On stage speaking of integrity, off stage breaking the law and discipline, inconsistent appearances and lies! State owned enterprise leaders addicted to big brother addiction

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:38 PM

Yang Chunxiao, male, born in February 1969, started working in November 1988 and joined the CPC in June 1995. Formerly served as the Deputy Secretary of the Dingshi District Working Committee of Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Chongqing; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Tonggu Township, Youyang County; Director of the Investigation and Supervision Department of the People's Procuratorate of Youyang County; Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Urban and Rural Development Committee of Youyang County; Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of Chongqing Huamao Investment Co., Ltd.

In April 2022, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Youyang County conducted a disciplinary review and supervision investigation into Yang Chunxiao's suspected serious violations of discipline and law, and took detention measures. In September 2022, Yang Chunxiao was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution.

Greed erosion, initial intention covered in dust and deviating from the direction of life

At the beginning of his work, Yang Chunxiao was determined to realize his life value through hard work. He once wrote in his application to join the Party, "My motivation for joining the Party was not to seek promotion and wealth, but to better serve the people under the training of the Party organization." Due to his outstanding work, in January 1999, Yang Chunxiao was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Dingshi District Working Committee in Youyang County. He was only 30 years old that year, and with great enthusiasm, he wanted to make a career from the bottom of his heart.

However, faced with an event that occurred two years later, Yang Chunxiao's thoughts underwent a wrong transformation and developed an extreme desire for money.

In August 2001, Yang Chunxiao was transferred from the Deputy Secretary of the Dingshi District Working Committee to the Deputy Secretary of the Tonggu Township Party Committee. Yang Chunxiao, who believed he was talented and capable, felt that he had not been valued by the organization, and his sense of disappointment made him feel hopeless about his future. He began to blame himself, viewing normal organizational arrangements as a setback in his career, and then attributed the reason all to his lack of money and connections, mistakenly magnifying the role of family background and money infinitely.

Driven by interests, Yang Chunxiao relaxed his study of political theory, gradually forgetting his original intention and constantly seeking opportunities to "get rich". In 2013, Yang Chunxiao disregarded party discipline and regulations, partnered with friends to invest and engage in business, ultimately resulting in business losses and a debt of 3 million yuan.

"I know it's almost impossible to repay this debt with legitimate income," Yang Chunxiao recalled. The huge external debt stimulated his extreme desire for money, and the greedy "worm" constantly eroded his heart.

Once ideals and beliefs are shaken, the ideological defense line will inevitably fall. "It is precisely because of the relaxation of political theory and the study of the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline that one loses their ideals and beliefs, and their original intention deteriorates with the relaxation of their thinking, leading to serious distortion of their worldview, outlook on life, and values, gradually sliding into the abyss." After being reviewed and investigated, Yang Chunxiao reflected on the root cause of her criminal path.

Inconsistent appearance and integrity on stage, breaking the law and discipline off stage

Just as Yang Chunxiao's investment failed and his willpower was sinking and he was in a state of decline, a note of adjustment brought about a transformation in his life. According to organizational arrangements, in November 2014, Yang Chunxiao was transferred to serve as the Party Branch Secretary and Chairman of Chongqing Huamao Investment Co., Ltd.

"I am extremely excited, and the pleasure of 'being a wife for many years has become a grandmother' is beyond words. I think to myself that this day has finally arrived, and I must 'do a big job'." Yang Chunxiao wrote in his confession that at that moment, the teachings of the party organization and the responsibilities of party members and cadres have been dispelled by the ecstasy in his heart. What he sees is power, praise, and money.

After becoming the chairman, Yang Chunxiao began to soar with admiration and admiration from his subordinates and business owners, and his thoughts were extremely inflated. He often claimed to be the "founder" of Huamao Company, relying on himself to "start from scratch" to develop the company, becoming "Jianghu style" and "bureaucratic style". He became brothers and sisters with social personnel and engineering bosses, and people in his social circle called him "boss". He thought he was superior, looked down upon others, and lost respect for discipline and law.

