Xinhua All Media+| Smart Expo Perspective on the Smart Future - Exploring New Highlights of the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:01 PM

By swiping your palm, you can identify your identity information and receive your power bank. On rainy days, you can sense humidity and automatically close the windows with smart curtains. By reading pictures, you can help visually impaired people see the world with smart glasses... In the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo exhibition hall, various new technologies, products, and applications are overwhelming. Through exhibits full of "black technology", it is not difficult to see that in the current era of rapid technological development, the smart future is shining into reality.

This year's Smart Expo opened on September 4th, with over 80 long chain main enterprises and over 400 upstream and downstream core enterprises in the industrial chain, as well as nearly 3000 innovative and cutting-edge achievements at the source, making a concentrated appearance. Cutting-edge and innovative technological products allow visitors to truly experience the tremendous changes digital technology has brought to people's lives during the exhibition process.

"Amidst the colorful clouds of the White Emperor, a thousand miles of Jiangling can be seen returning in a day." A child recited a newly learned ancient poem on a large screen, and as soon as the words fell, the "Xunfei Starfire" cognitive model painted on site based on the poem's lines, attracting many viewers to stop. Not only can you draw, but you can also create plans and write scripts... In the iFlytek exhibition area of the central hall of the Smart Expo, everyone interacts with iFlytek Spark.

"Under the wave of universal artificial intelligence, everyone can have their own AI assistant," said Yang Kang, General Manager of iFlytek Chongqing Company. Currently, the "iFlytek Spark" has been gradually applied in industries such as education, industry, and healthcare, bringing many conveniences to people's production and life.

At the exhibition area of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, staff are introducing an intelligent "anti fall suit" to the audience. At the moment of a person falling, the "anti fall suit" uses a chip to sense and activate the compression airbag inside the suit to inflate in a timely manner, providing protection. Associate Professor Yu Haiyan of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications introduced to reporters, "The chip of wearable devices serves as an intelligent decision-making 'brain', which can automatically achieve fall monitoring, reducing fall injuries for high-risk groups such as the elderly."

On September 4th, at the Tencent exhibition hall of the 2023 Smart Expo, staff demonstrated WeChat's "swiping the palm". Photo by Chu Jiayin, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Car is an important keyword of this year's Smart Expo. This year, the conference focuses on annual themes such as "Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles", showcasing cutting-edge products, advanced systems, and innovative applications in the global intelligent connected new energy vehicle field, and providing more solutions for smart transportation.

Xinhua All Media+| Smart Expo Perspective on the Smart Future - Exploring New Highlights of the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo

Have you ever seen a flying car? The reporter saw at the scene that Xiaopeng Huitian brought the concept flying car "Traveler X2", which looked like a helicopter and had a rotor, and quickly caught the attention of the audience.

"The flying car is equipped with a human-computer interaction operating system, which can automatically take off and land after setting navigation, with a maximum designed flight altitude of up to 1000 meters." The exhibition staff explained that the flying car can travel on the road, fold and deform, and can also take off and land vertically, flying over congested roads, obstacles, rivers, etc., meeting people's needs for short distance low altitude travel. It can also be applied in scenarios such as sightseeing tourism, air patrols, and emergency material transportation.

On September 4th, at the central exhibition hall of the 2023 Smart Expo, guests visited the "Traveler X2" concept flying car. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Tang Yi

In addition to technological innovation, more new technologies in the field of smart transportation have been implemented and applied, making it within people's reach.

Automatic identity recognition, voice interaction control, and radar collection of road condition information... The "AITO Wenjie" series of products showcased by SAIC Motor are equipped with smart cabins and intelligent driving systems, showcasing more possibilities for future travel.

It is reported that this series of cars are equipped with millimeter wave radar, ultrasonic radar, and high-precision cameras. After collecting road condition information, it is calculated in real time by vehicle grade chips, achieving active safety, intelligent parking, and intelligent driving navigation assistance functions, which can effectively reduce the fatigue of drivers during long-distance driving. After experiencing it, Mr. Chen, an audience member from Sichuan, exclaimed, "Cars are becoming increasingly 'smart' and travel is becoming more convenient."

With the entry of new energy vehicles into thousands of households, "charging anxiety" has become a lingering problem in the minds of car owners. "We have developed and produced a 480KW split type flexible charging stack, which solves the problem of traditional charging piles not being able to meet diverse charging needs." According to He Jinzi, Vice President of Shenzhen Huicheng Information Technology Co., Ltd., this product can allocate output power through adaptive vehicle battery requirements, and can charge multiple vehicles simultaneously, effectively improving charging efficiency and charging pile utilization.

Xinhua All Media+| Smart Expo Perspective on the Smart Future - Exploring New Highlights of the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo

It is reported that on the opening day, this year's Smart Expo signed a total of 84 major projects with an official contract amount of 213.86 billion yuan, covering multiple fields such as intelligent connected new energy vehicles, biomedicine, new energy, and new energy storage. In the field of intelligent connected new energy vehicles, a total of 19 signed projects were promoted, with a formal contract amount of 68.8 billion yuan, accounting for 32.2% of the total signed amount.

Luo Li, Deputy Director of the Committee Office of the Smart Expo and Deputy Director of the Chongqing Municipal Economic Information Commission, stated that Chongqing is committed to strengthening enterprises and supplementing the supply chain, and is fully committed to promoting the construction of a world-class intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry cluster. This year's Smart Expo adheres to the principle of promoting business through exhibitions, building an efficient and pragmatic platform for technology and product exchange, negotiation, and transaction docking, and striving to promote more enterprises to settle in Chongqing and invest in business.

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