Xinjiang's multiple measures simultaneously create a new picture of harmonious human and water relations, nourishing people's livelihoods. Bosten Lake is filled with crab fertilizer in the cabin

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:39 PM

CCTV News: Let's take a look at today's "Looking at Xinjiang Along Rivers and Lakes" series of reports. Today we will enter Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture. Bayingolin is a "fertile watershed" in Mongolian, with dozens of rivers and lakes scattered throughout its territory. Bazhou has mountains and rivers such as Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains, wetlands such as Bosten Lake and Chala Lake, as well as the Lop Nur and Taklamakan deserts. It can be said that various landforms gather here. Due to the uneven distribution of water resources, in recent years, multiple rounds of water resource surveys have been carried out in the local area to coordinate the overall situation, from water conservancy projects to rural drinking water projects, from promoting the lake chief system work to water ecological civilization construction, and multiple measures have been taken to create a new picture of harmonious water and people's livelihood. So, where does the river water in Bazhou come from? What is the development along the coast like? Let's go take a look together.

The Bayinbuluke grassland is the largest subalpine alpine meadow grassland in China, located in the central basin of the Tianshan Mountains. Tianshan meltwater flows down from the valleys, and the water source in Bazhou starts from here. Streams converge to form the Kaidu River, which runs through the Bayinbuluke grassland like flowing blood. The magnificent scenery of "nine curves and eighteen bends" is presented here. Every year during the spring and autumn equinoxes, when the weather is clear and the sun sets, its shadow is reflected in the winding river water, creating a landscape of nine suns. Every year from the end of March to the beginning of April, tens of thousands of swans fly far and wide to the Bayinbuluke grassland, and the abundant food in the river water is an important "energy supply" for their migration. Wetlands, swamps, lakes... The Bayinbuluke grassland is thriving under the nourishment of the Kaidu River.

The Kaidu River winds from northwest to southeast for over 500 kilometers, passing through Bazhou and Jing, Yanqi, Bohu and other places before flowing into Bosten Lake. There are over 600000 acres of reeds in the lake, making it one of the four major reed areas in China. With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, there are more and more wild birds in Bosten Lake, and 198 species have been observed so far. Since 2018, Kaidu River has cumulatively transported 807 million cubic meters of water to the ecological system of Bosten Lake, effectively promoting the water circulation and water quality improvement of Bosten Lake. Today, it is the largest fishery production base in Xinjiang, producing over 4000 tons of various aquatic products such as grass carp, silver carp, green shrimp, and crabs annually.

Xinjiang's multiple measures simultaneously create a new picture of harmonious human and water relations, nourishing people's livelihoods. Bosten Lake is filled with crab fertilizer in the cabin

After the water of Bosten Lake flows southward, it forms the Peacock River, which runs through the city of Korla and nourishes everything here. The wetland parks and street corner green spaces in the city have built an urban-rural ecological system of "surrounded by forests and water, and integrated with urban green". As of now, the local urban green coverage rate has reached 43.4%. At the same time, the Peacock River is also the main irrigation river in Korla City. According to the agricultural planting area and irrigation demand characteristics of each township, water-saving irrigation is adopted according to local conditions. This year, over 400000 acres of fragrant pears are growing well, with slightly red fragrant pears hanging on the branches.

Yuli County is located downstream of the Peacock River, where the gentle and gentle Peacock River faces the vast yellow sand of the Taklamakan Desert from afar. Along the banks of the Kongque River in Yuli County, there are over 800000 acres of natural Populus euphratica forests, which, when viewed from the air, resemble a "green corridor" on the edge of the desert. Every year during this season, a portion of the flood season in the main stream of the Tarim River is fed into the Kongque River to provide ecological replenishment for the Populus euphratica forest. This not only solves the problem of flood discharge in the Tarim River, but also nourishes the Populus euphratica forest downstream of the Kongque River in Yuli County. The Populus euphratica forest not only slows down the flow rate of sand, but also reduces the occurrence of sandstorms.