The investigators explained that Yang Chunxiao, who was addicted to "big brother addiction," had his personal will above the organization, disregarding the collective decision-making system and regulations on "three important and one big" matters, and engaged in a "one talk shop" at Huamao Company. This state-owned enterprise "leader" became a "dominant figure" who did not want to be supervised and constrained. During his tenure as Chairman of Huamao Company, he illegally recruited over 200 staff members and even arranged for his released friends to enter the company before being promoted to be the head of the company's engineering department.

Without rules, there is no square. Yang Chunxiao lacks a sense of rules and regulations, disregards disciplinary regulations, and arbitrarily uses his power without supervision. In his work and life, he has no boundaries or principles in his interactions with illegal individuals, and his failure to maintain the "communication barrier" and purify his "life circle" is the key to his misguided path.

As Huamao Company continues to grow, Yang Chunxiao has handled more and more engineering projects, and his power has also increased. In the face of various temptations, he has gradually become a "two faced person" with different appearances.

On stage, he always boasted about his loyalty to the Party, integrity, and integrity, repeatedly stating that he would take the lead in abiding by Party discipline and national laws, and be a good example of clean governance; In the audience, he disregarded discipline and rules, smoked cigarettes, drank famous wines, showcased himself, drove luxury cars, and stayed in luxury homes. He accepted invitations from management and service recipients, was obsessed with the flattery of exchanging glasses, indulged in flattery and flattery, and received red envelopes, famous cigarettes, and wines from engineering bosses and subordinates.

"From accepting tobacco and alcohol from the engineering boss and subordinates at the beginning, to later accepting bribes from the engineering boss for tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, I quickly paid off my debts." After paying off the debt, Yang Chunxiao felt relieved. But once selfish desires expand, they are like an open dam. At this point, his corrupt footsteps could no longer stop. In the end, as long as the engineering boss sent money, he would not refuse, and there was even a local saying that "entering Yang Chunxiao's house requires 200000 yuan to knock on the door brick".

If you take someone else's money, you naturally have to handle things for them. Yang Chunxiao often breaks down engineering projects in order to win the bid from the project owner. Some project owners do not have construction qualifications, but as long as they can send the money in place, Yang Chunxiao will directly arrange for the project owners to collude with the bidding agency to contract the project, opening the door for them to win the bid.

Difficult to fill desires, engaging in power and money transactions at the expense of public and private interests

As Yang Chunxiao watched the business owner who was respectful of him drive a luxury car and wear a name watch, he developed an unbalanced mentality. He was no longer satisfied with the "benefits" given by the engineering boss, and gradually had the idea of "sharing the cake" with them. So, Yang Chunxiao began to select a trustworthy "money tree" by testing the engineering boss's "ability, financial resources, and sincerity" in order to establish a stable and solid "community of interests".

Upon learning that Huamao Company had many engineering projects and a large amount of money, Chen, the "childhood friend" of Yang Chunxiao, repeatedly offered him "family nanny" and "ATM" style services, ultimately becoming the preferred candidate for Yang Chunxiao's "cooperation". The two of them hit it off and agreed that Yang Chunxiao would hand over the projects of Huamao Company and its subsidiaries to Chen for operation, and the profits obtained would be shared equally between the two.

From 2016 to April 2022, Yang Chunxiao illegally helped Chen to undertake more than 100 engineering projects at Huamao Company and its subsidiaries, with a total contract fund of over 500 million yuan, and received more than 40 million yuan in property from Chen. He relies on enterprises to eat them, using public power as a tool for personal gain, damaging national interests and boosting his own pockets.

The successful implementation of Yang Chunxiao and Chen's "wishful thinking" cannot be achieved without the "assistance" of He, the deputy general manager of Huamao Company. According to He, he was recommended by Yang Chunxiao to work in the company and was also promoted to senior management by him. Yang Chunxiao was grateful for his understanding and naturally obeyed him.

