Only when China and the United States can their economy and trade truly stabilize, overseas online reviews suggest that the United States will no longer engage in a "two faced approach"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:01 PM

The Department of Commerce Building located in Washington D.C., the capital of the United States

The United States is planning to engage in a "two faced" approach to economic and trade issues with China. US Commerce Secretary Raymond, who has just finished her visit to China, said in an interview with NBC on September 3 that her visit to China "helps establish open communication channels between the two countries," but "the US will still maintain a tough stance on issues involving the most advanced technology.". Raymond's statement once again exposes the United States' unwillingness to give up its attempts to contain and control China, while also seeking to gain economic benefits through stabilizing China US trade.

The United States has been in a state of self contradiction on economic and trade issues with China for some time now. In an interview on the 3rd, when discussing export control issues, Raymond said that the United States "will continue to export less cutting-edge and top-notch chips to China" because "selling certain chips to China will ultimately bring revenue to American companies, thereby investing funds in further research and development", but "we will not sell the most advanced American chips they want to China". On the one hand, it emphasizes that China US relations are mutually beneficial, but on the other hand, it insists on hostile and discriminatory regulatory measures against China. Ultimately, the United States does not neglect the economic and trade relationship between China and the United States, but intends to incorporate it into its so-called "small courtyard high wall" model to meet its own interests.

This state is also a true portrayal of the current entanglement of the United States in economic and trade issues with China. On the one hand, for some American politicians, constantly hyping up the so-called "China threat theory" has become the "only way" for them to seek personal political interests. Under the guise of "national security" under the kidnapping of these politicians, the US government has continuously politicized, instrumentalized, and weaponized economic and technological issues. Recently, it has even hyped up extreme absurd remarks such as "spy refrigerators," "spy cranes," and "spy farmland," reflecting the distorted and narrow mentality of the US in containing and suppressing China.

On the other hand, after years of brutal suppression and destruction, the United States has also recognized the importance of China US economic and trade to their respective economies and the world economy. No matter how politicians hype up decoupling and risk reduction, it cannot change the fact that China remains an important market and trading partner of the United States. In 2022, the total economic and trade volume between China and the United States reached a historic high of nearly 760 billion US dollars. The latest survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in China shows that 66% of American companies in China will maintain or increase their investment in China in the next two years. Especially in the current situation, the common interests between China and the United States have not decreased, but rather increased. The deep integration of the economies of the two countries, facing new development tasks, requires benefiting from each other's development, which is also a common interest; The global post pandemic recovery, addressing climate change, and addressing regional hotspots cannot be achieved without coordinated cooperation between China and the United States, which is still a common interest.

Only when China and the United States can their economy and trade truly stabilize, overseas online reviews suggest that the United States will no longer engage in a "two faced approach"

The US should recognize that the generalization of national security is not conducive to normal economic and trade exchanges, and the implementation of unilateral and protectionist measures does not comply with market rules and fair competition principles. It will only damage the security and stability of global industrial and supply chains, damage the expectations of enterprises to engage in economic and trade cooperation, and disrupt the atmosphere of cooperation. This is the biggest risk that affects foreign enterprises, including US enterprises, in investing and operating in China.

In a huge trade market like China and the United States, it is normal to have some differences and frictions. Seeking a win-win solution through equal consultation is the correct solution. To return to the right track in China US economic and trade relations, the US needs to show genuine sincerity and act in opposition to China, rather than just thinking about taking advantage of its own interests and disregarding the interests of others. The fact has repeatedly proven that cooperation between China and the United States benefits both sides, while conflict harms both. China and the United States need to break away from the logic of competition and confrontation, take into account each other's interests and concerns, seek the greatest common denominator of exchange and cooperation, draw the greatest concentric circle of win-win cooperation, and contribute the wisdom and strength of major powers to the development and common prosperity of both countries, and to global peace and development.

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