in Urban Development Wetlands | Culture | Canal

Draw a new picture of rural revitalization

"Prosperous Canal" promotes prosperity and prosperity for the people

Bailou Bay Wetland Park in Wanglou Village, Zhouying Town, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City. Respondents provide pictures

In the afternoon, walking into the Bailou Bay Wetland Park located in Wanglou Village, Zhouying Town, Xuecheng District, Zaozhuang City, the Dasha River flows through here, with a clear and rippling water. The willows and willows on the shore are leaning against each other, and visitors can enjoy the scenery and enjoy the trip.

A few years ago, this was still a "stinky ditch" that made villagers frown and take a detour with their noses covered. "A lot of sewage flowed into the river, and the smell was also very strong. No one came to play here," Wang Yunzhou, Secretary of the Party Branch of Wanglou Village, recalled.

Starting from 2017, Xuecheng District has carried out comprehensive renovation of the 13.5-kilometer-long Dasha River in accordance with the concept of "water affinity, water control, water conservation, and active water". 6 million cubic meters of river dredging and the construction of over 200000 square meters of ecological slope protection. Through a series of measures, the ecological system of the Dasha River has been comprehensively restored, successfully creating a provincial-level "water system greening model" and winning the title of "Beautiful Demonstration River and Lake" at the provincial level.

Winding southward along the Dasha River, just a few kilometers away, you arrive at the demonstration plantation of thin skinned chili peppers in Gonghu Village, Zhouying Town. A continuous stream of high-quality river water irrigates a greenhouse with fresh vegetables. Villager Sun Zhongkuai's chili pepper variety is excellent and very popular in the market. After careful management, he has managed a vegetable plantation of 50 acres, with a gross profit of nearly one million yuan per year and two seasons.

"More and more migrant workers are returning to the village, and the environment is improving. The villagers' wallets are also bulging," said Sun Zhongkuai.

In recent years, Zhouying Town has organically integrated water ecological restoration, rural revitalization, and industrial development. "With the Dasha River as the link, modern agricultural industrial parks, smart agriculture demonstration parks, picking bases and other projects have been built around 15 surrounding villages, driving employment for more than 100 surrounding villagers and allowing the people to enjoy the ecological benefits brought by water system governance." Sun Qisong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhouying Town, Xuecheng District, introduced.

"Next, the Party Committee of Zhouying Town will continue to take rural revitalization as the main line of work, with the construction of a city level modern agricultural rural revitalization characteristic town as the focus, injecting vitality, increasing momentum, and strengthening strength into the construction of livable, business friendly, and beautiful Zhouying." said Sun Qisong.

Zaozhuang, Shandong: Grand Canal Composes a New Chapter in Urban Development Wetlands | Culture | Canal
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