Digital empowerment and "intelligent manufacturing" upgrade my country's industrial economy is stable and improving

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 17:27 PM

Open the mobile APP, and all kinds of data on the assembly line can be seen at a glance; sit in the control room and click the mouse, and the heavy equipment in the workshop will automatically turn on; on the big screen presented in real time, you can have a panoramic view of every corner of the factory... In recent years, with the With the rapid development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the digital transformation of my country's manufacturing industry has entered the fast lane of development, making the "factory of the future" a reality.

Manufacturing is the lifeblood of the country's economy, the foundation of a country, a tool for rejuvenating a country, and the foundation of a strong country. Recently, the latest monthly report on industrial economic benefits released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that from January to April, industrial enterprises above designated size across the country achieved a total profit of 2.09469 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.3%, and an operating income of 41.92 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.6%. Among them, the manufacturing industry achieved a total profit of 1.44398 billion yuan, an increase of 8.0%, and the growth rate accelerated by 0.1 percentage point.

Analysts said that in April this year, as the macroeconomic mix policies were implemented and the effects continued to appear, my country's industrial production rebounded and market demand continued to pick up. Specifically, the efficiency of industrial enterprises above designated size continues to recover, the profits of industrial enterprises for the month have turned from falling to increasing, the high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing industry has further advanced, and the effects of large-scale equipment update policies have gradually emerged, jointly promoting the profits of the equipment manufacturing industry Maintain rapid growth.

"Robot colleagues" do the hard work, "unmanned factories" produce 24 hours a day, and "transparent production lines" monitor the entire process of operation data. Sitting in the office and staring at the big screen and clicking the mouse, you can direct the production of factories thousands of miles away. ... Relying on the optimization support of the Industrial Internet, more and more factories are showing such new "intelligent" scenarios. The Industrial Internet is an important support for promoting the transformation and upgrading of "Made in China" to "Intelligent Manufacturing in China". The deep integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry has strongly supported the digital, networked and intelligent transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, and helped "Made in China" "Leap to "Intelligent Manufacturing in China".

The widespread application of new technologies such as digital twins, cyber-physical systems, and low-code has further promoted the integration and innovation of the industrial Internet in a wider scope, deeper level, and at a higher level. In recent years, the integrated development of "5G Industrial Internet" has entered the fast lane, forming a "5G factory" with widely connected production units, full utilization of data elements, and efficient empowerment of innovative applications.

In Shunde, Guangdong, the "5G fully connected" smart manufacturing demonstration factory was officially unveiled. Robot arms are working neatly in the factory, and AGVs are dispatched and delivered in place with zero error, achieving a "double improvement" of production efficiency and product benefits; in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, traditional food The factory has been replaced with a "5G smart factory" system to accurately collect, quickly transmit and provide real-time feedback on the entire production and manufacturing process data to achieve automated crop processing operations; in Nanjing, Jiangsu, "5G digital twin" technology helps intelligently connect the entire process. Through a series of automated production lines, three-dimensional warehouses, and automated conveying lines, automated production and transportation of "products never land on the ground" are realized...

Huang Ying, director of the Industrial Internet Research Department of the Institute of Technology and Standards of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said that currently, the development of my country's "5G Industrial Internet" is at a critical stage from initial exploration to intensive cultivation and large-scale development, and integrated applications continue to move forward. We will go deep into practice to help achieve transformation goals such as liberating manpower, empowering intelligent machines, upgrading logistics, optimizing methods, and improving the environment, and continue to promote the quality and efficiency of my country's manufacturing enterprises.

Since the beginning of this year, the process of digital, networked, and intelligent transformation of my country's manufacturing industry has been accelerating. From the central to local governments, a number of measures have been taken to assist the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Recently, the "Manufacturing Digital Transformation Action Plan" was officially adopted, pointing out that according to the diversified and personalized needs of the manufacturing industry, typical scenarios should be explored in different industries and fields, accelerating the research on core technologies and the promotion and application of results, and doing a good job in equipment networking and mutual recognition of protocols. , standard formulation, platform construction and other work.

In view of the new process of "intelligent manufacturing" upgrading in the manufacturing industry, various localities are focusing on industrial digital transformation to provide innovation guarantee for relevant enterprises. Jiangxi builds a benchmark for "digital pilot" enterprises and "digital smart factories" to build an "industrial brain" for the digital transformation of the local manufacturing industry; Shandong promotes the industrial Internet to empower "digital transformation and intelligent transformation" and encourages the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry to "take the lead"; Hebei has accelerated the cloud migration of industrial equipment, computing and storage, and platform systems, and launched industrial Internet supply and demand docking services...

"Intelligent manufacturing technology is of great significance to my country's acceleration of digitalization, networking, and intelligence and the promotion of high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. It is conducive to the quality, efficiency, and power changes of my country's manufacturing industry." Vice Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician Chen Xuedong said that the next step is to focus on intelligent manufacturing, promote the transformation, optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain, and achieve fundamental changes in the industrial model and corporate ecology.

