The two offices issued opinions on further strengthening mine safety production work

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:22 PM

On September 6th, Xinhua News Agency reported in Beijing that mine safety production is crucial to the safety of people's lives and property, as well as the overall economic development and social stability. It is of utmost importance to safety production. In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and further strengthen the work of mine safety production, with the consent of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the following opinions are hereby proposed.

1、 Strict access to mine safety production

Strict safety access for coal mines with severe disasters. Stop the construction of coal and gas outburst, rock burst, and extremely complex hydrogeological types with a production capacity of less than 900000 tons per year. New coal mines with coal and gas outbursts, rockburst, and extremely complex hydrogeological types should be designed with intelligent coal mining and excavation in principle.

Strictly control the source of non coal mines. Strictly follow the requirements of mineral resource planning, national spatial planning, and use control, and scientifically and reasonably set up mines. Mineral resource exploration should reach the prescribed level, and the minimum distance between adjacent mining production and construction operations should meet relevant safety regulations. Ordinary sand and gravel open-pit mines for construction shall not be delineated by ridges. Except in compliance with regulations, the scope of newly established mining rights shall not overlap with the vertical projection range of existing mining rights, and the same ore body that can be centrally developed shall not have two or more mining rights established. The scale stated in the mining license is the planned construction scale. Based on the feasibility study of the project, the mining design unit may fully consider factors such as efficient resource utilization, safety production, and ecological environment protection. In the preliminary design and safety facility design of the mine, the actual production and construction scale shall be scientifically demonstrated and determined. Mining enterprises shall strictly follow the approved safety facility design for construction and production.

Standardize administrative licensing for safety production. The design review of safety facilities and approval of safety production permits for mines such as coal mines, metal and non-metal underground mines, and tailings ponds shall be the responsibility of the provincial or above mining safety supervision department, and shall not be delegated or entrusted. The mining safety supervision department shall formulate safety facility design review standards for mining construction projects, strictly review the substantive content, and shall not only review the procedures and forms. If there is no one-time overall design for mining development, safety facility design shall not be approved in principle. In principle, only one production system can be set up within the scope of one mining right. For the first application for a safety production license, on-site verification should be conducted.

2、 Promote the transformation and upgrading of mines

Classify and dispose of mines that do not meet safety production conditions. For those who engage in mining of mineral resources without obtaining a mining license or a safety production license in accordance with the law, engage in mining beyond the boundaries, use mining instead of construction, mine with an exploration license and refuse to rectify, and for metal and non-metallic mines coexisting with coal that still cannot meet the safety production conditions after production suspension and rectification, use processes and equipment that should be eliminated and endanger production safety but refuse to rectify and continue production and construction, or for mines that still do not meet the safety production conditions after production suspension and rectification, they shall be closed and banned in accordance with the law. For mines that have been shut down for a long time, depleted resources, and coal mines with severe disasters that are difficult to effectively prevent and control, actively guide their exit.

Promote the closure and cancellation of tailings ponds. For tailings ponds that have reached the final design elevation, are no longer subject to tailing operations, have been out of service for more than 3 years, or have no production or operation entities, they should be promptly closed for treatment and cancelled. The tailings pond that has completed the closure treatment shall be cancelled by the local government at or above the county level, and shall no longer be used as a tailings pond and shall not be reused for tailings discharge.

Implement non coal mine integration and restructuring. Encourage large mining enterprises to merge, restructure, and integrate small and medium-sized non coal mining enterprises for technological transformation. Promote the integration and reorganization of non coal mines with the same ore body belonging to two or more different mining entities, non coal mines with the minimum distance of production and construction operations that do not meet relevant safety regulations, and ordinary sand and gravel open-pit mines for construction delineated by ridges, to unify mining planning, production systems, and safety management.

