Let’s take a look at the “answer sheets” of high school Chinese teachers, come over! 2024 Shanghai College Entrance Examination Essay Questions Released

Release time:Jun 07, 2024 11:43 AM

The 2024 Shanghai Unified Cultural Examination for General College Admissions will be held from June 7th to 9th. The Chinese essay questions for the 2024 Shanghai College Entrance Examination are as follows:

Is it difficult to write an essay? How can it be written? We invited five high school teachers to write five "downstream articles" for readers to read.

Huang Qinyi, Zhangjiang Experimental Middle School, East China Normal University

We often slip into such a mindset - using recognition to judge things and differentiate between high and low. In such inertia, recognition seems to have become a symbol of power and authority. In fact, this is because we deceive ourselves into thinking that recognition can replace the standard of judgment. This illusion will actually make us lose our judgment.

It is understandable that recognition can indeed become a criterion to help us judge in most cases. A high degree of recognition of a thing means that the thing has withstood public scrutiny. It can be said that the thing meets needs and meets expectations. In today's era, the contradiction between resources and population has put various industries under the high pressure of racing "involution". Taylorism and Darwinism are endlessly refining people's various spaces. And the public has naturally incorporated this set of detailed rules into their lives - drinks are accurate to the fraction of sugar, and ratings are accurate to the decimal point. Under the almost tricky requirements, things with high recognition have already passed the test of many heavy standards, which can help us filter out many low-quality things. Therefore, people often use recognition to judge things, and there is a certain basis for distinguishing between high and low.

However, when it comes to the issue of "judgment of things", we obviously cannot use recognition to replace specific standards of judgment, otherwise we will only fall into the illusion that "groups are justice". Although recognition has preliminary screening capabilities, is this screening necessarily real? Nowadays, there are many merchants who create the illusion of high product recognition by posting a large number of positive reviews, and some even turn people's recognition into a string of data for profit by manipulating the likes and comments on the platform. Not only for commodities, this kind of false evaluation appears in all aspects of life. At this time, recognition becomes a kind of misleading and cannot play a screening role.

Even if the screening results of the public are true, can we simply trust the screening of the group? Arendt, the Jewish philosopher who proposed the "banality of evil", suggested that "it is the group that causes people to do evil without thinking and judgment." Sometimes the group does not deliberately give false evaluations, but it may be because of the times and cognitive changes. Limit and passively produce erroneous judgments. For example, Wang Anshi put forward a series of propositions in the context of poverty and weakness in the Northern Song Dynasty, which was in line with the trend of historical development. However, the people and even the scholar-bureaucrats at that time could not recognize his reform measures because of the constraints of the ideology of the times.

Therefore, we should use recognition as a tool to assist our judgment, rather than relying entirely on it. The standard that truly distinguishes things should be in our hearts. It is not only filtered by viewpoints, but also developed through rational thinking and continuous development. When wandering in the sea of ​​books, we can refer to the opinions in the book to form reflections and inspirations, but "it is better to believe in no books than to have no books at all"; when analyzing ourselves, we can refer to the evaluations of others, but the true standard of self-worth is only within ourselves. Inwardly; when understanding the world, we can listen to various voices, but in the end we have to form a rational world view ourselves.

Enlightenment of the ability to judge does not happen overnight. When everyone falls into the trap of recognition, we should practice it, always be wary of falling into the misunderstanding of inertia, and cultivate the ability of rational judgment.

Shao Mengting, Datuan Senior High School Affiliated to Shanghai Ocean University

In this era of information explosion, people are overwhelmed by the chaotic information and find it difficult to make their own judgments on various things in life. Therefore, under the guidance of people's common contract and experience, "recognition" is clarified, that is, the group's opinion of things. The degree of common acceptance serves as a recognized criterion for distinguishing between superior and inferior.

It is true that "recognition", because of its characteristics of recognition, groupness, influence, etc., as a commonly used criterion for people to judge things, plays a role in promoting objectivity in the process of people making decisions. For example, after "Chinese time-honored brands" have been impacted by more diverse, fast and convenient online shopping products in the wave of the times, it has become even more difficult for time-honored brands to keep up with this rapidly changing era. However, if we carefully study the development process of "Chinese time-honored brands", it is not difficult to find that time-honored brands are those brands that have a distinctive traditional cultural imprint of the Chinese nation, have been recognized by society and have a good reputation. Therefore, when time-honored brands are willing to step out of their complacency in the muddy era and adopt After innovative methods are used to improve products, compared to the products produced in the current "fast food culture", "Chinese time-honored brands" continue to have their status in people's hearts due to their long-term recognition.

However, "recognition" as a public standard of judgment not only needs to exist in people's hearts, but people still need to maintain their own judgment and thinking during the specific practice process. Just as Su Shi said in "The Story of Shizhong Mountain", "Is it okay to make assumptions about the existence of things without seeing them and hearing them?" The standards of judgment recognized by social groups can be used as the basis for one's own judgment, but anything that has not been done through one's own in-depth practice and careful investigation You still need to maintain your own independent judgment when investigating matters.