Digital empowerment and "intelligent manufacturing" upgrade my country's industrial economy is stable and improving
Official response: A tourist has lost any vital signs and the incident occurred at Qiandao Lake! 6 tourists suspected of playing "Flying Fish" project and falling into the water, telling | the world | personnel | Qiandao Lake | Jimu News reporter | Chen Fei | falling into the water | tourists
Official response: A tourist has lost any vital signs and the incident occurred at Qiandao Lake! 6 tourists suspected of playing "Flying Fish" project and falling into the water, telling | the world | personnel | Qiandao Lake | Jimu News reporter | Chen Fei | falling into the water | tourists

On June 3, at the Happy Water World of Qiandao Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, six tourists fell into the water while playing the "Flying Fish" project. One of the tourists lost contact after the incident. On the afternoon of June 5, WeChat public number "Qiandao Lake Happy Water World" released a statement. The explanation stated that at around 15:40 on June 3, 2023, Fujian tourist Chen Mouhui accidentally fell into the water and disappeared while playing the flying fish project in the Happy Water World operated by the company. After the person in charge of the scene called the police, the marine police and the port and shipping law enforcement The team and rescue personnel of the rescue team searched and rescued the scene. At 14:03 on June 4, the missing person Chen Mouhui was salvaged and confirmed to have no vital signs. At present, the cause of the incident is under investigation by relevant departments. A tourist from Qiandao Lake told the Jimu News reporter that at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on June 3, she found 5 tourists by the lake.

At least 34 deaths, be vigilant! Since the beginning of this year, there have been 11 limited space accidents causing accidents in space
At least 34 deaths, be vigilant! Since the beginning of this year, there have been 11 limited space accidents causing accidents in space

According to the official website of the Emergency Management Department of Shanxi Province, on May 29th, a major poisoning and suffocation accident occurred in the sewage well of the Tunlan Water Purification Plant at the Xishan Coal Power Environmental Protection and Greening Branch in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province, resulting in four deaths. The Shanxi Provincial Safety Commission Office implemented a plaque supervision on the investigation and handling of the accident. In addition, the Shanxi Provincial Safety Commission Office also issued a notice regarding the two consecutive limited space production safety accidents in Taiyuan City, pointing out that the two accidents that occurred on May 25th and 29th in Taiyuan City have exposed problems such as unclear identification of limited space risks, illegal operations, blind rescue of safety training, low quality of education, and loopholes in the management of outsourced units. In addition, the above two accidents have exposed weak links in supervision and management. A limited space accident has occurred since the beginning of this year, according to incomplete statistics

Want to repair the relationship? AFP: Limited role. Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week for strategy | the United States | role
Want to repair the relationship? AFP: Limited role. Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week for strategy | the United States | role

The US State Department announced on the 2nd that Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week to discuss "strategic cooperation" between the two countries. Some analysts said that Antony Blinken's visit sought to repair the bilateral relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and tried to promote the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but it was difficult to make a breakthrough. The US State Department said in a brief press release that Antony Blinken's visit to Saudi Arabia from the 6th to the 8th will discuss "strategic cooperation in regional and global affairs" between the US and Saudi Arabia, as well as a series of bilateral affairs, including economic and security cooperation. During his visit, Antony Blinken will attend the ministerial meeting of the United States Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council to discuss cooperation between the United States and GCC countries in security, stability, economy and other aspects of the Middle East. In addition, combating extremist organizations was also the topic of Antony Blinken's visit. Reuters: The United States and Saudi Arabia

How to accelerate the process of "not leaving the county due to serious illness"?, The proportion of inpatients in primary medical institutions is less than 20%. Medical | County | Primary level
How to accelerate the process of "not leaving the county due to serious illness"?, The proportion of inpatients in primary medical institutions is less than 20%. Medical | County | Primary level

The proportion of diagnosis and treatment in national primary healthcare institutions exceeds 50%, but the proportion of hospitalization is still less than 20%, which is a current situation in primary healthcare. Since the beginning of this year, both national and local levels have been accelerating the construction of primary healthcare. According to the Work Plan for Improving the Comprehensive Capacity of County Hospitals under the "Thousand County Project" issued by the National Health Commission in 2021, by 2025, at least 1000 county hospitals in China will reach the level of tertiary hospital medical service capabilities, play the role of county medical centers, and lay a solid foundation for achieving the resolution of general diseases in cities and counties. And currently, what are the challenges of "strengthening grassroots" that need to be solved? "Strengthening the Grassroots" is Urgent. In February of this year, the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Deepening Reform and Promoting the Health of Rural Medical and Health Systems"

"Risk reduction" is the biggest risk. Global | Economic | Risk
"Risk reduction" is the biggest risk. Global | Economic | Risk

Beijing, June 3 (Xinhua) - The United States verbally replaces "decoupling theory" with "risk reduction", but continues to piece together the "containment puzzle" of "de sinicization" in action. Just after the G7 summit, the United States recently convened a ministerial meeting on the Indo Pacific Economic Framework and a meeting of the US EU Trade and Technology Commission, with the aim of wooing allies to build a "parallel system" that excludes China. This practice of dividing the world under the guise of "risk reduction" poses enormous risks to the deeply integrated global economy. Concepts are the foundation of thinking, and the United States promotes the concept of "risk reduction" by misleading the international community to think in the direction it hopes and draw favorable conclusions. The United States convenes international conferences and repeatedly promotes the issue of containing China within the framework of "risk reduction", with the aim of delineating China from "risk"