Inheriting and Promoting the "Pujiang Experience" to Promote the Modernization of Grassroots Governance in the World | Pujiang | Grassroots

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:24 PM

Author: Tan Xiaoyan

If the grassroots level is strong, the country will be strong, and if the grassroots level is safe, the world will be safe.Adhering to the guidance of follow-up work, leading cadres consciously and proactively go deep into the grassroots, mobilize, organize, and rely on the masses, effectively solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses, and form a major innovation in grassroots governance through two-way interaction between "top-down" and "bottom-up". The "Pujiang Experience" continues to enrich and develop, and after 20 years, it still shines brightly. Practice has proven that the "Pujiang Experience" is an important tool for transforming the style of cadres and standing firm in the people's position. It is an effective method for solving grassroots problems and improving governance efficiency. It is a valuable asset for strengthening party building and doing various work well. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradictions in society have changed. It is urgent to further inherit and promote the "Pujiang Experience", inject strong momentum into adhering to the clear guidance of focusing on grassroots governance, solving grassroots governance problems, strengthening the relationship between cadres and the masses, and improving the level of serving the people. This will provide strong support and solid guarantee for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

Tourists are playing among the tulip flower beds in Hangping Town, Pujiang County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. Shen Jizhong

1. Deeply grasp the scientific connotation of the "Pujiang Experience"

In the new era and new journey, we must deeply grasp the scientific connotation of the "Pujiang Experience", vigorously inherit and promote the fine tradition of the "Pujiang Experience", and under the guidance of the innovative theory of the Party in the new era, strive to compose a brilliant chapter of modernization of grassroots governance.

The Pujiang experience embodies an unchanging people's stance. The Marxist materialist view of history scientifically reveals and elucidates that the people are the creators of history, providing theoretical weapons for proletarian revolution and socialist construction. The Pujiang Experience profoundly reveals how to respect the people's subject status in the new era and new journey. The "Pujiang Experience" fully demonstrates the people's feelings of the CPC, and its value pursuit of respecting the people's dominant position has been transformed into the action consciousness of the majority of party members and cadres to forge ahead in the new era and new journey. The Pujiang experience is an important mechanism for closely connecting with the masses. Party members and cadres should go deep into reality, grassroots, and the masses, identify and solve prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses, and effectively discover problems on the front line, resolve conflicts on the front line, and implement work on the front line. The "Pujiang Experience" is an important channel for unblocking public opinion demands. Grasping the hearts of the people and listening to public opinion are the basic skills for leading cadres to govern for the people. Smooth communication channels, smooth expression of public opinion, and ensure that the people are the masters of their own affairs and participate in public affairs governance through two-way interaction. The Pujiang experience is an important path to enhance people's well-being. Leading cadres should be precise and refined in solving practical problems for the people, striving to improve their sense of gain, happiness, and security, and realizing their aspirations for a better life.

The Pujiang experience demonstrates a clear problem orientation. Adhering to a problem oriented approach is a distinct characteristic of Marxism. The CPC has always been committed to revolution, construction and reform in order to solve China's practical problems. Adhering to problem orientation is an important ideological and working method of our party. The "Pujiang Experience" insists on going deep into the grassroots frontline to understand the real problems. Grassroots are the main battlefield for theoretical guidance and practice, and the main battlefield for promoting practical innovation.The Pujiang Experience insists on sincerely listening to questions. The interests of the masses are insignificant, and every branch and leaf is closely related to the situation. The "Pujiang Experience" advocates that when leaders visit the people, they should "sit on a stool and gather around a table" to study problems and exchange emotions, listen to the voices of the people face to face, and connect their hearts to solve their worries. They should turn the worries, troubles, and worries of the people into worries, comfort, and happiness. The Pujiang Experience insists on targeted solutions to real problems. Whatever problem is most prominent, do your best to solve it; Whatever problem is a bottleneck, do your best to solve it. By truly understanding the problem, deeply analyzing it, and identifying the crux of the problem, we can effectively solve the most concerning, direct, and practical interests of the people. We can ensure that we do things that benefit people's livelihoods, warm their hearts, and conform to public opinion, and improve the quality of life for the people.

The Pujiang experience embodies a pragmatic and long-term spirit of hard work.For the past 20 years, Party members and leading cadres at all levels in Zhejiang have been taking office one after another, continuously enriching and developing the "Pujiang experience", adhering to the guidance of follow-up work, and effectively solving practical problems for the people. The demands of the masses are diverse and diverse. Only through specific analysis of specific problems can we accurately prescribe a prescription for "opening one lock with one key".The visitation of leading cadres is not simply to solve the work of petitioning, but to think and solve problems from a global perspective. Through the complex surface phenomena at the grassroots level, we grasp the essence of grassroots governance and the internal laws of development, and formulate and improve relevant systems. Following the development of practice and the expectations of the people, keeping up with the pace of the times, grasping the pulse of the times, applying systematic concepts, forward-looking thinking, global planning, and overall promotion of economic development, improving people's livelihoods, risk prevention, and party building, continuously enhancing the principle, systematicity, foresight, and creativity of work.

