Shanghai releases 73 key projects for the 2023 "National Revitalization with Me" mass themed promotional and educational activities

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:20 PM

In order to deepen the study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai has carried out mass themed propaganda and education activities on "rejuvenation of a strong country with me" throughout the city, forming key projects for the "rejuvenation of a strong country with me" mass themed propaganda and education activities in Shanghai, including theme exhibitions, advanced model learning and publicity, situation and policy propaganda and display, inheritance and promotion of red culture, online theme education, and mass cultural activities. We are now releasing to the public and welcome citizens to actively participate.

Key Projects of the 2023 Shanghai Mass Theme Propaganda and Education Activity on "Strong Country Revival with Me"

1. "Vigorously Strengthening National Defense, Bravely Advancing towards Revival" Shanghai National Defense Education Theme Exhibition

Introduction: Through images, videos, interactive devices, and other exhibition techniques, showcase the achievements of national defense education in people's cities, enhance the national defense awareness, national defense literacy, and love for the military awareness of cadres and the masses.

Time: September October

Hosted by: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Political Work Bureau of Garrison District, Municipal Support for Military and Family Welfare Foundation, etc

Phone: 24022335


2. Shanghai's "New Era Good Role Models" Theme Tour Event

2. Shanghai's "New Era Good Role Models" Theme Tour Event

Introduction: Taking the 2022 Shanghai Socialist Spiritual Civilization Good People and Good deeds as the object, their deeds will be displayed on exhibition boards and exhibited at the New Era Civilization Practice Center and Citizen Self cultivation Base in various districts. At the same time, audio short stories will be produced and broadcasted four times a day on the 990 news broadcast.

Time: June September

Organizer: Municipal Civilization Office


Phone: 24021635

Introduction: Organize a collection and exhibition activity for eight categories of works, including painting, calligraphy, dance, etc., and hold a youth civilization practice tour.

3. The 4th Yangtze River Delta Youth Style Exhibition Theme Activity of "Lighting up Youth Dreams and Creating a Better Era Together"

Introduction: Organize a collection and exhibition activity for eight categories of works, including painting, calligraphy, dance, etc., and hold a youth civilization practice tour.

Time: June to December


Organizers: Municipal Civilization Office, Qingpu District Committee Propaganda Department, Qingpu District Civilization Office

Phone: 24021667

Time: May December

4. Red Culture Enters State Owned Enterprises - Shanghai State owned Assets and Enterprises Red Gene Exhibition

Introduction: Deeply explore the red resources of Shanghai's state-owned assets and enterprises, and deliver red exhibitions and lectures to enterprises, showcasing them to employees and the general public.


Time: May December

Organizers: Party History Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee, Party Committee of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and Xinmin Evening News

Phone: 23115795

Organizers: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Municipal Civilization Office

May 2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Character Selection Activity


Introduction: Play a leading role in demonstrating advanced models, deeply cultivate and practice socialist core values, and select and release the "2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Figures".

Time: July October

Organizers: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Municipal Civilization Office

Phone: 24022437

Phone: 231116679


6. Shanghai Education Merit Selection and Commendation Promotion

Introduction: Commending outstanding educators who have made significant contributions in education and teaching, educational research, and educational management.

Time: March September

Organizers: Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and Municipal Education Commission

Phone: 231116679


8. "Learn from the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" Hongtu Academy's Hundred Major Ideological and Political Courses and Hundred Excellent Activities

7. "Striving for a New Journey of Chinese path to modernization" Shanghai Micro Publicity Contest to Study, Propaganda and Implement the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Time: May August

Organizers: Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Party History Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee, Party Committee of the Municipal Education and Health Work, Party Committee of the Municipal Education Commission, Party Committee of the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Work, Party Committee of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Youth League Committee, Municipal Health Commission, Municipal Research Association, and Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China


Phone: 24022228

Introduction: Dig deeper into the advanced deeds of "touching Shanghai" characters and tell good stories of advanced models.

8. "Learn from the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" Hongtu Academy's Hundred Major Ideological and Political Courses and Hundred Excellent Activities

Introduction: Relying on the Shanghai Red Culture Resource Information Application Platform "Hongtu", we will make online reservations for high-quality learning resources, deliver them to museums, enter enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campuses, communities, military camps, and "two new" organizations.

