"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

Release time:Jun 12, 2024 09:27 AM

On the 9th local time, US President Biden concluded his first state visit to France since taking office.

This unusually long five-day trip was pretexted to attend the 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings and was mainly a state visit to France. Its essence was believed to be a "diplomatic show" to tell European allies: I am still here and will win the November election, so I will take care of Ukraine's affairs to the end.

Biden has made a lot of gestures around this main theme in the past few days.

"Those who attempt to fire upon us in this manner will regret it."

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

When meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky in Paris, Biden "apologized" for the first time for the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass a new aid bill to Ukraine earlier, and announced that he would provide another $225 million in aid to Ukraine.

He also reiterated to the other party: "I assure you that the United States will stand with you... We are still here, completely here."

After talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden reiterated that Washington would continue to support Ukraine against Russia.

"Russia will not stop with Ukraine, all of Europe will be threatened, and we will not let that happen... The United States stands firmly behind Ukraine. I repeat, we will not walk away."

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

At the same time as Biden's repeated "firm commitment" has attracted media attention, the issue of "loosening restrictions on weapons aid to Ukraine" has continued to ferment.

Recently, as the Russian military operations in the direction of Kharkiv continued to make progress, the United States and European countries such as France and Germany have lifted the ban, allowing Ukraine to use the weapons they provide to "defend the Kharkiv region bordering Russia", including using these weapons for "cross-border counterattacks."

Subsequently, multiple sources confirmed that Ukraine had used American weapons to attack Russian targets in recent days.

△Russian Satellite News Agency: US President’s National Security Advisor Sullivan confirmed in an interview with US media on the 9th that the Ukrainian army has used weapons provided by the United States to attack targets on Russian soil.

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

Biden was inevitably asked this question during an exclusive interview with ABC during his visit to Paris.

However, Biden did not directly answer the question of "whether the weapons supplied by the United States to Ukraine were used to attack Russian domestic targets". He only stated that he would not authorize the Ukrainian army to use these weapons to attack the Russian capital or government seats.

"They are authorized for use near the border... We do not authorize strikes 200 miles into Russia, we do not authorize strikes against Moscow, against the Kremlin."

In response, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Galuzin said that Biden’s statement that Russia’s border areas could be attacked but Moscow and the Kremlin could not be attacked was "despicable and disrespectful."

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

"Any attempt to strike Russian territory, regardless of the geographical location of the target, will be met with a due response. Those who attempt to fire at us in this way will regret it."

The Russian side has repeatedly warned that the United States and the West providing weapons to Ukraine is directly participating in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and allowing the Ukrainian army to use these weapons to attack Russian domestic targets is "playing with fire." Russia may make an "asymmetric" countermeasure in this regard.

At the same time, Russia has requested the UN Security Council to hold a meeting on the 14th of this month to discuss the decision of Western countries to allow Ukraine to launch an attack on Russian territory.

"Risking a nuclear war with Russia would be a foolish thing to do"

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

In fact, the West is not united in its views on the issue of "loosening restrictions on weapons aid to Ukraine", and some European countries have already made their positions clear.

Austrian Defense Minister Tanner stressed in an interview recently that some Western countries have "crossed the line" by allowing Ukraine to use its weapons to attack Russian domestic targets.

Slovak Prime Minister Fico also said recently that Western countries allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to attack Russian targets only proves that what they want is not peace, but an escalation of tensions with Russia, and Slovakia will not be drawn into such a military adventure.

△Screenshot of Russian Satellite News Agency social media

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

In an article titled "Biden is on the road to nuclear war with Russia," the U.S. magazine "National Interest" pointed out that when Biden allowed Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to attack Russian domestic targets, he did not explain the most critical question: Is this escalation of behavior in the interests of the United States?

The article mentioned that after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the West was very worried about crossing the "red line". However, it was the West that crossed the line again and again and luckily did not suffer any consequences. Therefore, many people in the West believed that crossing the line had never triggered a counterattack from Russia before, so it would never happen. "This is a stupid logic."

The article believes that allowing Ukraine to expand the range of US-aided weapons will do more harm than good to the United States. When the security of the United States is not threatened, it is simply "stupid" to risk a nuclear war with Russia.

△ Screenshot of an article from the U.S. magazine National Interest

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

Stephen Bryan, an American journalist and former Defense Department official, recently published an article titled "NATO is Playing with War and Destruction," pointing out that although NATO leaders are worried about the collapse of Ukraine and they cannot save Ukraine to a large extent, they do not want to negotiate with Russia. This is especially true for US President Biden.

"He is afraid of going into the upcoming US election having lost first the war in Afghanistan and then the conflict with Russia and Ukraine. For him, any deal with Russia today would mean a major concession."

△Screenshot of Brian’s article published on the “Subscription Stack” website

The article warns that the new policy of the United States and other countries to relax restrictions on the use of weapons aid to Ukraine has in fact dragged NATO into a conflict with Russia and is close to declaring war on Russia. This will cause the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to continue indefinitely, and ultimately cause NATO itself to suffer more losses.

"NATO's treatment of war as a joke is extremely dangerous"

"As some serious thinkers in Europe and the United States have realized, it would be extremely dangerous for NATO to treat a larger war as a joke."

△Screenshot of Brian’s article published on the “Subscription Stack” website

Source: Global Information Radio's "Global Deep Observation"

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