This week's performance summary has arrived, with endless excitement, in the golden September of autumn

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:40 PM

Huai opera, Shanghai opera, ethnic music concerts... A wave of performances is beckoning to you. What performances are worth watching in Pudong during the golden September? Xiaobu has collected some performance information for everyone this week, let's take a look together ↓

"National Music Rhyme" Shanghai Ethnic Orchestra Concert

Songs are the most direct expression of human emotions, and vocal works are one of the most popular and easily understood and participated in art works by the general public. "Guole Geyun" is a specialized vocal music concert created by vocal singers from the Shanghai Ethnic Orchestra, mainly in the form of speeches. This event will bring folk songs, art songs from various regions, as well as classic ethnic vocal works that are familiar to the audience. Live teaching and singing of songs will also be added in the interactive section, greatly enriching the content and form of the event, allowing the audience to immerse themselves and enjoy the audio-visual feast.

Time: Thursday, September 7th at 13:30

Location: Theater on the 4th floor of Nicheng Town Cultural Service Center

Huai Opera "Kong Yiji"

The Huai Opera "Kong Yiji" is based on the novel of the same name by Mr. Lu Xun, and tells the story of the grudges and entanglements between the poor scholar Kong Yiji and Ding Juren, the hotel manager, and the Dream Butterfly Girl.

Time: Friday, September 8th at 13:30

Location: Theater on the second floor of Community Party and Mass Service Center, No. 1473 Boxing Road

2023 VIDEO GAMES LIVE World of Warcraft Concert

Video Games Live Symphony Concert is a video symphony concert with classic game music as its theme. The music is arranged and conducted by world-class masters, and performed by top-notch international renowned bands, choirs, and performers. With exclusive game video playback, the music and light jump together. Unlike traditional concerts, VGL concerts are full of interactivity, entertainment, and fun. Audiences not only passively enjoy a concert while sitting in their seats, but also integrate into the atmosphere of the entire concert, allowing them to experience an exciting performance in the interaction between video games and music.

Time: September 7th September 8th Thursday Friday 19:30

Location: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

This week's performance summary has arrived, with endless excitement, in the golden September of autumn

Mingshi · Healing Sleep Concert

This is a thorough immersive music experience, different from traditional classical concerts where one sits upright. The concert combines the immersive display platform of the theater to create a "stress relieving and sleep enhancing" music live experience for the audience. The grand theater is set up as an exclusive sleeping area, providing good sleeping items such as mattresses, pillows, and eye masks. You can choose an exclusive bed or sit in a large audience seat, wear eye masks, and fall into a comfortable and stable sleep

Time: Friday, September 8th at 20:30

Location: Bank of Communications Qiantan 31 Performance Center · Grand Theater

Yue Opera "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai"

The Yue Opera "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is based on excellent works of Chinese folk classical literature, which have been polished and passed down by generations of Yue Opera practitioners. It has been performing for decades and is renowned both domestically and internationally, becoming one of the classic representatives of the passing down of Yue Opera.

Time: Friday, September 8th at 19:15

Location: Lingang Performing Arts Center

Beijing Opera "Phoenix Returns to Nest"

The Peking Opera "The Phoenix Returns to the Nest" is a classic opera of Mei School, which means happiness and happiness. It tells the love story of Cheng Xue'e and Cheng Xueyan, two sisters. The classic singing sections such as "Mother should not be too biased" are magnificent, unique, and lively, fully showcasing the unique charm of Meipai art.

Time: Saturday, September 9th at 19:30

Location: Lingang Performing Arts Center

The Symphony Concert of the Four Great Classical Novels

This week's performance summary has arrived, with endless excitement, in the golden September of autumn

The "Four Masterpieces" Symphony Concert is jointly created by the Philharmonic Orchestra led by the national first-class conductor Fan Tao. It showcases the famous pieces and songs from the four masterpieces in the form of symphony and solo, and takes everyone to reminisce about Chinese classic culture and traditional music works.

Time: Saturday, September 9th at 19:30

Location: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

Sea Music - Peacock Flies Southeast - Li Yiqian Guzheng Concert

Zheng Zheng has sound, but different contexts of Zheng can present completely different musical symbols for expression. Li Yiqian's Guzheng Solo Concert combines the unique local flavor of the Northern and Southern School of zheng music, Mr. Liang Zaiping's "Liang's Zheng Music", and new works adapted from tradition, highlighting the inheritance and collision of the "ancient" and "modern" zheng. Gather multiple outstanding musicians to engage in a dialogue, showcasing classic traditional Chinese zither music and spreading folk songs, inspiring admiration and imagination for tradition.

Time: Saturday, September 9th at 19:45

Location: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

Shanghai Opera "Red Lantern"

The story of the Red Lantern, a Shanghai opera, tells the heroic story of underground worker Li Yu and three generations of his grandparents, under the leadership of the CPC, who "bent on the Party for revolution", fought against the Japanese invaders indomitably and successfully transmitted secret codes to the guerrillas.

