The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:42 PM

The highly anticipated world's first "Zootopia" themed park has finally unveiled its mysterious veil at Shanghai Disney Resort. On September 5th, the reporter learned at the creative press conference of the park that the "Crazy Animal City" themed park will officially open by the end of this year. Integrating Disney's creative ideas and cutting-edge technology, this new park will allow visitors to fully immerse themselves in the colorful and vibrant mammal metropolis, feeling that "every animal has infinite possibilities.".

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

Integrating movie scenes with local culture

Upon entering the new park, tourists will immediately immerse themselves in this mammalian metropolis. Strolling along the main road of "Crazy Animal City" - "Main Road", the storefronts of various sizes are arranged in rows on both sides, leading directly to the Animal City People's Square - the center of sparse trees and grasslands. This square is also Judy's first stop in Zootopia in the movie.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

In the center of the sparse tree grassland center, a tall office building stands tall, prominently displaying a large electronic billboard for the Animal City Center and advertising boards for major brands within the animal city. On the super large electronic billboard, various fun, interesting, and colorful animated advertisements are played in a loop, showcasing the charm and vitality of this city. Behind the oversized electronic billboard is the iconic architecture inspired by the skyline of major cities in movies - the "Zootopia" skyline.

The press conference revealed that the "Zootopia" themed park adheres to the concept of "authentic Disney, unique Chinese style" from the stories and concepts of each experience to the design details and presentation, cleverly integrating Disney's magical experience with Chinese culture.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

In this vibrant city, there are various residential, commercial, public facilities, as well as transportation systems. From the moment tourists step into the "Zootopia", they will see many city and traffic signs that are fully "animalistic" and incorporate local elements, making them feel very familiar.

For example, the main road of "Crazy Zootopia" - "Da Ma Road", is named in accordance with the Chinese word "Ma Road" and cleverly incorporates the residents of "Ma", the Zootopia; The Night Walking Alley is a surprise inspired by Shanghai, a gathering place for night animals to eat, drink, and have fun together, while the Alley can evoke memories of Shanghai for tourists.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

The traffic signs in Zootopia are inspired by various animals and provide instructions or information in a completely "zoocentric" manner. For example, the vehicle height limit sign features a giraffe as a design element, reminding the tunnel ahead of the height limit; The sign "Do not send text messages while driving" incorporates animal claws to remind drivers to comply with traffic rules; The roads and streets of Zootopia are filled with vehicles of various sizes, so the design elements of elephants and mice are integrated into the traffic signs of the merging roads.

Cleverly integrating cutting-edge technological innovation

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

"Crazy Animal City" not only has various distinctive commercial signs and billboards tailored for different animal residents, but the combination of novel creativity and cutting-edge technology also injects diverse vitality into this "city".

The technology of mechanical animation dolls is a key factor in making this theme park full of vitality. In the design and development process of the "Zootopia" theme park, Fantasy engineers adopted a new generation of mechanical animation doll technology controlled by an electric motor drive system, allowing tourists to immerse themselves in the world of "Zootopia" from the moment they step into the theme park to the moment they "jump onto" patrol police cars and start "heat tracking".

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

At the main attractions of the "Zootopia" theme park, the trackless riding system and cutting-edge technologies complement each other, showcasing a new attraction - Zootopia: a fascinating story of heat tracking. Here, tourists will take the all terrain police car of Zootopia Police Station to experience the process of sliding over the ice surface of Glacier Town, derailing and rushing to the streets of Sahara Square, and taking a cable car to fall from high altitude in the rainforest area. Through a series of thrilling experiences such as rapid turns, rotations, slides, and falls, they will adventure with family and friends and complete tasks.

In addition to mechanical animation doll technology, the characters in the movie will also be presented through advanced projection special effects technology. For example, at Zootopia Station, through the decorative stained glass window above, one can see a large train passing by, just like in a movie clip where the train keeps coming and going, picking up and dropping off animal residents on their travels; At the Tiger Dance Club, Xia Qiyang's dance companions, tigers, and other animals are celebrating and dancing upstairs. Their dynamic dance movements can also be seen through the glass window... With the support of advanced multimedia technology, these vibrant ideas make the entire "Crazy Animal City" vividly display a rich variety of animal residents.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

"Crazy Zootopia" Everywhere

The theme park of "Crazy Animal City" is full of carefully designed details and ingenuity, allowing tourists to have an authentic experience. Animal themes can be seen everywhere on buildings, such as animal patterns, stripes, spots, and paw prints; The inspiration for landscape design corresponds to the unique geographical features of the four major regions of Zootopia, such as the succulent plants and palm trees that can be seen in Sahara Square. In "Zootopia", the facilities and equipment in the city vary in size, making it convenient for animals of all sizes to use. For example, in the new park, you can see different heights of drinking water points and benches of different sizes.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

In "Zootopia", animals of different sizes operate local "shops" and various "businesses". Fantasy engineers portray this mammalian metropolis and its inhabitants through the presentation of these storefronts. The characters in the movie will also appear everywhere, including Lulu, the fashionable incarnation of the eldest son's daughter, Zootopia. The fashion boutique store she runs, Lulu Boutique, is located at the entrance of the main road. This themed store will launch over 200 various themed products, including exclusive designs for the new park.

The theme park of "Zootopia" integrates a series of stories and scenes, creating a gripping, lively and interesting experience that is as captivating as the movie plot, allowing tourists to fully immerse themselves in their favorite movie scenes. After the opening, tourists can go to the Elephant Dessert Shop to experience the theme catering of "Crazy Zootopia".

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

The resort has also boldly innovated with various alliance partners, tailoring a series of creative experiences for the new park. After the opening, tourists will be able to personally experience these creative products and services.

For example, as one of the main business alliance partners of the resort, Sketch will officially launch its "Zootopia" brand logo - "Lion Cage" in the new theme park, helping all animal residents of Zootopia establish fitness awareness and promote healthy lifestyles. Fantasy engineers have also customized print and large screen advertisements for "Lion Cage" in the new park, and even rolled them out on the iconic large electronic billboards of Zootopia.

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year

PepsiCo has also relocated PepsiCo, 7Up, and Minolta to the new park. In Zootopia, these three brands will incorporate animal elements into their names and transform into "PepsiCo Deer", "7 Rhinos", and "Meinianda". After the opening of the "Zootopia" themed park, these three "Zootopia style" drinks with special customized labels will only be sold at restaurants within Shanghai Disneyland. In addition, Pandora jewelry pendants, Disney LePaiTong experience, Dream Passport, Monster Charging, etc. will also be "Zootopia".

*Reprinted from official WeChat account released by Pudong

The world's first "Zootopia" themed park will open by the end of the year
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