Accelerate the upgrading and renovation of mines. Promote the mechanization upgrading and transformation of small and medium-sized mines, as well as the automation and intelligence upgrading and transformation of large mines, accelerate the intelligent construction of mines with severe disasters and high altitudes, and create a number of benchmark mines for automation and intelligence. Underground mines should establish systems for personnel positioning, safety monitoring and control, communication and liaison, self rescue by compressed air, and water supply rescue. The principle for constructing, renovating, and expanding metal and non-metallic underground mines is to use backfill mining method, and those that cannot be used should be strictly demonstrated. Small and medium-sized metal and non-metallic underground mines are not allowed to mine at more than four production levels simultaneously. An online safety monitoring system should be established for tailings ponds, and the construction of small-scale fourth and fifth class tailings ponds should adopt one-time dam construction.

Enhance the ability to support technological innovation. Strengthen the construction of mining safety technology support system. Strengthen research on the prevention and control of major mining disasters, and organize major key technological breakthroughs. Promote the research and application of mining informatization, intelligent equipment, and robots. Implement a batch of major scientific and technological projects related to mining safety. Research and promote the construction of a national key laboratory in the field of mining safety.

3、 Prevent and resolve major security risks

Establish a sound mine safety management system. Mining enterprises should establish a standardized safety production management system with a dual prevention mechanism centered on safety risk classification and control, as well as hidden danger investigation and treatment. Strictly carry out risk identification and assessment, implement hierarchical control, regularly conduct full coverage hazard investigation and treatment for all personnel, establish a risk hazard ledger list, and implement closed-loop management. The safety supervision and supervision departments at all levels of mines should promote enterprises to effectively improve the quality of risk and hidden danger investigation and rectification, establish a supervision system for major hidden danger treatment, track and supervise before major hidden dangers are eliminated, and supervise rectification and cancellation. If major hidden dangers still exist or accidents occur due to inadequate investigation and rectification, the enterprise and relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Strengthen the management of major disasters. Mining enterprises should identify hidden disaster causing factors, implement zoning management and advanced management of major disasters such as coal and gas outburst, rockburst, and water damage. Include the identification of coal mine disaster levels in the scope of safety testing and inspection, and timely publicize the identification results. Standardize the management and verification of coal mine production capacity. For metal and non-metal open-pit mines with slopes exceeding 100 meters in height, slope stability analysis should be conducted annually. If the volume of goaf in metal and non-metal underground mines exceeds the prescribed limit, a special stability assessment should be conducted in a timely manner. The flood discharge structures of tailings ponds should undergo quality testing every 3 years.

Strictly manage the safety of equipment and facilities. Improve the mechanism for reviewing, issuing, and supervising the safety signs of special equipment underground in mines. Regularly conduct safety and reliability inspections on equipment and facilities in use that have obtained safety signs for special equipment underground in mines. Establish a smart supervision platform for the entire lifecycle of mining safety equipment and implement a system of accountability for mining equipment safety.

Standardize the management of non coal mine outsourcing projects. Non coal mining enterprises are uniformly responsible for the safety management of outsourced construction units. It is strictly prohibited to outsource blasting operations specifically for metal and non-metal underground mines. The number of contracting units for metal and non-metal underground infrastructure mining excavation projects shall not exceed three. The number of contracting units for mining projects in large and medium-sized metal and non-metal underground production mines shall not exceed 2, and the number of contracting units for mining projects in small metal and non-metal underground production mines shall not exceed 1. Contracting units are strictly prohibited from subcontracting or subcontracting mining projects and blasting operations. The contracting unit shall dispatch project leaders, technical personnel, and special operation personnel to the project department; The project leader and technical personnel shall have a vocational school diploma or above in a mining related field or an intermediate or higher professional technical title, and shall not work part-time in other mines. Strive to establish a mining and construction team within the production mine or entrust enterprises with corresponding conditions for overall management by the end of 2025.

