It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:34 PM

Autumn wind rises, with a strong sense of separation

Yesterday I made great contributions to the military camp, and today I am honored to return to my hometown

Another group of military personnel who have completed their service

Farewell to the outpost, take off your military uniform

When parting ways with comrades in arms

These "first" and "last"

It's their sense of ceremony

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

About to be discharged from the military

The veterans of the First Brigade of the Beijing Armed Police Force on duty

The first time as a collective audience

Watching the flag raising ceremony

Due to the constant burden

Duty tasks in the Tiananmen Square area

They always carry their backs to the national flag

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

At the unloading ceremony

When removing the hat badge and collar flower

The moment I took off my shoulder badge

The veterans can no longer hold back their tears


When retired veterans leave by car

Both sides of the road were lined with comrades bidding farewell

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Some people are afraid of not being able to make it in time

Wearing a fitness suit, he ran out

This farewell may be the last one

I have to see you no matter what

Hainan Sansha

Retired veterans from Xisha return home by special plane

Aircraft intentionally counterclockwise, clockwise

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Around each island once

Let the veterans see from the air

Look at yourself once

A place that showcases youth and passion

When reuniting with family and friends

Whether crying or laughing

Everyone thinks it's great to go home

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Tianjin, whole family to the station

Welcome the young man returning from the military

After seeing his family, the young man first smiled and saluted

Then he stepped forward and grabbed the hand of his family

Instantly burst into tears

"Why not, why not!"

When the young man returned home from the military and left the station

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

A long lost mother

I didn't even recognize my child for a moment

Confirmed only after being reminded by family members

Xinyang, Henan

Father sets aside unfinished work

Hurry to the station to pick up my retired son and go home

Seeing my father's figure from afar

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

My son excitedly stepped forward and picked him up

However, when welcoming veterans back home

Becoming "eye-catching bags", my friends began to gradually "deviate" from their art style

When ordinary people encounter danger

They are hidden in the crowd

I will always step forward as soon as possible

A community in Zhuozhou, Hebei is surrounded by floods

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Due to the tightly closed entrance of the community, rescue boats are unable to enter

Veteran Meng Lingpeng from his home on the second floor

Jumping into the flood and swimming towards the entrance of the community

After diving into the water more than ten times

Pull out the door latch to allow the rescue boat to enter

He said, "This is just a small gesture."

"Save everyone and feel at ease"

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Jinan, Shandong Province

An unexpected fire broke out in a resident's home

A girl is trapped in the bedroom

Helplessly sitting by the window, crying loudly

Veteran Xu Liang risked his life

Without any protective measures

Climb barehanded from outside the window to the mezzanine on the second floor

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Hug the girl and save her

Wuhan, Hubei Province

A woman stands on a bridge nearly 30 meters high from the river surface

Jumping into the Han River and committing suicide

On duty auxiliary police officer Han Jing quickly arrived at the scene after receiving the call

Without hesitation, jump into the water to rescue the woman

Han Jing once served in the Marine Corps

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

He said, "If I hadn't jumped back then

This life may be gone

The Retirement Season Is Not the End

At critical moments, they have never been "discharged" from the military

No matter where you are, loyalty will never change

If the country has a call, it will be called back

Salute to the veteran!

It's another discharge season! These "first" and "last" are their sense of ritual

Producer | Li Zhe

Editor in Chief | Zhang Zhida

Editor | Yang Huijun

Proofreading | Gao Shaozhuo

The materials in the article come from CCTV Military, People's Liberation Army Daily, Guangxi Armed Police, Xilu Qiangjun, Dushan County Integrated Media Center, Hainan Airlines, etc

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