The boss spoke up, and a company issued a notice: Employees who purchase Huawei Mate60 can be reimbursed 50%

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:26 PM

Jimu News reporter Man Da

Employees who purchase Huawei's new Mate60 phone for personal use can be reimbursed 50% of the cost. Recently, an international freight company in Shenzhen issued a notice that has sparked heated discussions among netizens. On September 6th, Jimu News contacted employees of the company, stating that the notice was true, but because it was a new phone, he had not been able to grab it yet.

Employees present company notices

On September 4th, a netizen posted a video stating that an international freight company in Shenzhen has issued a notice that all employees who have become regular employees purchasing Huawei Mate60 for personal use can be reimbursed 50%. To avoid reselling behavior, the company will reimburse expenses after 6 months, during which employees need to work by plane. The notice sparked heated discussions among netizens, and the video publisher replied in the comment section, "It's a small company with 22 people."

Jimu News found on the official website of Huawei Mall that the Huawei Mate60 is priced at 5999 yuan and the Mate60 Pro is priced at 6999 yuan. Currently, it needs to be purchased on a regular basis.

On the morning of September 6th, Jimu News contacted Mr. Song, the video publisher. He claimed that he is a core employee of the company, and this notice is true. Although the company has over 20 employees, some of them are informal employees who have not yet issued invoices, with only five or six formal employees. The reason why it is stipulated that reimbursement can only be made after 6 months is because this industry has high liquidity, which prevents some employees from switching jobs after purchasing a machine for reimbursement. Mr. Song said that due to work needs, he owns multiple mobile phones, but he is still very interested in the Huawei Mate60 and wants to purchase a new phone to support Huawei. However, because it is a new model, he has not yet obtained it.

The boss spoke up, and a company issued a notice: Employees who purchase Huawei Mate60 can be reimbursed 50%

Jimu News subsequently contacted the company owner Mr. Pan, who claimed that this idea was proposed by himself. This move not only supports the national brand, but also provides benefits for employees. There are not many employees in the company, and even if everyone buys one, they can afford it. This is just an internal notice, and the young people in the company were a bit excited when they learned about it, so they posted it online. Mr. Pan said that he has multiple mobile phones, including old Huawei models. "I heard that there may be even better new phones to be released, and I am still waiting for Huawei's press conference to buy them later," Mr. Pan said.

Jimu News reporters have noticed that in addition to this international freight company, companies in Jiangsu, Fujian and other regions have recently issued notices stating that employees who purchase Huawei Mate60 or Mate60 Pro will receive subsidies from the company. Some companies offer subsidies of 1000 yuan, while others offer subsidies of 2000 or 3000 yuan.

A company in Wuxi has announced that its official employees will purchase Mate60 Pro before December 31st this year, and the company will provide a subsidy of 1000 yuan. Mr. Du, the owner of the company, responded to Jimu News reporters that the reason for issuing this announcement is to support the national brand. The company has about five or six formal employees, but because it is currently difficult to obtain subsidies, no one has yet received them.

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