Xinhua All Media+| Smart Network, Smart Driving, and Smart Manufacturing Leading the Transformation of the Automotive Industry - New Trends in the Development of New Energy Vehicles in China from the 2023 Smart Expo

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:48 PM

Under the condition of unsealed urban roads, L3/L4 autonomous driving competition vehicles mix with normal traffic flow, comprehensively testing the comprehensive ability of participating vehicles to handle emergencies; In addition to voice control, using your fingers can also control car related software; The latest developed power batteries are safer and have higher energy density... Walking into the exhibition hall of the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo, a series of new technologies and products related to intelligent connected new energy vehicles make visitors feel like they have entered the world of future automobiles.

The development of new energy vehicles is the only way for China to move from a major automobile country to a strong automobile country. From September 4th to 6th, the 2023 Smart Expo, focusing on annual themes such as "Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles," was held in Chongqing. During this period, professional conferences, exhibitions, discussions, and competitions became an important window for observing new trends and trends in the new energy vehicle industry. Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed this year's Smart Expo and learned that Smart Web, Smart Driving, and Smart Manufacturing make driving more enjoyable and travel more intelligent, leading the profound transformation of the automotive industry.

Viewers will experience the "Car XR Intelligent Cockpit" at the 2023 Smart Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tang Yi

The development of new technologies such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence makes it possible to interact with people and vehicles. "Cars are evolving from vehicles to 'intelligent car robots'," said Wang Yongliang, deputy general manager of wutong Chelian Technology Co., Ltd. As a joint venture between Tencent and Chang'an Auto, wutong Car Service is committed to providing solutions for vehicle intelligent interaction systems. Like Tencent, in recent years, many Internet leading enterprises such as Huawei and Baidu have cooperated with automobile enterprises to layout the new energy automobile market, which has strongly promoted the intellectualization of automobiles.

At this year's Smart Expo, multiple new energy vehicles equipped with Huawei HarmonyOS intelligent cabins attracted many visitors to stop and experience; IFLYTEK has showcased the "Flying Fish in Car Intelligent Audio Management System", which enables cars to have better audio effects... "Software defined cars" has become an industry consensus, and intelligent connectivity makes cars "smarter" and "better understood".

Energy storage and replenishment are the focus and pain point of the development of new energy vehicles. At this year's Smart Expo, more reliable batteries, faster charging, and smarter new technologies are gradually eliminating distance anxiety. Smart energy storage and replenishment make charging as fast as refueling no longer distant.

Xinhua All Media+| Smart Network, Smart Driving, and Smart Manufacturing Leading the Transformation of the Automotive Industry - New Trends in the Development of New Energy Vehicles in China from the 2023 Smart Expo

"Semi solid lithium batteries have lower liquid electrolyte content, which is safer, smaller in size, faster in charging, and higher in energy density," said Ma Xin, the relevant person in charge of Chongqing Tailan New Energy Co., Ltd., who participated in the exhibition with the newly developed semi-solid power battery. At this year's Smart Expo, several power battery exhibitors stated that they are accelerating the research and development of semi-solid and solid-state batteries, and some companies have brought technologies such as "new generation full liquid cooling super charging, one kilometer per second" and "0-80% fast charging in just 7.5 minutes", which have attracted industry attention.

How to balance the electricity demand of new energy vehicles and other industry sectors? State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company showcased technological achievements such as "Super Optical Storage and Charging Integration" and "Charging Infrastructure Monitoring Platform" at this year's Smart Expo, utilizing big data services for power peak shaving and valley filling, intelligent management of charging facilities, etc., to assist in the coordinated development of new energy vehicles and the power system.

With "smart cars", there must also be "smart roads", where vehicle road collaboration enables autonomous driving to continuously iterate and upgrade. At the Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Intelligent Transportation Sand Table of the Smart Expo, various car models shuttle back and forth in an orderly and smooth manner, vividly showcasing the application scenarios of vehicle road collaboration to the audience. As a national leading area for the Internet of Vehicles, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area is vigorously building vehicle road coordination roads. Currently, there are a total of 11 autonomous buses, with a cumulative operating mileage of 97000 kilometers.

Viewers will experience the integrated interaction of human, vehicle, road, and cloud at the 2023 Smart Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Quanchao

At the "50 Person Forum on Innovative Development of Vehicle Road Cloud Integration" at this year's Smart Expo, several industry experts believe that China's vehicle road collaboration and overall development of vehicle road cloud will promote the commercialization of high-level autonomous driving and the construction of smart cities.

Limited colors, one size fits all, and personalized configurations require self modification... Traditional mass production of cars is difficult to meet consumers' private customization needs.

Xinhua All Media+| Smart Network, Smart Driving, and Smart Manufacturing Leading the Transformation of the Automotive Industry - New Trends in the Development of New Energy Vehicles in China from the 2023 Smart Expo

"In the past, the process of purchasing a car was for consumers to first place an order at a 4S store, and then contact the higher-level dealer or car company to pick up the car. Now, consumers can directly place orders on our platform, choose the required configurations and colors, and the orders will be synchronized to the car factory to achieve personalized customization." In the China Unicom exhibition area, the relevant person in charge pointed to the 5G industrial control platform jointly developed with a certain car company, saying that this model can drive car companies from "production determines sales" to "sales determine production", allowing consumers to directly connect with manufacturers and even partially participate in product design and manufacturing. ".

Industrial Internet platform, welding robot, unmanned intelligent carrier, intelligent warehousing and logistics platform... Many automobile supporting enterprises demonstrated advanced intelligent manufacturing technology at the Smart Expo, which not only greatly improved the process quality of the whole vehicle, but also led to the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and equipment.

Electrification, intelligence, digitization... It is not difficult to see from the 2023 Smart Expo that intelligent connected new energy vehicles will continue to "overcome obstacles" on the path of innovation, injecting strong momentum into China's journey towards becoming an automotive powerhouse.

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