May 2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Character Selection Activity


Organizers: Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Party History Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee, Cyberspace Office of the Municipal Party Committee, Party Committee of the Municipal Education and Health Work, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Civilization Office, and Political Work Bureau of Shanghai Garrison District

Phone: 4009988901

Time: April December

Organizer: "Learning Power" Shanghai Learning Platform

Introduction: Dig deeper into the advanced deeds of "touching Shanghai" characters and tell good stories of advanced models.


Time: August October

Organizer: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

14. Red Lesson Setting Sail - Revolutionary Culture Enters Campus, Attending the First Lesson of School

10. Special program on "Youth of the Strong Country Season 2- Youth Questions"


Introduction: Focusing on the most concerning topics of the times for contemporary college students, we invite experts and teachers in related fields to answer and respond to the question of youth.

Time: April December

Organizer: "Learning Power" Shanghai Learning Platform

Phone: 22898348

Phone: 23113169


11. "Civilized Practice Heart Gathering Field" Shanghai Popularization and Popularization of the Party's Innovative Theory and Excellent Ideological and Political Course Tour Activity

Introduction: Based on the practice of new era civilization, we will carry out the Party's innovative theory tour, promotion of golden phrases, and exchange of experiences.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Phone: 24022437

Phone: 64665828


14. Red Lesson Setting Sail - Revolutionary Culture Enters Campus, Attending the First Lesson of School

12. Advanced Typical Microlecture on "Ordinary People's Light" in the Construction of Transportation System in the City

Introduction: We set up a column of "mortal twilight" on WeChat official account, Tiktok and other platforms to tell deeply and vividly the touching stories of the industry's front-line cadres and workers who scrupulously fulfill their duties and silently contribute through short videos, posters and other forms.

Time: March December

Organizer: Municipal Construction and Transportation Work Party Committee


15. "My 20th National Congress" New Youth Micro lecture Action

Introduction: Targeting young people in emerging fields and difficult positions, we organize Shanghai Youth Lecturer Group to conduct group style lectures.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Introduction: Invite leaders, experts and scholars, teachers and students, party members, medical staff, and other representatives to share and tell stories of their experiences, and engage in dialogue with the post-2000s generation from different perspectives.

Time: All year round


Organizers: Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and Municipal Education Commission

Phone: 23112910

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

14. Red Lesson Setting Sail - Revolutionary Culture Enters Campus, Attending the First Lesson of School

Introduction: Select outstanding instructors from the Revolutionary Memorial Hall, bring high-quality ideological and political courses into the campus, step onto the podium, and deliver the first lesson of the school year.


Time: September

Organizer: Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Organizers: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Municipal Civilization Office

May 2023 Touching Shanghai Annual Character Selection Activity


Introduction: Targeting young people in emerging fields and difficult positions, we organize Shanghai Youth Lecturer Group to conduct group style lectures.

Time: All year round

3. The 4th Yangtze River Delta Youth Style Exhibition Theme Activity of "Lighting up Youth Dreams and Creating a Better Era Together"

Time: June September

Phone: 64750173


16. "Striving for a New Journey, Engaging in New Practice, and Making Merits in the New Era" Shanghai Online Theme Exhibition for Learning, Propaganda, and Implementation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China's Spiritual Civilization Practice

Introduction: With the support of the "Shanghai New Era Civilization Practice Comprehensive Service Platform", we have opened up online special areas such as the "Civilized Practice Heart Gathering Field" Excellent Ideological and Political Course Tour Activity Exhibition, Lei Feng Spirit Theme Exhibition, Civilized Practice Achievement Exhibition, and Demonstration Center Style Exhibition.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Organizers: Municipal Civilization Office and Municipal Volunteer Association

Phone: 24021673


20. Online Literature Essay Competition with Realistic Themes

17. 2023 "Warm Moments in People's Cities" Collection and Exhibition Event

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Time: All year round

Organizers: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Municipal Civilization Office


Phone: 24022437

Introduction: On the day of National Defense Education Day, a city wide online live broadcast event will be held to showcase the theme activities of national defense education, check in the National Defense Education Base, and invite advanced and typical guest studios for online interviews.

Introduction: We set up a column of "mortal twilight" on WeChat official account, Tiktok and other platforms to tell deeply and vividly the touching stories of the industry's front-line cadres and workers who scrupulously fulfill their duties and silently contribute through short videos, posters and other forms.