Time: Sunday, September 10th at 18:30

Location: Lingang Performing Arts Center

Harry Potter -2023 Magic Movie Masterpiece Concert

The selected tracks for this concert are all classic movie classics, including famous movies such as Harry Potter, Frozen, City of Love, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. There are theme songs and classic soundtracks. The focus will be on playing multiple soundtracks from four Harry Potter movies. Including the most famous Hedwig Variations, as well as the Harry Potter movie music series. This concert will be performed by powerful performers from the ancient chamber orchestra.

This week's performance summary has arrived, with endless excitement, in the golden September of autumn

Time: Sunday, September 10th at 19:30

Location: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

More exciting performances

A comprehensive cultural performance of the original program "Dream Flying to the Sea and Sky"

Time: Wednesday, September 6th at 13:30

Location: Lunan Village, Shuyuan Town

Large scale Traditional Shanghai Opera "Wine as a Medium"

Time: Wednesday, September 6th at 13:00

Location: Huanglu Theater, No. 6193 Chuannan Fengdao Road

"Promoting traditional culture and lighting up people's lives"

Special performance

Time: Thursday, September 7th at 13:00

Location: Jiangnan Bookstore, West Third Floor, No. 509 Jinghai Road

This week's performance summary has arrived, with endless excitement, in the golden September of autumn

Huinan Town Pudong Pipa School Report Exhibition

Time: Friday, September 8th at 18:30

Location: Qunxing Theater, East Building, No. 509 Jinghai Road

Partial text/* reprinted from Pudong's official WeChat account

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Guangming Current Review: Continuing to give prominence to the construction of ecological civilization | Ecology | Current Review

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Chen Ding June 5th is World Environment Day, and China has also legislated to designate June 5th as Environment Day every year. This year's theme is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature.".The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development.

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Strengthening Reform Investigation and Research (Commentator Observation) Department | Question | Commentator

Investigation and research help to grasp the rapidly changing reality, fundamentally enhance the scientific, targeted, and effective nature of reform measures, adhere to problem orientation, enhance problem awareness, and focus more on areas and departments where contradictions and problems are concentrated. Truly understanding the situation, identifying problems accurately, and implementing countermeasures can achieve twice the result with half the effort in promoting reform and development. Overcoming risks and challenges can give us more confidence. Through visits, discussions, and interviews, we can understand the actual situation of grassroots reform and development; Focus on the key areas of reform, identify bottlenecks and difficulties, and carry out in-depth problem sorting and investigation;

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CCTV News: In recent days, the planting and transplanting work of Jiangxi Zhongdao is fully underway. In Ji'an City, some areas have adopted a new technology of "three in one" for rice planting this year, which means that a machine can simultaneously complete transplanting, fertilization, and spraying, which can effectively save costs and increase efficiency. This is a rice field in Aocheng Town, Ji'an County, Ji'an City, where several agricultural machines are working in the field. These machines look the same as regular rice transplanters from the appearance, but the agricultural machinery operator told reporters that two new parts have been installed on the machine - a side deep fertilization and spraying device, which can complete rice transplants, fertilization, and spraying in one go. Not only does it save labor costs, but it can also fertilize seedlings more accurately. The side deep fertilization device can apply fertilizer to the soil at a depth of 3-5 centimeters on the side of seedlings, so that fertilization will not cause excessive fertility and problems such as root rot. Local grain grower king

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The college entrance examination is a crucial milestone for every candidate and their family. During the pre exam period, candidates bear a great deal of mental pressure. Many candidates and parents are concerned that sports will not only squeeze their review time, but also pose certain risks. In case of muscle and bone injuries, it will also affect the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable exercise plan before the exam can not only improve the body's immune system and enhance disease resistance, but also regulate the candidate's tension, improve their physiological and psychological state, and be beneficial for pre exam review and exam performance. Here are some suggestions for exercising before exams, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The selection of suitable exercise methods before the exam varies from person to person, and each candidate's actual situation is different. The selected exercise items, amount of exercise, and exercise methods should also be different

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Author: Mao Yufei In 1985, at the luxurious villa of the Sackler family, family members held an important meeting. Richard Sackler stood against the light, his face half bright and half dark. Richard is responsible for product development and marketing at the family founded Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, and is a pending successor. The patent for Mesconazole, which once generated 25% of sales for Purdue, is about to expire. Richard has proposed a heavyweight plan to his family's predecessors: to develop a new opioid drug specifically designed to alleviate moderate pain. For this plan, several seniors frowned and said, "Opioid drugs are easily addictive and cannot be used repeatedly." Richard's uncle Arthur Sackler nodded and then waved at Richard, saying, "Don't get your mind too stuck. The market needs to find ways to create it yourself.". In 2015, in a battle against