However, if we blindly pursue "recognition" as a criterion for judging things, the standard for distinguishing high and low will also fall into a situation of being enslaved by recognition, because in this case, personal deliberation and discernment will no longer exist, and recognition will gradually decline. Evolving into a vassal of the will of the group, people will not express their disagreement with others in the group. Instead, they will have a strong sense of alienation. Over time, they will become a "rabble" without the ability to think independently. If he indulges in the "recognition" of the group, then Van Gogh will use people's recognition of the inherent painting style as the standard and will not be able to show the clouds and romantic starry sky under his brushwork, and will not be able to arouse the wandering people's understanding of life and Love of nature; if Hemingway had used the recognition of that confused era of drunkenness, dissoluteness, and the sun also rising as a standard, then the tough guy Santiago in his novel would no longer exist.

In the social public opinion guided by traffic, all kinds of "recognition" emerge in endlessly. Some "recognition" really help people escape from the shackles and difficulties of life, but some "recognition" have become the shackles of people's lives, making people trapped in In a densely woven "cocoon room". Therefore, what we need is no longer “recognition” itself, but a criterion with its own rational thinking.

Celebrities from all walks of life in the streets and alleys display the gorgeous products that everyone is vying for in the most dazzling manner; various universities are given cold and rigid numerical rankings in newspapers on the screen, attracting numerous students to work hard to get closer to them. Recognition is appearing in our social life in such an overwhelming manner.

Approval represents the majority of society’s views on something, and this kind of evaluation on a large scale can indeed provide some reference for individual judgments. In this process, individuals transfer part of their judgment rights and allow the group to pre-screen to a certain extent to ensure the quality of individual choices and save the cost of selection. In today's society, we are accustomed to opening various evaluation software to sort and filter before making any consumption behavior, and the star rating and likes in these software seem to have become the cross of judgment.

However, just as recognition penetrates all aspects of public cognition in a pervasive manner, group thinking is gradually replacing individual real thinking. When recognition, the yardstick for group-based value judgments, becomes the only criterion that everyone recognizes without thinking, a "witch hunt" in the new century begins.

Individual opinions are submerged in the evaluation of the group. The majority uses a powerful voice to continuously suppress and assimilate those with different opinions, while the opinions of the minority are obliterated and discarded. The fire that was set up when the "heliocentric theory" was proposed was still warm, and the wanderer in the preface to "Tolerance" was still crawling firmly amidst the curses of the villagers. History and experience have never told us that the truth may be in the hands of the majority. But under this invisible group tyranny, the correctness of the viewpoint itself seems to have become the last issue people consider.

In this case, expressing recognition of the value of other things is no longer an end, but a means in itself. When a group launches certain rankings from certain dimensions and certain standards, what is advertised is not the value of the thing itself, but some instrumental purpose it can accomplish. Amidst the waves of shouting, higher brand recognition brings more profits, filling the capital's purses; students stare at higher-ranked universities with red eyes, forgetting their own ideals and aspirations under the stars at that time . In these stifling sequences, recognition betrays the very value it is supposed to recognize.

Therefore, I believe that individual judgment can be based on recognition, but at the same time it should go beyond recognition.

Human beings cannot stand without society, and all our activities are carried out within the framework of society. Therefore, recognition is not only the baseline for our judgment, but also the direction we adhere to. Doubts will not cloud the value, but will polish it. Time will make the true value shine brightly. At the same time, we must transcend social recognition, establish personal value judgments on things, resist the suppression of personal thinking by instrumental rationality, and return to the true value of things.

In this huge wave of recognition, only by adhering to your own standards of judgment can you sail towards the shore of real value, despite the vastness of the vast expanse.

Nowadays, recognition has become the standard for most people to judge the value of people, things and things. This phenomenon is worthy of our deep thought. I personally think that people should delve into the nature of recognition and act accordingly in the vicissitudes of life.

Recognition can be a value judgment made by an individual, or it can be a universal social consensus among people within a certain group on a certain thing. In life, we often use the recognition of someone or something by the group we live in as the yardstick for our identification, screening, screening, judgment, and action.

The root cause of this phenomenon lies mainly in the attributes of human beings as social animals. People always understand the world and then themselves through dialogue with their environment and others in the environment. Individuals who intentionally or unintentionally receive social contagion often naturally incorporate the consensus of the community into their own considerations when judging things. If people use the indicator of recognition, they can make their own decisions in a more secure way and determine their position in the world through the use of social consensus. The object of recognition judgment is not only the other, but also the self. In this way, people are not only the recipients of others' recognition, but also the seekers of their own recognition.

However, the group's recognition of things may have a negative impact on the individual's process of understanding things. For example, the recent update of the QS World University Rankings is generally regarded as a clear yardstick for understanding the level of universities. However, this recognition has to a certain extent eliminated the uniqueness of countless universities and individual majors, and even groups composed of individuals. The richness is also compromised. Things are changing, and recognition is not static. It often changes every day. When people use the recognition of something yesterday to measure it today, fallacies are inevitable. Things with a high degree of recognition may not necessarily have real value. The separation of "name" and "reality" is common in the entertainment-oriented public opinion orientation of modern society. People who pursue recognition may also ignore the improvement of "reality", and focus on "fame". It can be said that they have fallen into the trap of "pursuing pursuit" as Mr. Liang Shuming said, and they are confused and confused.