Introduction: Relying on the Shanghai Red Culture Resource Information Application Platform "Hongtu", we will make online reservations for high-quality learning resources, deliver them to museums, enter enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campuses, communities, military camps, and "two new" organizations.

Phone: 24022335


Organizer: Municipal Civilization Office

Phone: 64750173

Time: September

Hosted by: Municipal Party Committee for Science and Technology Work and Municipal Science and Technology Award Center

Introduction: Create a long-term brand of "Aishenhuo" on platforms such as Tiktok, Station B and Little Red Book, and publicize and display the struggling pulse, stepping point and happiness background of Shanghai's new journey.


Time: All year round

Organizer: Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Organizer: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions

20. Online Literature Essay Competition with Realistic Themes


Introduction: Encourage online writers from all walks of life to use online literature as a carrier to shape vivid and vivid stories through keen insight and literary expression, presenting a rich and colorful contemporary life and social style.

Time: All year round

Organizer: Yuewen Group

Phone: 61870500-80505

Phone: 231116679


21. Shanghai National Defense Education Day Online "Big Live"

Introduction: On the day of National Defense Education Day, a city wide online live broadcast event will be held to showcase the theme activities of national defense education, check in the National Defense Education Base, and invite advanced and typical guest studios for online interviews.

Time: September

Organizer: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

Phone: 24022335

26. "Learn and Use the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Leading the Way in Finance" - A series of short videos showcasing the study, promotion, and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in finance

22. "Innovation leads self-reliance and self-improvement" -2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Award Excellent Science and Technology Achievements Network Exhibition

Introduction: Through the official account of "Shanghai Science and Technology", the excellent achievements won the 2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Award will be publicized to show the innovative demeanor of scientific and technological personnel and the achievements of scientific and technological innovation in Shanghai.

Time: July December

Hosted by: Municipal Party Committee for Science and Technology Work and Municipal Science and Technology Award Center


Phone: 54259532

Introduction: A total of 100 "Her Stories on the Sea" collection and broadcasting activities will be held throughout the city, telling the stories of advanced typical representatives, female volunteers, and ordinary women around them in various fields, as well as their struggles and contributions.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Introduction: Using red venues and representative buildings as classrooms, with model workers and craftsmen as teachers, vividly telling stories of model workers, labor, and craftsmen.

Time: All year round


Organizer: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions

Phone: 63211949-2113

Time: April November

24. The 10th Shanghai Citizen Micro Film Theme Event

Introduction: Collecting and selecting themed micro films to promote the core socialist values, showcasing the vivid practice of various industries remembering their instructions, forging ahead, and continuing to strive in the new era.


Time: August November

Organizers: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, Municipal Civilization Office, Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Shanghai Radio and Television Station, Wenhui Newspaper

Phone: 24022228

Hosted by: Municipal Bureau of Justice and Municipal Legal Propaganda Office

25. "The Source of Spirit and the Foundation of Power - Decoding the Great Spirit of Building the Party" Series Short Video Exhibition


Introduction: Select nearly 40 Shanghai red venues and nearly 20 red stories to produce a series of videos, vividly interpreting the breeding, practice, and promotion of the great spirit of building the Party in Shanghai, and broadcast them on media such as Shangguan News and Pengpai News.

Time: July December

3. The 4th Yangtze River Delta Youth Style Exhibition Theme Activity of "Lighting up Youth Dreams and Creating a Better Era Together"

Phone: 64748686-221

26. "Learn and Use the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Leading the Way in Finance" - A series of short videos showcasing the study, promotion, and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in finance


Introduction: In the form of character interviews, showcase the new style of financial institutions implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in their respective fields.

Time: March August

Organizer: Municipal Financial Work Party Committee

Phone: 23117010

Phone: 2319485


27. Short video collection and broadcasting activity for "Her Story on the Sea"

Introduction: A total of 100 "Her Stories on the Sea" collection and broadcasting activities will be held throughout the city, telling the stories of advanced typical representatives, female volunteers, and ordinary women around them in various fields, as well as their struggles and contributions.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Organizer: Municipal Women's Federation


Phone: 64330001-6233

Introduction: The event is implemented in five stages, including: school vocational experience activities, comprehensive vocational experience activities, summer vocational experience summer camp activities, "vocational experts" summer vocational experience activities for primary and secondary school students, and the 2023 Education Expo vocational experience activities.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Phone: 24022437

Time: April November


Organizers: Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Minhang District People's Government

Phone: 54244157

Time: August September

Phone: 24022437

Introduction: Increase the application of the achievements of the first Rule of Law Culture Festival, and organize 100 tours of excellent works of rule of law culture such as "Fu Delhi" throughout the city.