A hundred rivers converge into one river, and the mountains and rivers run silently. Rivers connect the bustling cities and beautiful countryside of Bazhou, bringing together the happy lives of the people.

Xinjiang's multiple measures simultaneously create a new picture of harmonious human and water relations, nourishing people's livelihoods. Bosten Lake is filled with crab fertilizer in the cabin

Autumn crab fertilizer fills the cabin of Bosten Lake, welcoming a bountiful harvest of crabs

The ecological environment of Bosten Lake in Bazhou, Xinjiang has been continuously improved through a series of measures such as source control, pollution separation, and promoting water circulation. Now, Bosten Lake has become the largest fishing production base in Xinjiang, with an annual output of over 4000 tons of various aquatic products. In recent days, Bosten Lake has entered the crab fishing season, and crab farmers are busy fishing, packaging, and shipping, presenting a busy harvest scene.

CCTV reporter Zhang Min: Every year at this time, Bosten Lake is very lively because the crabs, shrimp, and fish here have entered the fishing season. Today, I followed the crab farmer to the center of Lake Bosten to catch crabs. When the fishing boat is sailing on the lake surface, looking down can clearly see various aquatic plants growing in the lake water, as well as small fish swimming over from time to time. The lake water can be said to be very clear. Now, the crab farmers are going to pull up the crab cages that were put into the water last night. How many crabs can they catch from the crab cages that were left overnight? I'm really looking forward to it now. Look, the first crab cage has come out of the lake, there are quite a few. These newly emerged crabs are clean all over, not only bright in color, but also big, fat, and strong. Let's put them in first, and these crabs are really full of vitality.

Xinjiang's multiple measures simultaneously create a new picture of harmonious human and water relations, nourishing people's livelihoods. Bosten Lake is filled with crab fertilizer in the cabin

It's easy to catch crabs at first glance, but putting a crab cage to catch crabs is a technical job. If you don't put it properly, you may not be able to catch a single crab in this cage. Today, Master Song, who took me to catch crabs, told me that in order to catch a large number and size of crabs, the key lies in the location of the crab cage. Catching crabs not only depends on the terrain, but also on the direction of the water flow. Crabs move in the direction of the water flow. The first step is to set up "psychedelic formations" for the crabs in the high lying lake. From the aerial camera, it can be seen that this "psychedelic formation" is a fishing net in the shape of a "v", and once the crabs enter this "v", it is difficult for them to climb out. Of course, some strong crabs will break through the fishing net and escape, which is the second step. The masts we see now have crab cages underneath them, and the crabs that escape from the first net will be caught again by the crab cages. The third step is to place a large fishing net at the outlet of the lake, which will catch more crabs.

There is a saying for raising crabs in Bosten Lake, which is "people let the sky raise them.". In June, the crab farmers put the purchased crab seedlings into Lake Bosten, and they can harvest them by this time next year. Putting crab fry into the lake, people don't have to worry. Crab fry can grow themselves fat and big by eating natural "nutritious meals" in the lake every day. In addition, the fish and shrimp growing in the lake also provide abundant food sources for migratory birds such as egrets and ducks that stop at Bosten Lake. After they have eaten, drank, and replenished their energy, they will embark on their migration journey.

The colorful scenery of Bosten Lake goes far beyond that. Surrounding the crab life, we are fortunate to see 80000 acres of wild water lilies with only the last few days of open season left this year. The daily routine of water lilies is very regular. They wake up at sunrise and bloom, then close their petals and sleep at sunset. The shells shed by crabs can also increase the fertility of water lilies, allowing them to grow better.

Xinjiang's multiple measures simultaneously create a new picture of harmonious human and water relations, nourishing people's livelihoods. Bosten Lake is filled with crab fertilizer in the cabin

It is understood that over 34 million crab fry were released in Bosten Lake this year. Mid-Autumn Festival is still more than 20 days away, and the crabs in Bosten Lake are very popular. The crab farmers are busy sorting, packing and weighing the crabs just landed, and the packed crabs are sent to all parts of the country. Maybe you can eat crabs from Bosten Lake in Xinjiang this year's Mid-Autumn Festival.

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