Strengthen the safety control of mines that have been shut down or shut down. Mines that have stopped work and production for rectification should develop a rectification plan, limiting the number of people working in a single shift to no more than 10 at the same operating location, and report to the mine safety supervision and supervision department before carrying out rectification operations. Local governments and relevant departments shall implement on-site monitoring for coal mines that have stopped work and production for rectification, implement on-site monitoring or inspection responsibilities for other mines that have stopped work and production, and conduct resumption of work and production acceptance in accordance with regulations. If the supervision and inspection are inadequate and the construction and production continue to be organized during the period of shutdown and production, the enterprise and relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Enhance risk monitoring, early warning and disposal capabilities. Strengthen the construction of comprehensive monitoring, early risk identification, and early warning and forecasting capabilities for multiple types and disaster chains in mines. Regional mining rescue teams should be established in areas with concentrated mines. Underground mines and tailings ponds should establish emergency broadcasting and other communication systems to ensure that emergency instructions can be transmitted to all personnel within the affected area in a timely manner. Strengthen emergency plan drills, evaluations, and revisions. Before the flood season each year, the local government should organize joint exercises between tailings pond "overhead storage" enterprises and downstream residents. Strengthen disaster weather warning and forecasting, and prohibit personnel from entering wells in extreme weather.

4、 Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises

Implement the responsibilities of the main responsible person. The main responsible persons of mines and their superior enterprises shall fulfill their responsibilities as the first person responsible for safety production in accordance with the law, increase safety investment and training efforts, and timely study and solve major issues related to mine safety production. The headquarters of mining enterprises should strengthen the supervision and inspection of subordinate enterprises, and the main responsible persons should regularly visit the production site to supervise and inspect safety production work. It is strictly prohibited to issue production plans or operating indicators beyond capacity. Promote the safety production assessment and scoring system for mine managers.

Establish a sound safety management organization. The headquarters of central enterprises involved in mining and large and medium-sized enterprises involved in mining should be equipped with a safety director. Underground mines should be equipped with mine managers, chief engineers, and deputy mine managers in charge of safety, production, mechanical and electrical work. The personnel equipped should have a college degree or above in mining related majors or intermediate or higher professional technical titles, and may not work part-time in other mines. Coal mines, metal and non-metallic mines, and tailings ponds should be equipped with full-time technical personnel with relevant professional secondary school education or above, or intermediate or above professional technical titles. Mines with severe disasters should be equipped with dedicated disaster management leaders, specialized institutions, and professionals as required.

Strengthen basic safety management. Mining enterprises should establish and implement a comprehensive system of job responsibility and safety production management for all employees. Draw and update relevant drawings as required, and submit them to the mine safety supervision and supervision department. Employees who have not passed safety training are not allowed to work on duty. The mine manager, chief engineer, and deputy mine managers in charge of safety, production, mechanical and electrical work should receive specialized safety education and training every year. The special operation personnel of underground mines who obtain evidence for the first time should have a high school education or above. Strict management of underground labor quota, no personnel shall be arranged to work in the well beyond the quota, and the allowance for difficult positions underground shall be increased. Cancel the dispatch of underground labor, and mining enterprises or contracting units shall bear the responsibility of paying off unpaid wages in accordance with the law.

5、 Implementing the responsibilities of local party and government leadership and departmental supervision and supervision

Implement local party and government leadership responsibilities. Adhere to the principle of shared responsibility between the Party and the government, dual responsibilities for one position, joint management, and accountability for dereliction of duty, strictly implement the leadership responsibility for mine safety, organize and carry out regional surveys and governance of hidden disaster causing factors in mines, and severely crack down on illegal mining of mineral resources. Strengthen the construction of mining safety supervision institutions and teams, and ensure that the proportion of professional supervision personnel is not less than 75% of the in-service personnel. The main leaders of the Party and government of key cities and counties for mine safety should regularly study the work of mine safety production and conduct in-depth supervision and inspection underground. Implement a safety production responsibility system for coal mines, metal and non-metal underground mines, and tailings ponds under the leadership of municipal and county-level local governments.

