Many people have had amputations or lost their lives! "Need to closely monitor"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:34 PM

According to a report by the CCTV News client citing the Capitol Hill local time on September 5th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has issued a warning, reminding doctors to closely monitor deadly carnivorous bacteria, which may exist in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast of the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the rise in sea surface temperatures caused by extreme weather events such as heatwaves, floods, and storms may increase the risk of infection by this bacterium and lead to an expansion of the scope of infection.

Screenshot of Congressional Hill News website report

It is reported that this carnivorous fungus naturally inhabits coastal waters and is mainly transmitted through open wound contact. It can also be transmitted through the consumption of raw or undercooked shellfish. Previously, New York, Connecticut, and North Carolina in the United States have all reported fatal cases associated with this bacterial infection.

Three people have died from infection with rare carnivorous bacteria in Connecticut and New York, USA

Previously, according to CCTV News App on August 17th, on August 16th local time, according to CNN, there were at least three cases of death from infection with a rare carnivorous bacterium in Connecticut and New York, which appeared in warm saltwater or shellfish.

Officials from the Connecticut Department of Public Health have stated that two people in Connecticut were infected with this bacterium and died after swimming at two different locations in the Long Island Strait, and another person was infected with the bacteria in July from consuming raw oysters from outside the state. The infected individuals were all between the ages of 60 and 80.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced on the 16th that the bacteria had also been found on a deceased person located on Long Island. According to reports, officials are still investigating the cause of his death to determine whether the bacteria also exist in the waters of New York State or other areas.

What kind of pathogen is Vibrio vulnificus?

Carnivorous bacteria, also known as Vibrio vulnificus.

The human body is infected by "carnivorous bacteria", also known as necrotizing fasciitis, which is a very rare infectious diseases. "carnivorous bacteria" specially "eat" fat and fascia. If not cleared in time, the bacteria will "eat" the patient from inside, and in a short time it will develop into toxic shock, multiple organ failure and even death. It's a bit like a hurricane or tornado, it can destroy everything.

Due to the preference of Vibrio vulnificus for warm or slightly salty water, some seafood products may carry this type of bacteria.

There are two ways of infection. Firstly, there are wounds on the body that allow carnivorous bacteria to enter; Secondly, eating shellfish raw, especially oysters, can easily lead to infection.

Carnivorous bacteria infection can usually be treated with antibiotics, but sometimes dead tissue or limbs must be removed to prevent the spread of the infection, with a mortality rate of up to 55-57%.

This type of infection has been rampant in many parts of the world in recent years, with patients appearing in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Cambodia. Most of them have experience of playing by the sea, eating fish, shrimp, and shellfish.

Many people have had amputations or lost their lives! "Need to closely monitor"

The terrifying thing about carnivorous bacteria is that they are too toxic. People with poor resistance cannot resist or even be bitten by small insects. Carnivorous bacteria can enter the human body through these small wounds and devour life.

Getting stabbed by seafood, don't take it lightly

It is common to get stabbed or scratched while handling crayfish and various types of seafood at home, and most people do not care about these small wounds.

However, in recent years, incidents of severe illness or even death have occurred multiple times in various regions due to small wound infections.

Case One

In July of this year, a man in Shenzhen, Guangdong accidentally stabbed his finger with a tilapia bone and only sought medical attention when he felt unwell. It had been over 40 hours since he was injured! The doctor found that the man's middle finger turned black, and the joint position on the palm of his hand was swollen, making his entire hand extremely red and swollen. What's even more dangerous is that the man also experienced septic shock! In order to save the man's life, the doctor had to amputate the necrotic finger.

After examination, the doctor confirmed that the man was infected with Vibrio vulnificus. It is reported that over half of the infected individuals will progress to septic shock and multiple organ failure within 48 hours, with a mortality rate of up to 50% -70%.

Case 2

Cai Bo, who is in his 60s, suffered from diabetes and gout, and was accidentally pinched on the thumb of his right hand while handling sea crabs at home. The next day, Cai Bo suddenly had a fever, with dark color at the end of his fingers and worsening pain. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor considered it to be acute necrotizing fasciitis. Subsequently, Cai Bo experienced septic shock again. Genetic sequencing showed that Cai Bo was infected with Vibrio vulnificus from the ocean. Fortunately, timely treatment and right thumb amputation surgery were performed, and Cai Bo's condition gradually improved.

Case Three

A 60 year old Mr. Wang from Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, was taken to the emergency center of Zhejiang University Second Hospital when he was unconscious and in a state of shock. His right leg was not only swollen but also covered in purple black bruises. Due to multiple organ failures, he was immediately transferred to the intensive care unit for treatment.

When the doctor asked the patient what they had eaten and what kind of trauma they had experienced before they fell into a coma, the family suddenly remembered a detail. Three days ago, when Mr. Wang bought swamp shrimp and went home to clean it, his finger was stabbed by the "shrimp gun" on the shrimp head. So, ICU doctors immediately conducted bacterial culture, and the results one day later confirmed their speculation that the patient was infected with "carnivorous bacteria".

Although the vast majority of antibiotics are sensitive to Vibrio vulnificus in vitro, Mr. Wang's condition continues to worsen, with carnivorous bacteria spreading and spreading wildly in his body, and the combination of the three antibiotics cannot be suppressed.

There were a large number of blisters on his right leg, rapid muscle tissue necrosis, and blackened skin... That night, Uncle Wang was pushed into the operating room. Despite thorough debridement, he still suffered from severe multiple organ failure and ultimately died despite rescue efforts. It only took three days from emergency admission to death.

Many people have had amputations or lost their lives! "Need to closely monitor"

Reminder! Do these points well in daily life

Vibrio vulnificus and other "carnivorous bacteria" are very common in coastal areas. Remember to do this in daily life:

1. People with skin or oral wounds, especially those with relatively low disease resistance and susceptibility, should avoid swimming and swimming in the sea, or take sufficient measures to ensure safety.

2. Wear gloves when handling seafood to avoid skin scratches or punctures from marine organisms or sharp objects in seawater. If accidentally injured, do not take it lightly. According to the situation, the wound can be treated in a timely manner according to the following guidance:

Clean the injured wound as soon as possible and effectively reduce inflammation;

If it is not bleeding continuously or severe trauma, the wound can be fully exposed without bandaging;

If there are obvious symptoms of infection such as redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the wound, one should seek medical attention as soon as possible and inform the doctor that they have come into contact with seawater or seafood to avoid misdiagnosis.

3. When processing and cooking seafood at home, separate the utensils used to hold seafood from those used to make raw and cooked seafood.

4. Eating undercooked seafood contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus can also lead to infection, so seafood must be cooked thoroughly before consumption.

China News Agency integrates information from CCTV News App, Zhejiang Voice, Guangzhou Daily, Urban Express, CCTV Network, Guangdong Drug Control, and Qingyuan Drug Control

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