"Under the arrangement of Yang Chunxiao, as the leader in charge, I assisted in the operation of bidding and tendering matters. By disclosing key technical parameters and participating in the evaluation as a representative of the owner, I tended to score the companies affiliated with Chen." He explained that for projects completed by Chen, the engineering funds were given priority, and even "cut in line" payments were made. With his assistance, any violations, discipline, or illegal operations of the project were smooth and profitable.

The more projects Chen wins, the more money Yang Chunxiao will receive. Afterwards, Yang Chunxiao began to pursue luxury goods and high consumption crazily. He expressed to Chen that he wanted to buy a good car. In order to win over Yang Chunxiao, Chen bought two luxury cars for him.

Afterwards, Yang Chunxiao hinted to Chen, "As the chairman, I have a superficial reputation and don't even have a famous watch.". Chen understood and bought two famous watches for Yang Chunxiao on the same day. After being reviewed and investigated, Yang Chunxiao self deprecatingly said, "The famous watch on my wrist has become a handcuff I wear, and the famous car has become a prisoner's car that takes me to prison.".

It is precisely because of the loosening of the "foundation" of faith, the lack of spiritual "calcium", and the deviation of the "rudder" of thought that Yang Chunxiao is unable to resist the erosion of decadent ideas that he has been relying on enterprises for a long time, living extravagantly, seeking pleasure, and pursuing low-level pleasures. He has forgotten that "Party members and leaders should be frugal and avoid luxury, and eliminate hedonism", gradually becoming a "worm" of political corruption, economic greed, moral decay, and life corruption, and ultimately falling into the abyss of illegal crimes.

Self deception, stubborn resistance in a corner, unable to escape the law of recovery

In May 2019, due to violation of regulations, the construction project of the county's township garbage transfer station was split into 22 projects and directly contracted to Chen for implementation. Yang Chunxiao was given disciplinary action by the Youyang County Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Yang Chunxiao did not pay much attention to the organization's reminders, not only did he not raise awareness and actively explain the problem to the organization, but instead colluded to block the situation, fabricated evidence, and transferred or concealed stolen funds.

In order to deceive people, Yang Chunxiao and Chen fabricated an investment agreement, creating the illusion that their 80 year old mother-in-law invested in and distributed dividends in Chen's engineering project; In order to conceal the truth, the house given by Chen was registered under Chen's name, and a rental agreement was fabricated. The car given by Chen was registered under Chen's company name, and together they staged a scene of "renting a house and borrowing a car"; Worried about the "lack of insurance" of smartphones, Yang Chunxiao and Chen even used a dedicated elderly phone line to contact each other, sending specific text messages such as "good morning" and "good weather today" to report their safety.

When Yang Chunxiao felt that the situation was not good, he transferred his gold, famous watch, and luxury car to Chen's place. When the wind passed, he took the transferred property back home and put it away. Not long after, he felt like he had entered a "sensitive period" again. He transferred his recently retrieved gold, famous watches, and luxury cars to Chen's place

At the beginning of 2022, Yang Chunxiao learned that he had been reported. His thoughts were not on how to confess to the organization and seek leniency, but on how to find swindlers to use feudal superstition to retaliate against the whistleblower and evade the organization's investigation. But in the end, "paper cannot contain fire", and his "two faced" mask was still taken off, revealing his detestable face of corruption and corruption.

"I have worked in anti-corruption work at the prosecutor's office before, thinking that with my years of experience in anti-corruption work, my careful design of multiple 'defense lines', Chen's loyalty, and our repeated collusion and formation of offensive and defensive alliances, as well as my finding of' experts' to crack down on whistleblowers, I can ensure my 'safety'." Yang Chunxiao explained that he believed that with the "measures" he had taken before, he could "safely pass" in front of the organization.