Implement the responsibility of mine safety supervision. Each region should adhere to the principle of clear responsibility and conscientious performance, clarify the jurisdiction of mine safety supervision and law enforcement at the provincial, municipal, and county levels according to the principle of classification, clarify the main body of daily safety supervision of mines and tailings ponds, establish a mechanism for joint law enforcement and transfer of problem clues among departments, vigorously improve law enforcement professionalism, and effectively enhance the strong willingness and ability to discover and solve problems. The safety supervision of mines owned by central enterprises shall be the responsibility of departments at or above the city level. The safety supervision of high-risk mines such as tailings ponds, underground metal and non-metallic mines with a mining depth exceeding 800 meters or a single shift with more than 30 people, and open-pit metal and non-metallic mines with a slope height exceeding 200 meters shall not be delegated to county-level departments in principle. According to the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible", the mine safety supervision and supervision department is responsible for mine safety supervision and mine safety production supervision and management. According to the requirements of "managing industry must manage safety, managing business must manage safety, and managing production and operation must manage safety", other relevant departments should promote the implementation of various requirements for mine safety production in industry management, business management, and production and operation management. The offices of safety production committees at all levels should strengthen the coordination and guidance of mine safety production work.

Strengthen national supervision of mining safety. Establish a sound national mine safety supervision system, with the national mine safety supervision department responsible for supervising and inspecting local mine safety supervision work, and providing opinions and suggestions to local governments to improve and strengthen mine safety supervision work. Coordinate the construction of the mine safety supervision and law enforcement guarantee system, promote the implementation of the regulatory and supervision capacity building plan, improve the technical support system, and improve the national intelligent mine safety supervision and supervision system.

6、 Promote the legal governance of mining safety

Strengthen the construction of law enforcement guarantees. Promote the revision of the Mine Safety Law, formulate regulations on coal mine safety production, and strengthen the standardization construction of mine safety. Improve the training mechanism for professional talents in mining safety supervision and supervision, and enhance the guarantee of benefits. Strengthen the construction of online monitoring networking and comprehensive information platform for mining safety, and enhance the guarantee of law enforcement equipment.

Strengthen safety supervision and inspection. The management and safety supervision departments of the mining industry should strictly inspect and enforce the law, and it is strictly prohibited to substitute punishment for management or ignore punishment. Promote the establishment of a sound mechanism for transferring mining safety production cases, administrative law enforcement, and criminal justice, and promptly transfer suspected crimes to judicial authorities in accordance with regulations. Strengthen the supervision and management of third-party service organizations in the field of mining safety evaluation, design, testing, inspection, certification, consulting, training, supervision, etc. Establish a public system for mine safety evaluation, testing, and inspection reports. Establish and improve the system for publicizing major illegal and irregular information, joint punishment, and reporting rewards. Establish a responsibility investigation mechanism, strictly implement the principle of "who inspects, who signs, and who is responsible", and hold accountable those who fail to handle and punish major hidden dangers or fail to track and rectify them properly in accordance with the law.

Strictly investigate and handle accidents. For major accidents involving risks, concealment and false reporting of major and below mining production safety accidents, investigations may be escalated depending on the situation. Upon receiving false reports of accidents, the local government at or above the county level shall organize verification. Mines that have experienced major or more fatal accidents should be shut down for rectification, and production can only resume after passing the acceptance inspection and meeting the safety production conditions.

7、 Strengthen organizational implementation

Establish sound security measures. Each region and relevant department should strengthen organizational leadership, clarify task division, refine work measures, and study supporting policies. We need to coordinate funding channels and strengthen funding support for mine elimination and exit, tailings pond management, information systems, intelligent mine construction, and safety supervision and inspection. The Emergency Management Department takes the lead in establishing a coordination and promotion mechanism for mine safety, and incorporates the implementation of this opinion into the assessment and inspection of provincial government safety production and fire protection work. Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs, personnel departments, and safety production supervision departments shall, in accordance with their authority and responsibilities, hold accountable those who fail to fulfill their safety production responsibilities in accordance with regulations, discipline, and law, ensuring that all deployment requirements for mine safety production work are implemented effectively.

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