Time: June December

Hosted by: Municipal Bureau of Justice and Municipal Legal Propaganda Office

8. "Learn from the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" Hongtu Academy's Hundred Major Ideological and Political Courses and Hundred Excellent Activities

Organizer: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions

20. Online Literature Essay Competition with Realistic Themes


Introduction: Organize the establishment and normal operation of 4 major themes and 50 open points for various enterprises in the city's state-owned asset system. Through a combination of online and offline activities, invite citizens to visit and learn about state-owned enterprises.

Time: June to December

Organizer: Municipal Financial Work Party Committee

Introduction: Using red venues and representative buildings as classrooms, with model workers and craftsmen as teachers, vividly telling stories of model workers, labor, and craftsmen.

Phone: 64330001-6315


31. A series of promotional activities such as the construction of a child friendly city logo and the collection of children's paintings

Introduction: Collect signage, promotional slogans, themed short videos, and children's paintings for the construction of a child friendly city in Shanghai, and carry out a series of promotional display activities.

Time: March November

Introduction: Invite leaders, experts and scholars, teachers and students, party members, medical staff, and other representatives to share and tell stories of their experiences, and engage in dialogue with the post-2000s generation from different perspectives.

Phone: 2319485


38. The 17th Shanghai Elderly Culture and Art Festival in 2023

32. "Promotion, Inheritance, and Innovation" - Entering the "National Scientist Spirit Education Base" in Shanghai

Introduction: Vigorously promoting the spirit of scientists with patriotism, innovation, pragmatism, dedication, collaboration, and education as the core, showcasing and promoting the advanced deeds of individual and team scientists who have made important contributions to scientific and technological progress, people's livelihood improvement, and national development.

Time: All year round

Organizers: Municipal Association for Science and Technology, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Party Committee for Science and Technology Work, Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Municipal Office of National Defense Science and Technology. Telephone: 53822040-44270

39. "Vigorously Strengthening National Defense, Bravely Advancing towards Revival" 2023 Shanghai National Defense Education Knowledge Competition

33. 2023 Shanghai Student Career Experience Day Activities

Introduction: Taking the 2022 Shanghai Socialist Spiritual Civilization Good People and Good deeds as the object, their deeds will be displayed on exhibition boards and exhibited at the New Era Civilization Practice Center and Citizen Self cultivation Base in various districts. At the same time, audio short stories will be produced and broadcasted four times a day on the 990 news broadcast.

Introduction: Relying on the Shanghai Red Culture Resource Information Application Platform "Hongtu", we will make online reservations for high-quality learning resources, deliver them to museums, enter enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campuses, communities, military camps, and "two new" organizations.

Phone: 24022335


Phone: 56988006-8036

Introduction: Based on the special edition of "Military Outlook" in Xinmin Evening News, a essay solicitation activity with themes such as national defense, strong military, and the dream of joining the military is held for active duty and retired soldiers, military dependents, ordinary citizens, and primary and secondary school students.

34. Shanghai Youth Red Dream Building Tour Activity

Introduction: Relying on the Shanghai Red Culture Resource Information Application Platform "Hongtu", we will make online reservations for high-quality learning resources, deliver them to museums, enter enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, campuses, communities, military camps, and "two new" organizations.

Phone: 24022335


Organizers: Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and Municipal Education Commission

Phone: 23116731

Time: November December

Phone: 24022437

Introduction: Through the combination of online and offline methods, interactive search experiences and fun competition quizzes are integrated to lead more employees to enter the red labor movement venues, learn about labor movement knowledge, and understand the glorious history of Shanghai's century long labor movement.