Yang Chunxiao grew from a deputy cadre in a township to the "top leader" of a county owned state-owned enterprise. He should have been diligent and doubled his efforts to be grateful to the organization, give back to society, and serve the people. However, he forgot his original mission and lost his principles of party spirit. He failed to uphold any of the party's political discipline, the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline.

It has been proven that in the face of iron facts, the struggle of corrupt elements is only futile, and the resistance is only a cocoon to bind oneself. Any lawbreaker who stubbornly resists in any way is tantamount to self deception, and ultimately cannot escape the severe punishment of party discipline and national law.

"Looking back now, I realized that I was really wrong. In the face of party discipline and national laws, 'being clever' and 'playing tricks' will definitely have no way out. Unfortunately, no matter how much I regret now, life will not start over again." During the detention period, Yang Chunxiao made a confession in tears.

Waiting for Yang Chunxiao will be the trial and punishment of the law.

Yang Chunxiao's Confession Record

I have five regrets when I carefully reflect and analyze the root causes of my violation of discipline and law.

Regret one, forget the original intention and mission, and go further and further on the wrong path. Summarizing and reviewing the painful facts of one's own violations of discipline and law is a numbness to political discipline and rules over the years. With setbacks in my career, business failures, and job failures, my inner world has degenerated, and my views on life, power, and money have become realistic and uncontrollable. Being perfunctory in political learning and education, and self numbing in the face of right and wrong. But ultimately, it all boils down to forgetting the oath to join the Communist Party, forgetting the original intention and mission, giving up the political beliefs of a Communist Party member, and even starting to believe in so-called feudal superstitions. Spiritually, it has become a desert, and going astray has become inevitable.

Regret two, the distorted and incorrect "three views", losing oneself in the expansion of greed. With the promotion of my position and the increase of power, I should have become more and more satisfied and grateful, but I have transformed the care of the organization into a privilege above the masses. I began not to fear the organization, power, and discipline. I thought that Huamao was my own the final say, pursuing my own space or freedom. I even felt that many systems, disciplines, and rules were cumbersome and troublesome.

Repentance three, appearing righteous on the surface, has two faces after others. At work, I give others the impression that I have a strong emotional attachment to my employees and a strong pursuit of my career. I have extensive experience managing state-owned companies, but in reality, it is mostly for my leaders and colleagues to see. At this point, my mind has been occupied by greed. In life, I give people the image of a contented man who always takes care of his family at home every week, but in reality, I accept bribes and indulge in drinking.

Repentance four, oneself "three circles" are impure, sinking and deteriorating in the corrosion of "hunting". I did not pay attention to my own cultivation, did not pursue career progress, and only coveted material enjoyment. In the eyes of business owners who prioritize "profit", I became a key target of attraction and corruption, becoming their "prey". Since I became the chairman of Huamao Company, I have gradually had more contact with business owners and social idle people. Their enthusiasm and concern for me have deeply moved me. Over and over again, some business owners and social idle people have become "good friends" and "brothers" with me, even calling me "big brother". I enjoy it.

Regret five, weak awareness of discipline and law, bound oneself in a cocoon while trampling on the red line. Throughout my history of violating discipline and law, if it weren't for my weak awareness of discipline and law, lucky mentality, and gambler mentality, how could I have repeatedly missed the organization's rescue. I pretend to be smart, make an alliance with business owners, sign false investment agreements, and even fabricate false lies to deceive the organization, covering up the fact of bribery. I treat party discipline and national laws as a child's play, from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and millions to millions. I act recklessly and ultimately become a prisoner. What a shame!

I want to deeply repent! I am sorry for the organization's training of me. Today, I have fallen into a detestable, despised, and widely criticized corrupt figure. It is entirely my own fault, and I am willing to take all responsibility.

I imagined the sky outside the window in the detention room, only then did I understand that freedom is the most important thing, and living in the warm family of the party organization is happy. However, I am now a prisoner. You must learn from me, take me as a warning, and be vigilant not to do anything illegal or disciplinary.

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