Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 17:27 PM

News: According to the Henan Meteorological Observatory, there will be showers and thundershowers in many parts of Henan in the next few days. At present, growers in the main wheat-producing areas of Henan are rushing to harvest, dry and store wheat. Summer sowing is also starting simultaneously. The application of various scientific and technological means has also greatly improved the production efficiency of the "Three Summers".

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

Zhao Guixi, a major grain grower, planted more than 10,000 acres of wheat this year. In order to improve the harvesting efficiency, he contacted a large harvester in advance. The efficiency of this kind of machinery is four times that of ordinary harvesters, and its ability to reduce damage and remove impurities is also greatly enhanced.

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

In the wheat field, the seeder and the harvester equipped with the Beidou navigation assisted driving system work closely together, harvesting in front and planting in the back. The agricultural machinery operator told reporters that compared with before, the linear deviation of sowing through Beidou navigation is no more than 3 centimeters, which not only facilitates later weeding and management, but is also labor-saving and efficient.

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

In Nanyang, Henan, the wheat harvest is basically over. This is a grain purchasing point in Luozhuang Town, Dengzhou City, Nanyang. Growers sell freshly harvested wheat directly from the fields. Grain with lower moisture content will be received directly into the warehouse, while grain with higher moisture content will be unloaded in the drying yard and dried by drying equipment.

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

The Henan Meteorological Observatory predicts that there will be showers and thundershowers in many parts of Henan in the next few days. Right now, growers across the country are working hard to harvest wheat before the rain. This year, the wheat planting area in Henan Province is about 85 million acres. As of 17:00 on June 2, more than 63 million acres of wheat have been harvested, and the wheat harvest progress has exceeded 70%. The province's summer sowing area has completed more than 33 million acres, accounting for the expected sowing area. one third of .

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

Hubei: Smart grain depot renovation and upgrade speeds up wheat storage

Installing "Beidou" and transforming smart grain depots...technological means make the production of "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient

At present, more than 15 million acres of wheat in Hubei Province have entered the end of harvest, and grain drying work is in full swing. This year, through the installation of Beidou agricultural intelligent terminals on agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery has become intelligent and digital, making production in the "Three Summers" smarter and more efficient.

The reporter came to a drying center in Zhongxiang City, where an intelligent drying control room has been built and a Beidou monitoring terminal has been installed. With the help of the smart system, it only takes 15 days from harvesting to drying for one season of grain, which is 7 days shorter than in the past.

Wheat drying efficiency has been greatly improved, and the renovation and upgrade of smart grain warehouses has also accelerated the speed of wheat storage. In a smart grain warehouse in Xiangzhou District, Xiangyang City, after the newly harvested wheat is transported here, it is cleaned, decontaminated and dried. One person can complete the storage of 2,000 tons of wheat in one day through one-click operation on the computer. Work.

At present, Hubei Province has promoted and applied more than 51,000 Beidou agricultural intelligent terminals of various types, monitoring a total of 144 million acres of various operating areas and monitoring 4.1 million tons of dried grain.

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Official response: A tourist has lost any vital signs and the incident occurred at Qiandao Lake! 6 tourists suspected of playing "Flying Fish" project and falling into the water, telling | the world | personnel | Qiandao Lake | Jimu News reporter | Chen Fei | falling into the water | tourists

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Want to repair the relationship? AFP: Limited role. Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week for strategy | the United States | role

The US State Department announced on the 2nd that Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week to discuss "strategic cooperation" between the two countries. Some analysts said that Antony Blinken's visit sought to repair the bilateral relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and tried to promote the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but it was difficult to make a breakthrough. The US State Department said in a brief press release that Antony Blinken's visit to Saudi Arabia from the 6th to the 8th will discuss "strategic cooperation in regional and global affairs" between the US and Saudi Arabia, as well as a series of bilateral affairs, including economic and security cooperation. During his visit, Antony Blinken will attend the ministerial meeting of the United States Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council to discuss cooperation between the United States and GCC countries in security, stability, economy and other aspects of the Middle East. In addition, combating extremist organizations was also the topic of Antony Blinken's visit. Reuters: The United States and Saudi Arabia

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How to accelerate the process of "not leaving the county due to serious illness"?, The proportion of inpatients in primary medical institutions is less than 20%. Medical | County | Primary level

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