Let national defense education better enter the "first lesson of the school year", "go new"+"go heart"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 14:51 PM

Recently, the public welfare program "The First Lesson of the Beginning of School" in 2023, jointly organized by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education, and the China Central Radio and Television Station, received a warm response after its broadcast. The program, with the theme of "I am the One for the Revival of a Strong Country", encourages young people to take over the historical relay baton of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with an upward and unremitting attitude from traditional culture, national defense education, technological innovation, and other aspects.

At the same time, schools across the country have also carefully prepared the first lesson for students. The teachers and students of Huazhong Road First Primary School and Xin'an Middle School in Anqing City, Anhui Province raised two national flags from the Karakoram Plateau outpost, respectively; Tianya Stone Primary School in Chengdu, Sichuan Province has opened a "cloud dialogue" with the Shenxianwan Border Defense Company of a border defense regiment stationed at an altitude of 5380 meters in the Xinjiang Military Region; Students from the Navy Hope Primary School in Linshui County, Guang'an City went to a naval frigate detachment in the Southern Theater Command to learn and understand the "deep blue culture" through educational activities such as boarding warships and disembarking deep cabins... Many netizens like and leave comments, expressing that this heartfelt "first lesson" is valuable and meaningful.

It is not difficult to find that the proportion of national defense education courses is particularly prominent in the rich and diverse "first lesson" organized in various regions. As the first lesson to start a new academic year, why are everyone turning their attention to national defense education?

Some people say that when it comes to whether a country or a nation has vitality, hope, and a future, the key is to look at the spiritual temperament and sense of responsibility of the youth group. To become a scholar, one must first set their own aspirations. The first lesson of the school year is about the country and national defense, which aims to baptize young people in practice, temper their willpower, and cultivate their sentiments. It deeply cultivates the awareness of patriotism and love for the military in their hearts, and enables them to establish the ideal belief of dedicating themselves to national defense and serving the country in a strong atmosphere of loving and respecting the military.

Looking back at modern history, the great powers repeatedly opened the door of China with strong ships and cannons, teaching the Chinese nation a heart wrenching lesson. During the Anti Japanese War, "running the alarm" was the first lesson that teachers and students had to learn. In the movie "Wu Wen Xi Dong", there are multiple scenes where an air raid alarm rings and students and teachers rushing out of the classroom to run into the nearby mountain valleys and forests to avoid the air raid. Due to weak national defense, the vast China cannot accommodate a quiet desk.

Let national defense education better enter the "first lesson of the school year", "go new"+"go heart"

Perhaps it was this unforgettable lesson that made many students of that era deeply understand the relationship between nations and families, as well as between nations and national defense. Years later, many outstanding figures emerged among these young students, including the "Two Bombs and One Satellite" heroes Deng Jiaxian, Zhu Guangya, and others. They closely link their personal ideals with the fate of their motherland, and their personal aspirations with the rejuvenation of the nation. With their passion and life, they have written a magnificent chapter of life dedicated to the motherland and the people.

Nowadays, with diverse social values, ideological and cultural exchanges, and intense ideological struggles, especially the increasingly complex game between soul casting and soul decay, as well as between root fixation and root destruction, it is necessary to strengthen the timeliness and appeal of national defense education. It should be noted that currently, some schools have outdated and clich é d methods and methods of national defense education, which only stay in the form of preaching and indoctrination, and are not down-to-earth enough. Students cannot identify and accept them from the bottom of their hearts, resulting in unsatisfactory educational results.

This requires innovative forms of national defense education, which should have both a "positive" value core and a "new" form carrier. By cleverly integrating war history, heroic deeds, red stories, and other elements into immersive experiential activities, we can win the love of young people with "going new" and "going heart to heart", thus endowing national defense education with richer contemporary connotations and consolidating the youthful strength of building a strong military and serving the country.

Of course, national defense education goes far beyond the first lesson of the school year. The cultivation of national defense awareness is a long-term process that requires perseverance and long-term achievements. Strengthening the spirit of responsibility and cultivating patriotism has never been an abstract topic. It is reflected in the continuity and inheritance of generation after generation, and in the unremitting persistence of constant efforts.

Let national defense education better enter the "first lesson of the school year", "go new"+"go heart"

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Author/Lei Shaoyi

Editor/Jin Jing

Let national defense education better enter the "first lesson of the school year", "go new"+"go heart"

Proofreading/Su Jian, Li Yanyu, Yang Yang

The image is sourced from the internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

This article is original by Jun Zhengping Studio

Please indicate the source when reprinting

© Jun Zhengping Studio

Let national defense education better enter the "first lesson of the school year", "go new"+"go heart"
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