Faced with this phenomenon, some people may shake their heads and sigh at "recognition". In fact, “recognition” itself is not the issue. The attitude of judging things by their recognition, and the behavior that follows, is not the problem either. The granting and gaining of recognition are not the purpose of life in this world, but are only means for individuals as individuals to actively establish relationships with others in groups and society. Furthermore, the purpose of establishing a relationship with others and the world is to work inwardly and seek others from yourself. From one's own recognition of others and others' recognition of oneself, with a free mind and an independent spirit, one can solemnly Understand yourself. If we are users of recognition, we must take into account both factual truth and value rationality; if we are pursuers of recognition, we should turn external limitations into internal pursuits.

In today's world, many people have lost their original intention of "living in groups without relying on others and being independent without fear" in the blind application and pursuit of "recognition", and have lost the determination of "the balance of importance and importance always lies in me". This is why Not advisable. Only by seeing the essence of recognition clearly can people continue to determine the meaning of their existence in the world in an ever-changing society.

In the application and pursuit of recognition, I hope that we can all be "decided in the vicissitudes of the world, and fly in the sea and mountains in our hearts."

The term “recognition” refers to the degree to which the audience recognizes it. In life, we often use recognition to judge things and distinguish between superior and inferior. Therefore, recognition has become a commonly used evaluation system, which can be used for both objects and people. Recognition is often the evaluation and positioning of the value of people or things. For items, the level of recognition determines their circulation and acceptance in the market. For people, it is a manifestation of identity.

It is undeniable that recognition is an important criterion for judging things, and it must be reasonable to be universally recognized and accepted by a broad audience. Survival of the fittest and natural selection. Items of good quality and quality enter the public eye, are chosen and even admired by the public, all of which are inseparable from their high degree of recognition. Recognition not only reflects the value of the item, but also the market’s recognition and affirmation of its quality. In today's fierce market competition, if a product wants to stand out among many competitors, in addition to having high product quality, it also needs to win widespread recognition from consumers and meet people's aesthetic expectations.

In addition, recognition is also of great significance in interpersonal communication. A person's recognition often represents his status and influence in society. People with high recognition tend to have access to more opportunities and resources, and are more likely to gain the respect and trust of others.

However, can recognition really be used to differentiate between superior and inferior? Existence itself has its own unique value, and the judgment of "higher or lower" may be more of an individual's subjective judgment, and may even follow what others say. Recognition has a dual nature in life. It is not only a bridge for us to establish connections with others and gain a sense of belonging, but it can also become a shackles that restrict our freedom and suppress our individuality. Kafka's Gregor works hard and earns the recognition and respect of his family. This is the positive feedback brought about by recognition. However, when he was subjected to too much discipline from the outside world and turned into a beetle, these recognitions disappeared instantly and were replaced by fear, disgust and rejection. His marginalization and isolation were the manifestation of a lack of recognition. , making him completely "inhuman". A Western intellectual who faced a crisis of faith after the two world wars tried to arouse public thinking through literary works. In the end, he failed to get rid of his identity as a beetle. So how can he maintain his dignity and value without being recognized?

From this, we see that the problem inherent in recognition is actually the ambiguity of the subject's view of evaluation. How does recognition construct our identity and how it affects our relationships with others? Is there any possibility of this status quo changing? In "My Altay", the heroine was frustrated at work and returned to northern Xinjiang and her mother. Her sense of low worth made her doubt herself. However, it was her mother's words that touched her: "What does it mean to be useful? Look at the trees and grass on this grassland. If some people eat and use them, they are called useful. If no one uses them, it would be just fine if they just stay on the grassland!" The reason why this sentence touches readers so much! The audience does not rely on the current fashionable idea of ​​"lying flat", but on realizing that in the vast world, people are so small, like grass and grass, and it is ourselves who should care most. Recognition from the outside world will certainly give us a lot of motivation to move forward, but when it becomes a burden for us, we must rethink and understand that self-worth does not entirely depend on external judgment, but comes from inner perseverance and the pursuit of life. love. When you no longer rely too much on external recognition, your heart becomes more fulfilling and stronger.

Living in such a value system, we must correctly view the outside world's recognition of ourselves and things, that is, the relationship between ourselves and others, and the way we perceive the world. If we want to improve the recognition of an object, we must polish it from the inside out to improve its acceptance in the market. In the same way, for people, we must also use our subjective initiative to improve our own hard power and become a more complete person. people. But if the life of each of us is nothing, if we gain nothing all year round and have nothing for the rest of our lives, we should also know that there is a moon behind the sun. Life is not always full of flowers and applause, but more often we need to face challenges and difficulties. Talk to yourself, listen to your inner voice, and find your own way of existence.

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