Why is this international conference attracting attention?, Held in Anhui for 6 consecutive years

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:05 PM

The 2023 World Manufacturing Conference will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from September 20 to 24. The reporter learned from the first press conference of the 2023 World Manufacturing Conference that this conference will hold a series of rich activities, including the opening ceremony and keynote forum, with the theme of "Smart Manufacturing World · Creating Beauty". The organizer stated that this year, the conference will invite over 1200 heavyweight guests from the global manufacturing industry.

Since 2018, the World Manufacturing Conference has been held in Anhui for 5 consecutive sessions and is gradually becoming a landmark and high-level open cooperation platform for Anhui and even the whole country.

Why is the annual World Manufacturing Conference gaining more and more influence?

Firstly, the positioning is high and the hosting level is high.

The conference is an important international conference approved by the State Council and the first event in Anhui Province.

It is reported that the organizers of the conference include the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Commerce, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the National Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, the Global Alliance for Small and Medium Enterprises, and the People's Government of Anhui Province.

In terms of positioning, Sun Donghai introduced that "the conference will focus on the new stage of development, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern.".

Secondly, it is large-scale and emphasizes internationalization.

The reporter learned that in the first five conferences, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and other countries were invited as guests of honor. A total of 125 foreign political figures and government officials from 97 countries and regions, as well as 584 executives from Fortune Global 500 companies, were invited to attend. 14824 guest merchants attended the conference; A total of 2693 domestic and foreign enterprises showcased over 10600 new products, technologies, and achievements in the manufacturing industry.

This year, the conference invited guests from around the world, including not only foreign dignitaries, ambassadors to China, and heads of international organizations, but also more than 300 foreign representatives from over 60 Fortune Global 500 companies and multinational corporations. So far, the number of participating companies, exhibition area, and degree of market-oriented operation have been confirmed to be the highest in history.

Once again, it has achieved sufficient results and built a bridge of promoting business through meetings.

Numbers are the most persuasive. "Focusing on improving quality, expanding quantity, and increasing efficiency in the manufacturing industry, we have continuously held" 600 "project docking activities for central enterprises, private enterprises, foreign enterprises, Hong Kong and Macao enterprises, Taiwanese enterprises, and overseas Chinese enterprises. Sun Donghai revealed that a total of 3021 projects were signed in the first five conferences, and a number of major projects worth billions or even billions of yuan, such as Volkswagen New Energy Vehicles, BYD New Energy Vehicles, and NIO Intelligent Electric Vehicle Industrial Park, have landed in Anhui.".

Finally, there are a variety of activities and highlights.

On the basis of previous editions, this World Manufacturing Conference will set up one opening ceremony and theme forum, six "600" project docking activities, 11 special activities, 21 forum activities, and 21 activities carried out by various cities, with the highest level of activity richness in previous editions.

Among them, national level business associations such as the China Enterprise Federation, the China Industrial Economy Federation, and the China Industrial Machinery Federation will be invited to focus on advanced manufacturing, technological innovation, digital economy, and other fields. Seven high-level exchange forums will be held, including the China Top 500 Enterprises Summit Forum, the Industry Chain Digital Intelligent Development Forum, and the Yabuli Intelligent Manufacturing Forum. A batch of authoritative information and research reports in the manufacturing industry will be released, including the 2023 China Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises List.


"The World Manufacturing Conference effectively showcases the development achievements of China's advanced manufacturing industry, showcases the advanced technology and application achievements of manufacturing enterprises, and builds an important platform for promoting innovative development and international cooperation in the manufacturing industry. It also provides a good opportunity for enterprises from all over the world to invest and develop in China. At the press conference that day, Yao Jun, Deputy Director of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said," We hope to take this conference as an opportunity to further deepen international exchanges in the manufacturing industry, promote a number of international cooperation projects in the industrial chain and supply chain with high quality, and achieve more and better results, making contributions to promoting high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and strengthening international cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain. "

The reporter learned that as a global manufacturing event, the World Manufacturing Conference is also an important measure for Anhui to promote high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.

According to Feng Kejin, Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Anhui Province, since 2018, the average annual growth rate of the added value of large-scale industries in the province has been 7.5%, ranking fifth in the country. In 2022, industrial enterprises above designated size in the province achieved a revenue of 4.9 trillion yuan, ranking 10th in the country. From January to July this year, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 7.2% year-on-year, ranking 7th in the country.

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