Selling 500 bags a day, this beverage is on fire! Not a sauce flavored latte! Can swipe medical insurance

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:27 PM

What can I do to go to the traditional Chinese medicine room? In this high temperature early autumn, there is an additional option: buy sour plum soup.

Recently, on social media platforms, many netizens have shared their experiences of purchasing sour plum soup formulas from traditional Chinese medicine restaurants. Not only are the prices cheap, but they can also apply for medical insurance and say that they are "more suitable for the physique of Chinese babies.".

"The one who defeated the milk tea shop turned out to be the traditional Chinese medicine shop"

"Has the sour plum soup from traditional Chinese medicine hospitals been sold out by everyone? I followed the trend and initially refused to buy it, probably due to a system crash. I feel that major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals can continue to promote it, and milk tea shops never expected to defeat it with traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces." A netizen posted on social media.

Recently, buying sour plum soup from a traditional Chinese medicine clinic has become a hot topic on social media platforms. Some people have challenged the evaluation by claiming that the sour plum soup cooked according to the recipe is better than the one purchased daily. "Life advice: Be sure to try the traditional Chinese medicine version of the drink." "There is your own Ziwei Star in the beverage industry, and you can also enjoy sour plum soup in traditional Chinese medicine restaurants. It's really amazing."

This business opportunity has also been captured by some traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. A netizen shared that the Tongrentang store has a recipe for "Sour Plum Soup", which includes black plums, hawthorn, black dates, tangerine peel, licorice, rose eggplant, etc. It can produce saliva and quench thirst, relieve heat and appetite, invigorate the spleen and relieve greasiness, astringent intestines and stop diarrhea. There is also a detailed introduction to the usage and dosage.

In addition, some traditional Chinese medicine clinics have also provided detailed guides on sour plum soup. Nanxing Pharmacy in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, announced that some citizens and friends from Quanzhou have come to the pharmacy these days to look for sour plum soup. The pharmacy can pack the sour plum soup ingredients one by one according to the matching ratio. When cooking sour plum soup, take a small bag of ingredients and put it into a health pot. Add an appropriate amount of water and rock sugar and cook for 30-50 minutes.

When the clinic claims to be overcrowded, it costs 500 bags a day

Regarding sales and prices, staff from Jiahuitang National Medical Center in Kunshan, Jiangsu told China News Service that the sour plum soup in the store can be added or subtracted from the original prescription according to the customer's physical condition, and can be covered by medical insurance. Customers can also purchase pre cooked sour plum soup with a fixed formula, which can be opened and consumed immediately. The price for one pack is 3 yuan and cannot be covered by medical insurance. "The sour plum soup for 3 yuan per pack sold over 300 packs yesterday."

Zhongxin Jingwei has seen in multiple store exploration videos that the price of a packet of sour plum soup ranges from 2 to 20 yuan, and it can also be covered by medical insurance. In hot weather, many bloggers add rock sugar to sour plum soup and mix it with an ice glass to create a new Chinese style.

The staff of Beijing Tongrentang told China News Service that the sour plum soup in the store is a headquarters ingredient, and customers bring it home to cook. Some medicinal herbs can be covered by medical insurance. He said that he usually stays up much during the hot summer days and can last until the National Day period. The weather in the south is hot, so drinking until November or December is not a problem. However, the store has been out of stock recently because the weather in Beijing has cooled down and there has been a shortage of incoming goods.

Selling 500 bags a day, this beverage is on fire! Not a sauce flavored latte! Can swipe medical insurance

"Sometimes it's possible to sell 500 bags a day," said a staff member from Tongrentang in Beijing.

The staff of Beijing Yifangtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic stated that they have been able to sell around 300 packages per day recently, with a price of around 20 yuan per package. Since late August, there have been a lot of customers buying them.

Doctor's reminder

What is the nature of sour plum soup, can it be added with ice?

Guo Ruichen, a professor at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University and a doctoral supervisor in clinical pharmacology, told Zhongxin Jingwei that in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many formulas or traditional Chinese medicines that have the same origin as medicine and food, some of which are more focused on food. For example, sour plum soup formula. Compared to sour plum soup in beverage stores, traditional Chinese medicine restaurants provide more scientific and reasonable guidance in terms of raw material sources, formula combinations, and advice, with higher technical content.

In terms of consumption methods, Guo Ruichen stated that sour plum soup can be boiled or soaked in hot water, which can quench thirst and avoid heat. Chen Xuemei, chief physician of Beijing Jimin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, told Zhongxin Jingwei that ice cubes can be added according to personal drinking habits, but it is not suitable for people with weak digestive systems.

Zhongxin Jingwei has noticed that in the precautions for sour plum soup at Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is written that patients with gastric ulcers and chronic stomach diseases should use it with caution; Patients with diabetes and those with serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease should use drugs under the guidance of doctors; Children, women, lactating women, and elderly and weak individuals should take medication under the guidance of a physician.

A Chinese medicine practitioner from an unnamed tertiary hospital told Zhongxin Jingwei that sour plum soup is usually taken in summer and has the effect of calming the mind, dispelling dampness, and relieving heat. However, it is not suitable for everyone. People with gastroesophageal reflux, pregnant women, and patients with spleen deficiency and poor appetite who have acid reflux symptoms are not suitable for drinking.

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