The border suddenly erupted into conflict, and our two neighboring countries

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:11 PM

Seeing this news, I am still a bit shocked that our two neighboring countries have suddenly erupted into fierce conflict.

Which two neighboring countries?

One is Pakistan Railway Pakistan, and the other is Afghanistan.

In theory, Afghanistan is now under the control of the Taliban, and the relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan is well-known worldwide.

This shouldn't be.

But the conflict happened.

On September 6th, a fierce conflict broke out between the border defense forces of Pakistan and Afghanistan near the Dorham border. Watching videos on social media, we could hear very dense gunfire, and many civilians were dragging their luggage and crawling away from the conflict area.

Why conflict?

Not very clear, it may be related to border disputes. Dorham is an important port between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I saw media reports that Pakistani border forces were preventing the Taliban from establishing border outposts, and Taliban soldiers beat up Pakistani soldiers

The good news is that Pakistan and Afghanistan are in contact in an attempt to ease the local situation.

But the other one is even less good news. At another border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, there has been a more intense conflict between Pakistani border forces and the Pakistani Taliban.

According to official Pakistani disclosures, hundreds of Bata militants equipped with the latest weapons crossed the border from Afghanistan on September 6th and captured two Pakistani military outposts. The intense fighting lasted for four hours, with four Pakistani soldiers killed and "12 terrorists sent to hell.".

The outbreak of conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan is not always a good thing. Bata's use of Afghanistan to launch attacks on Pakistan should ring the alarm bell.

Finally, what do you think?

The border suddenly erupted into conflict, and our two neighboring countries

Let's stick to the rough three points.

Firstly, we need to distinguish between a concept, Ata and Bata.

Ata is the Afghan Taliban, and Bata is the Pakistani Taliban. What we usually refer to as the Taliban generally refers to Ata.

Although both are Taliban, there is a difference between the two. Bata is a terrorist organization widely recognized by the Pakistani government and the international community, which has carried out many terrorist attacks in Pakistan, targeting us Chinese as well as many other foreigners.

Ata claimed to be a political and military organization, openly stating that it prohibits any organization or individual from using Afghan territory to threaten other countries, and has maintained dialogue and contact with the international community in recent years.

So, let's not get confused either. Bata is Bata, Ata is Ata, it's not the same thing, Bata is a terrorist organization.

Secondly, we need to be clear about who is the mastermind behind Bata.

It is impossible for Bata to underestimate the fact that he was able to organize a team of hundreds of people to boldly cross the border and launch a large-scale attack on the Pakistani border forces.

Who is the mastermind behind this terrorist organization?

According to Pakistan, Ata is also to blame. After all, Afghanistan now is under the control of Ata. It is obviously impossible for Bata to be so arrogant without Ata's care. This clearly laid a mine for the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It's thunder, it will explode sooner or later.

Also, where do Bata's latest weapons come from? According to Pakistani caretaker Prime Minister Kakar, the source is still the US military.

Two years ago, the US military hastily withdrew from Afghanistan, and a large number of American weapons fell into the hands of Afghan militants, and then flowed into the hands of Bata.

Kakar exclaimed: This is a fact that both Pakistan and the United States know. However, like many countries in the world, Pakistan can only be forced to accept this fact and become the front line in dealing with terrorists.

The border suddenly erupted into conflict, and our two neighboring countries

America, this is all your fault!

Thirdly, the situation is still very disappointing and worrying.

To be frank, Ata is very disappointed with the United States, and I am also very disappointed with Ata.

Ata's disappointment was that the United States turned its back and refused to recognize anyone. Atta kept his promise to ensure the safe evacuation of the US military, but the United States is withholding money from Afghanistan and does not recognize the Atta regime. Afghans really live in hell.

I am a bit disappointed with Ata. It should be noted that Ata has made public commitments to the international community in protecting women's rights, but the reality is that more and more women in Afghanistan are unable to attend school or work, which further exacerbates the plight of Afghan women.

More than 20 years ago, I went to Afghanistan to work for a period of time, and at that time, I thought, what is hell on earth? That's the hell on earth. But looking at Afghanistan 20 years later, it is still such a tragic situation, which is truly touching.

I really don't know how the Afghan people survived, and they have to continue to endure. Indeed, what we are accustomed to is what many countries envy the most.

Now, Afghanistan and Pakistan are doing it again. Behind a word of disagreement, there must be a conflict of interests, and even more anger in one's heart.

Alas, two difficult brothers and brothers, why do you really need to?

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