It's going crazy!, Huawei's industrial chain

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:24 PM

This morning, A-shares experienced a pullback, but the structural opportunities were clear - technology stocks continued to rebound, chip concepts rose across the board, Huawei's industrial chain exploded, triggering a limit up wave, and multiple stocks hit the limit up at 20CM.

The main trend of yesterday's sharp rise in pro cyclical recovery has been comprehensively adjusted, suppressing the performance of the index. At the close of the morning, the Shanghai Composite Index fell 0.63%, the Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.46%, and the ChiNext Index fell 0.05%.

The net outflow of northbound funds in the morning was 4.461 billion yuan. Some institutions have indicated that as policies continue to be implemented, the trend of northbound capital outflows is expected to reverse.

Technology stocks continue to rebound

This morning, technology stocks continued their rebound trend from yesterday, with sectors such as storage chips, photoresists, advanced packaging, OLEDs, and consumer electronics leading the way in gains.

It's going crazy!, Huawei's industrial chain

According to the news on the official account of "Industrial Information Wechat" this morning, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance recently jointly issued the Action Plan for Stable Growth of Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry from 2023-2024. The Action Plan proposes that the average growth rate of added value in the computer, communication, and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry will be around 5% from 2023 to 2024, and the operating revenue of enterprises above designated size in the electronic information manufacturing industry will exceed 24 trillion yuan.

Apple recently announced that it will hold its autumn press conference at 1:00 am Beijing time on September 13th. Market expectations are that Apple will release the iPhone 15 and new smartwatches at this event.

The institution stated that technology growth stocks represented by the semiconductor industry are in the stage of bottoming out and preparing for an upward trend in their overall cycle. Inventory digestion is still actively progressing, and the certainty of bottoming out and upward trend in the second half of the year is gradually strengthening. At the same time, as some companies digest the negative performance of their semi annual reports, it is expected to start a new upward cycle.

Huawei's industrial chain continued to be active in the morning, setting off a trend of limit up, with Guangxin Materials, Tongyi Shares, and Blue Arrow Electronics hitting the limit up at 20CM. Huali Chuangtong also briefly hit the limit up of 20CM during the trading session, ushering in two consecutive rebounds; Jierong Technology hit the daily limit up, ushering in 5 consecutive rebounds; In addition, multiple stocks such as Huaying Technology have hit the limit up.

On September 4th, a reporter from China Securities News conducted a survey of several Huawei experience stores in Beijing and found that the recently released Huawei Mate 60 Pro was hard to find in offline stores. The staff of Huawei authorized experience store at Beijing Xidan Update Field told reporters that the first round of orders for multiple offline stores in the Beijing area ranged from 100 to 200 units, and the second batch of offline bookings for Huawei Mate 60 Pro has begun. With the increasing supply from the Shenzhen headquarters, store inventory is expected to increase in the latter half of this month.

It's going crazy!, Huawei's industrial chain

Wo Le Home welcomes seven consecutive boards

I Le Home once again hit the daily limit in the morning, ushering in seven consecutive rebounds.

I, Leju Home, is not a dual financing target, and other continuously rising stocks in the market recently also have this characteristic. For example, Jierong Technology, Huali Chuangtong, Zhongma Transmission, Zhiyun Shares, etc.

Yesterday evening, I Le Home issued a risk warning stating that in the absence of significant changes in the company's fundamentals, the stock price of the company has experienced significant short-term fluctuations and there is a risk of high valuation. The company solemnly reminds investors to fully understand the risks in the stock market and the risk factors disclosed by the company, avoid following the trend of speculation, make prudent decisions, and invest rationally.

Hong Kong stock market Rongchuang China surged

It's going crazy!, Huawei's industrial chain

This morning, Hong Kong stock Rongchuang China surged again, rising over 20% at one point during trading. The stock rose 34.04% yesterday. After a continuous surge, the stock has overcome the embarrassment of being a "fairy stock".

