The construction of the "Eastern Bay" modern industrial park has been accelerated, vigorously cultivating advantageous industrial clusters

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:43 PM

To the west of Jinqiao Development Zone and to the east of Caolu Daju, the Caolu "Dongbu Bay" Modern Industrial Park with a planned total area of 2.63 square kilometers is named after the geographical characteristics of Caolu Town along the river and the sea, as well as the multi sided water environment of the park. As one of the 104 industrial blocks in Shanghai and an important node in the industrial layout system of the "Belt, Two Corridors, and One Ring" in Pudong, the "East Bay" Modern Industrial Park will actively undertake the potential industry chain enterprises of the two major industrial highlands of Jinqiao and Zhangjiang in the future, vigorously cultivate advantageous industrial clusters, and establish an integrated, multifunctional, and high-energy industrial demonstration platform.

It is reported that Caolu Town scientifically evaluates the development direction of the park, deeply promotes six plans including industrial planning and detailed control planning, and clarifies that biopharmaceuticals, intelligent manufacturing, and integrated circuits are the leading industries. Based on the Huadong Road industrial development axis and the Minqiu Road industry city integration axis, four industrial areas are set up: integrated circuit core area, intelligent technology intelligent manufacturing area, leading industry research and development area, and intelligent research and development service area.

At present, the modern industrial park in the "East Bay" mainly involves industries such as automotive supporting, microelectronics, and communication equipment. The leading enterprises are Shanghai Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. and Delta Electronic Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. In recent years, Caolu Town has actively promoted the improvement of the quality and efficiency of existing industrial land in the industrial community, relying on its location advantage adjacent to the three major national level development zones and the north-south science and technology innovation corridor, as well as its efficient and convenient transportation advantage. It strives to create a forefront of high-quality industrial development through the creation of characteristic industrial parks.

It is reported that there are a total of 386.4 acres of undeveloped land remaining in the park, of which 280 acres have been included in the reserve, totaling 11 plots. Among them, "2" refers to two pieces of clean industrial land. The first piece has clearly stated the intention to sell the Jiachang Automobile Intelligent Cockpit Parts Production Base, with a total construction area of 16000 square meters and an investment of 150 million yuan. The expected industrial output value after production is 400 million yuan per year, and construction is expected to start in the first half of next year. The second plot of land on Minxue North Road covers an area of 10 acres, which is currently being processed for agricultural conversion and is ready for transfer. "5" refers to 5 industrial land parcels, totaling 163 acres, which are currently under project approval and storage. "4" refers to four commercial supporting land plots in the park, totaling 98 acres, all of which have been approved for storage. The collection and signing of contracts will be initiated in the fourth quarter of this year, and the plan is to gradually sell them starting from the second quarter of next year.

The construction of the "Eastern Bay" modern industrial park has been accelerated, vigorously cultivating advantageous industrial clusters

After investigating 54 industrial plots in the park, Caolu Town found that although there are a few leading high-yield plots such as Taida and Zhongda, there is an urgent need to improve the overall quality and efficiency of the park.

To this end, Caolu Town distinguishes and sorts out various types of current enterprises in the park, clarifies four paths of preservation and improvement, independent transformation, cooperative development, and collection and storage revitalization. Based on the natural conditions of land transformation, the owner's self renewal willingness, and external project resource supply, the feasibility of transformation and upgrading is comprehensively evaluated, and a "one place, one policy, one working group" is formed. Each week, the main leaders take the lead in holding special meetings to accelerate the improvement and efficiency of existing industrial land.

Based on further strengthening the platform function of the government's traction and integration of resources, Caolu has accurately anchored its goals and made efforts to promote breakthroughs in key projects, including guiding a batch of independent transformation, mainly including two projects: Jinguang · Digital Innovation Park and Guangming · Mindong Green Valley; Integrate resources and cooperate in the development of a batch, mainly including two projects: Liandong U Valley · Dongbu Bay Creative Center and Liansheng Chemical; We will continue to promote a batch of projects, coordinate more than 10 industrial plots such as Fuzhong, Zhongchu, Smic, and special-shaped steel pipes, clarify paths for independent transformation, cooperative development, and mergers and acquisitions. In the second half of this year, we plan to promote four or five existing projects to pass industrial certification and officially launch them; Reserve a batch for future industrial space expansion of the Shangwei project and the cultivation and development of future industries in Pudong. Six plots including Mansong and Guigui will be designated as reserves.

Caolu Town stated that the construction and development of the "East Bay" modern industrial park will be centered around the innovation and linkage of the industrial park, relying on the Huadong Road industrial development axis and the Minqiu Road industry city integration axis to form a regional industrial landmark display node, with production functions as the main focus, supporting research and development, and commercial service functions, combined with waterfront landscape and convenient transportation block layout talent apartments, supporting leisure commercial and life service functions.

The construction of the "Eastern Bay" modern industrial park has been accelerated, vigorously cultivating advantageous industrial clusters

In the process of integrating industry and city development, Caolu Town will also lay out innovation and entrepreneurship spaces such as incubators, research institutions, and shared laboratories in the "East Bay" modern industrial park, tap into the scientific research advantages and professional strengths of three universities, namely Lixin Finance, Second University of Technology, and Shanda, form distinctive "one university one incubator" working mechanisms, cultivate high-quality entrepreneurial soil, and strive to create a batch of incubation bases for innovation and entrepreneurship, transformation bases for scientific and technological achievements, and demonstration bases for collaborative innovation between industry, academia, and research.

Text: Zhang Lei

*Reprinted from official WeChat account released by Pudong

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