Time: August October

Organizer: Municipal Federation of Trade Unions

Organizer: "Learning Power" Shanghai Learning Platform

Phone: 64330001-6315

36. "Women's Heart Towards the Party and Striving for a New Journey" Flag Passing and Self cultivation Practice


Introduction: The lecturer team, mainly composed of the March 8th Red Flag bearers, carries out high-quality courses such as music party courses, film party courses, and ideological and political propaganda.

Time: March November

Organizer: Municipal Women's Federation

Phone: 64330001-6315

Phone: 61690059


37. "One Step Forward on the Youth Red Road" Shanghai Youth Red Search Activity

Introduction: 10 "Youth Red Road" demonstration routes have been launched, encouraging all youth members in the city to check in at the red spots and share their insights, and to understand the glorious history of the Party through on-site visits.

Organizer: Municipal Women's Federation

Phone: 64330001-6315

Phone: 61690059


45. Theme activity of "Pursuing Dreams in a New Era and Striving for New Achievements"

38. The 17th Shanghai Elderly Culture and Art Festival in 2023

Introduction: Build a cultural activity platform to showcase the charm of the elderly and enrich their spiritual and cultural life.

Time: May October

Organizer: Office of the Municipal Committee for Aging Work


Phone: 63680066-626

39. "Vigorously Strengthening National Defense, Bravely Advancing towards Revival" 2023 Shanghai National Defense Education Knowledge Competition

Phone: 23115795

Time: June September

Organizer: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department


Phone: 24022335

Introduction: In the order of the time when the Party Constitution of the Calendar Department of the CPC was formed, the basic knowledge of the Party Constitution and the history of its development were vividly introduced through "1+X" exhibition, lecture and performance.

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Introduction: Based on the special edition of "Military Outlook" in Xinmin Evening News, a essay solicitation activity with themes such as national defense, strong military, and the dream of joining the military is held for active duty and retired soldiers, military dependents, ordinary citizens, and primary and secondary school students.

Time: July September


Organizer: Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

Phone: 24022335

Organizer: "Learning Power" Shanghai Learning Platform

41. "Love Me for National Defense" Speech Competition for Primary, Secondary and High Schools in this City

Introduction: A speech competition is held for primary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities to guide young people to pay attention to national defense, love national defense, and build national defense.


Time: November December

Organizers: Municipal Education and Health Work Party Committee and Municipal Education Commission

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

Organizers: Xuhui District Committee Propaganda Department and Xuhui District Bureau of Culture and Tourism

42. Exhibition of Achievements in the 10th Anniversary Reform and Construction of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone


Introduction: Fully showcasing the 10 years of work achievements and distinctive highlights of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone.

Time: March December

Organizer: Pudong New Area

Phone: 68547181

Phone: 64872222-1569


43. Pudong New Area Red Scarf Explanator Volunteer Service Team Red Lecture Activity

Introduction: A volunteer service team consisting of 200 Pudong New Area Red Scarf Explanators has been established in more than 10 Pudong Red Venues, including Pudong Exhibition Hall, Pudong Development Exhibition Hall, China Art Palace, and Zhang Wentian's Former Residence, to tell the stories of the Party, Shanghai, and Pudong with the voice of Young Pioneers.

Time: January December

Organizer: Pudong New Area


Phone: 28282400

Introduction: Carry out various forms of learning and education activities such as youth group classes and team classes. Provide a platform for teenagers to participate in social practice, social governance, civilized volunteering and other activities.

44. "100 People+100 Events" Party's 20th National Congress Spirit "Caravan Delivery Theory Lecture Activity

Introduction: Establish a 100 person propaganda team for the innovative theory of the Party in Pudong New Area, select 100 cultural performances, and run a good "Financial City Hall", "Science City Lecture Hall", "Youth School", "Community Neighborhood Hall", and "Rural Characteristic Classroom".

Time: January December


Organizer: Pudong New Area

Phone: 28282400

Introduction: Focusing on the stories of Shanghai's various industries with a broad vision, based on their positions, united struggle, and enterprising spirit, we encourage citizens to participate in various forms such as speeches, situational dramas, Quyi performances, music, and microfilms.

45. Theme activity of "Pursuing Dreams in a New Era and Striving for New Achievements"

Introduction: Collecting theme projects such as microfilms, short videos, literary and artistic creations, themed activities, and cultural and creative products to further unite and sing the main melody of advancing in the new era.


Time: August December

Organizer: Huangpu District Committee Propaganda Department

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