Follow the General Secretary to explore Chinese civilization|The culture of the ancient capital hidden in the alleys

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 13:00 PM

Beijing is an ancient capital with a long history. Hutongs are where Beijing people have lived for generations. The foundation of the cultural heritage deposited by history in this ancient capital of the Five Dynasties is hidden in the red walls, green tiles and old streets and alleys.

Standing on the edge of the Yuhe River in Beijing, you can see the Yuer Hutong in the Nanluoguxiang area. It is lined with trees and water passes through the streets. But in the past, many of the courtyards here were large courtyards.

In the first month of 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Yuer Hutong and asked to properly handle the relationship between urban transformation and development and the protection and utilization of historical and cultural heritage, so as to achieve development in protection and protection in development.

Blue bricks and gray tiles, red door couplets, old stone patterns, sparse flowers and trees... Stepping on the bluestone slabs from the north entrance of Caochang Sijiao, and walking not far into the alley, you will be greeted by the unique Beijing-style folk customs of old Beijing.

In February 2019, in the four alleys of Caochang, Qianmen East District, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "Where are the traditional cultural characteristics of Beijing? It is the alleys. If Beijing's alleys disappear and are turned into high-rise buildings, how can we still remember nostalgia? ?”

According to statistics, since 2017, the environmental appearance of more than 3,900 back streets and alleys in Beijing has been improved overall. Nowadays, walking in the quaint and quiet alleys, you can touch the historical marks left by the people who lived here, and feel the cultural atmosphere contained in the alleys, which is getting stronger with time.

Follow the General Secretary to explore Chinese civilization|The culture of the ancient capital hidden in the alleys
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