The "Aohan Model" for desertification control, "Pomegranate Blossoms and Seeds Together" 32 Lianshan

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:37 PM

CCTV News: "Walking through mountains and rivers is not as far as looking out through 32 terraced mountains and fields." The 32 terraced mountains ecological construction project is located in Saliba Township, Aohan Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, consisting of 32 peaks connected, with a total area of 32000 acres. It is a typical example of comprehensive management of mountains, water, fields, forests, and roads, with horizontal terraced field construction as the main focus.

The 32 Lianshan River Basin belongs to the wind erosion and water erosion area. Prior to treatment, soil erosion was severe, causing huge losses to local people's production and life, and becoming an important factor restricting regional economic development.

In 1997, Han Xudong, the deputy township head in charge of agriculture in Saliba Township, was appointed as the overall commander of the comprehensive governance project. Years later, recalling the scene when he first learned this news, he remembered that he was under a lot of pressure. Thirty two consecutive mountains were the "north gate" of Aohan Banner, and "we must win this project.".

At that time, the survey found that the slope here was very steep and suitable for terracing. Considering the huge amount of terraced fields covering thousands of acres, Han Xudong and the engineering leadership team discussed and decided to mobilize 20000 people and 7000 to 8000 laborers from the entire township to participate in the governance. Han Xudong said that at most, more than 7000 people participated in the project, and the mountains and fields were covered in dust and people covered in dust.

From digging pits, planting trees to repairing terraces, Han Xudong participated throughout the entire process. At that time, he stayed on the mountain for 54 consecutive days without ever going down. When he went down, his eyes were all black and swollen, making it difficult to open them. "My mother can't even recognize me," he said.

In the end, after 25 days, more than 7000 laborers from 12 surrounding villages worked together to complete the construction of over 3200 acres of terraced fields. 68 year old Han Xudong, who has been retired for over a decade, once again mentions the experience of leading cadres and masses of all ethnic groups to turn barren mountains and barren hills into fertile fields many years ago. He is still excited and said, "In my life's work career, I have also done something serious and good, haven't I?"?

After several generations of unremitting efforts, 32 Lianshan has completed a centralized contiguous project to control soil erosion on an area of 32000 acres, including 17000 acres of water and soil conservation afforestation, 8020 acres of high standard terraced fields, 30 protective forest networks for farmland, totaling 25000 meters, and a 15000 acre ecological restoration base in Aohan Banner. The ecological environment has been significantly improved, and the barren land with rolling sand and dust has become the current oasis.

Thirty two consecutive mountains are a vivid reflection of several generations of people in Aohan Banner who have adhered to the promotion of "ecological flag building". Zhang Xudong, Director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Aohan Banner, introduced that since the beginning of the new century, Aohan Banner has relied on the national implementation of the Grain for Green Project, the Beijing Tianjin Wind and Sand Source Control Project, ecological construction and protection projects, etc., and has initially established a protective forest system combining trees, shrubs, grass, and mesh, building a green Great Wall in the "Three North" region.

As of 2022, the forest area in Aohan Banner has reached 5.72 million mu, including 5.43 million mu of artificial forest and 290000 mu of natural forest, with a forest coverage rate of 44.17%; The grassland area is 1.068 million mu, with a comprehensive vegetation coverage of over 60%.

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