On September 5th, according to the latest notice released by the Shanghai Stock Exchange on the adjustment of Hong Kong Stock Connect targets under the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect, Rongchuang China was included in the list of Hong Kong Stock Connect targets under the Shanghai Hong Kong Stock Connect, which will take effect immediately.

Luckin Coffee Sauce flavored Latte sets a new single product record

Following the joint launch of "Soy Sauce Latte" by Kweichow Moutai and Ruixing Coffee, "Moutai Chocolate will soon go online" is hot today. There are reports that Maotai Chocolate is also about to be launched.


It's going crazy!, Huawei's industrial chain

In addition, according to the official Weibo account of Luckin Coffee this morning, the first day sales of the sauce flavored latte exceeded 5.42 million cups, and the first day sales of the single product exceeded 100 million yuan.

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Guangming Current Review: Continuing to give prominence to the construction of ecological civilization | Ecology | Current Review

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Chen Ding June 5th is World Environment Day, and China has also legislated to designate June 5th as Environment Day every year. This year's theme is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature.".The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development.

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Investigation and research help to grasp the rapidly changing reality, fundamentally enhance the scientific, targeted, and effective nature of reform measures, adhere to problem orientation, enhance problem awareness, and focus more on areas and departments where contradictions and problems are concentrated. Truly understanding the situation, identifying problems accurately, and implementing countermeasures can achieve twice the result with half the effort in promoting reform and development. Overcoming risks and challenges can give us more confidence. Through visits, discussions, and interviews, we can understand the actual situation of grassroots reform and development; Focus on the key areas of reform, identify bottlenecks and difficulties, and carry out in-depth problem sorting and investigation;

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CCTV News: In recent days, the planting and transplanting work of Jiangxi Zhongdao is fully underway. In Ji'an City, some areas have adopted a new technology of "three in one" for rice planting this year, which means that a machine can simultaneously complete transplanting, fertilization, and spraying, which can effectively save costs and increase efficiency. This is a rice field in Aocheng Town, Ji'an County, Ji'an City, where several agricultural machines are working in the field. These machines look the same as regular rice transplanters from the appearance, but the agricultural machinery operator told reporters that two new parts have been installed on the machine - a side deep fertilization and spraying device, which can complete rice transplants, fertilization, and spraying in one go. Not only does it save labor costs, but it can also fertilize seedlings more accurately. The side deep fertilization device can apply fertilizer to the soil at a depth of 3-5 centimeters on the side of seedlings, so that fertilization will not cause excessive fertility and problems such as root rot. Local grain grower king

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The college entrance examination is a crucial milestone for every candidate and their family. During the pre exam period, candidates bear a great deal of mental pressure. Many candidates and parents are concerned that sports will not only squeeze their review time, but also pose certain risks. In case of muscle and bone injuries, it will also affect the exam. In fact, choosing a suitable exercise plan before the exam can not only improve the body's immune system and enhance disease resistance, but also regulate the candidate's tension, improve their physiological and psychological state, and be beneficial for pre exam review and exam performance. Here are some suggestions for exercising before exams, hoping to be helpful to everyone. The selection of suitable exercise methods before the exam varies from person to person, and each candidate's actual situation is different. The selected exercise items, amount of exercise, and exercise methods should also be different

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Why is it selling well in the United States?, Painkillers that kill 560000 people | Medicine | Family | Saxony | Doctors | America | Purdue | Condin

Author: Mao Yufei In 1985, at the luxurious villa of the Sackler family, family members held an important meeting. Richard Sackler stood against the light, his face half bright and half dark. Richard is responsible for product development and marketing at the family founded Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, and is a pending successor. The patent for Mesconazole, which once generated 25% of sales for Purdue, is about to expire. Richard has proposed a heavyweight plan to his family's predecessors: to develop a new opioid drug specifically designed to alleviate moderate pain. For this plan, several seniors frowned and said, "Opioid drugs are easily addictive and cannot be used repeatedly." Richard's uncle Arthur Sackler nodded and then waved at Richard, saying, "Don't get your mind too stuck. The market needs to find ways to create it yourself.". In 2015, in a battle against