Mixue Ice City employees washing their feet in a pool? Official: Burns! Witnesses disagree

Release time:Jun 11, 2024 18:40 PM

There is a drink cup with the "Snow King" of Mixue Ice City printed on it next to the pool.

The video shows a man wearing a mask, a black hat, and a T-shirt standing with one foot in front of the pool in the store, one foot in the pool, and the shoes he took off on the ground. The man lifted his feet, placed them on the countertop by the pool, checked them with his hands, and then put his shoes back on.

On June 11, Mixue Bingcheng responded: After verification, the clerk in the video is the father of the store owner and an employee of the store. He suffered a burn on his foot during work and had to use cold water for emergency treatment. This behavior only occurred. The store involved has been ordered to close and be disinfected.

Some netizens expressed their understanding of Mixue Bingcheng’s response.

Some netizens expressed doubts: It doesn’t look like a burn.

Some netizens also said: After all, it is the catering industry, can't we find a mop pool to deal with it?

Later, the person who took the video stated that the store was located in Panjiayuan, Beijing, on June 10. He did not see any burns on the old man at that time. He naturally walked to the pool to wash his feet without any taboos. Moreover, he himself only stood within a distance of about one meter, and there were many customers drinking products next to him, so everyone could see him. He disagrees with the official reply. There is monitoring in the background of the operation console. He hopes to verify it before replying. If there is a case of hot feet, please send the official video of the background operation.

It is worth mentioning that Mixue Bingcheng sought to be listed on the A-share market in 2022, but failed to move to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. On January 2, 2024, Mixue Bingcheng submitted a prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Mixue Bingcheng's prospectus shows that as of September 30, 2023, Mixue Bingcheng's store network has more than 36,000 stores in China and overseas.

In terms of revenue, for the whole of 2022 and the first nine months of 2023, Mixue Bingcheng achieved revenue of 13.6 billion yuan and 15.4 billion yuan respectively, a year-on-year increase of 31.2% and 46.0%, and net profits of 2 billion yuan and 2.5 billion respectively. yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.3% and 51.1%.

Mixue Bingcheng said that the company mainly conducts business through the franchise model, and most of Mixue Bingcheng's revenue comes from selling goods and equipment to franchise stores. As of September 30, 2023, more than 99.8% of Mixue Bingcheng's stores are franchise stores, and the rest are self-operated stores.

Currently, Mixue Bingcheng’s three evergreen products are chilled lemonade, fresh ice cream and pearl milk tea. In the first nine months of 2023, domestic beverage cup sales were approximately 913 million, 442 million and 326 million respectively. According to Chishi According to the consulting report, these three products are the three highest-selling items in China's ready-made beverage industry.

The weather is getting hotter, and summer is the peak season for freshly made tea drinks. However, food safety issues that have been exposed one after another have cast a shadow on freshly made new tea drinks.

In May, some media exposed that there were food safety issues in Moyo yogurt.

During this year’s “315” period, it was revealed that employees of Gu Ming and other brands had tampered with the expiration date of ingredients, and Shuyishao Xiancao was exposed that employees tasted ingredients to determine the expiration date.

Last summer, Nayuki Tea and Mixue Bingcheng frequently appeared on hot searches and apologized for food safety issues.

Whether it is the stores involved in the past or this time, most of them are franchise stores. Why do franchise stores frequently have food safety issues?

"The interests of franchise stores and the headquarters are not completely consistent." Zhong Kai, director of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, pointed out in an interview with the media, "As independent operators, franchisees tend to regard improving store profitability as their primary business goal. This is often contrary to the long-term interests of the brand.”

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