Inheriting and Promoting the "Pujiang Experience" to Promote the Modernization of Grassroots Governance in the World | Pujiang | Grassroots

2. Vigorously inherit and promote the "Pujiang Experience" and continuously demonstrate the contemporary value of the "Pujiang Experience"

Vigorously inherit and promote the "Pujiang experience", and adhere to the grassroots governance value stance of "people first". Our party's foundation lies in the people, our bloodline lies in the people, and our strength lies in the people. By inheriting and promoting the "Pujiang experience", we will build a "heart to heart bridge" between party members, cadres, and the masses, always maintaining the flesh and blood connection between the party and the people. We will take listening to the voices of the people, observing their emotions, gathering their wisdom, and addressing their concerns as the starting point and foothold of grassroots governance. Improve the level of serving the people. Always regard what the people need and expect as the direction of grassroots governance. Persist in relying on the people. The people contain rich wisdom and infinite creativity. To maximize the vitality of grassroots governance, it is necessary to organize, mobilize, and unite the masses at the grassroots level, fully stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the people. Fully leverage the role of grassroots mass autonomous organizations and improve the effectiveness of democratic consultation. Adhere to continuously benefiting the people, improve the efficiency of grassroots governance, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members and cadres in grassroots governance, and continuously improve the level of refinement and precision in grassroots governance.

Vigorously inherit and promote the "Pujiang experience", and insist on making investigation and research the basic skill of grassroots governance.Only by using emotions with heart, sitting close to each other, chatting with heart to heart, and making sincere friends with the masses, can we hear the truth, hear the truth, and hear the truth from our hearts.To do a good job of investigation and research, we need to make precise efforts and focus on the problem. Before conducting research, it is important to prepare lessons and do a good job in desk work, ensuring that you have a clear understanding and stock in your mind. Be good at discovering problems, have the courage to face them directly, be committed to solving problems, not afraid of exposing shortcomings, not afraid of showing off, and not avoiding conflicts. Accurately select research subjects, go to places with many opinions from the masses, and go to places with many difficulties, complex situations, and sharp contradictions. Conducting investigations and research requires in-depth analysis and scientific decision-making. Through investigation and research, form a correct understanding of the objective situation, accurately grasp the essence and laws of the problem in analysis and research, and ultimately generate ideas, propose countermeasures, and solve the problem.

Vigorously inherit and promote the "Pujiang experience", and adhere to making institutional construction an important lever for grassroots governance. The modernization of the system is an inevitable requirement for the modernization of grassroots governance. We should establish a system of good practices and experiences at the grassroots level, summarize effective practices into successful experiences, and establish the results of practice as standardized systems. Each level should lead the way and continue to work year after year. Continuously exploring, summarizing, and innovating in practice, gradually establishing and improving relevant systems, and forming standardization, normalization, and normalization through institutionalization; By establishing regulations and systems, we strive to strengthen our foundation, enhance our strengths, address our weaknesses, and strengthen our strengths. Put effort into reforming the system and mechanism. Promote the shift of governance focus to the grassroots level, so that there are people at the grassroots level who have the right to own things, and ensure that grassroots affairs are handled at the grassroots level, grassroots power is given to grassroots, and grassroots affairs are handled by people. Optimize the governance structure with a grassroots focus and build a simple and efficient grassroots governance system. Reform and improve the evaluation mechanism, effectively reduce the burden on grassroots cadres, and give them time and energy to work and start businesses. Transform institutional advantages into governance effectiveness. Pay attention to solving deep-seated institutional obstacles, break through the bottlenecks and difficulties that affect grassroots governance, and timely launch a batch of policy innovations with small incisions and quick results, starting from the improvement of people's daily lives. Handle the relationship between local innovation, top-level design, and hierarchical integration, handle the relationship between normalized governance and emergency governance, handle the relationship between various reform measures, coordinate the integration of relevant systems, and provide stronger institutional guarantees for the long-term stability of the country and the happiness and health of the people.

Vigorously inherit and promote the "Pujiang experience", and adhere to the key path and style guarantee of seeking truth and pragmatism in grassroots governance. To promote a pragmatic style, promote a clean and honest culture, and cultivate a frugal and simple style, all party members and cadres should establish a correct view of political achievements and power, avoid formalism and bureaucracy, focus on practical work and practical results, enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, and use the spirit of perseverance to grasp and meticulously carry out various tasks in grassroots governance. With a good work style, they should inspire spirit, inspire fighting spirit, establish an image, and win the hearts of the people. We need to have the spirit and spirit to work hard and start a business. Promoting Chinese path to modernization is an unprecedented pioneering cause. On the way forward, we will inevitably encounter new topics that have never appeared before, various difficulties and obstacles, and many major tests of high winds, high waves and even rough waves. Only by inspiring the spirit of work and entrepreneurship, always maintaining a determined and enterprising attitude, daring to take the lead, and facing difficulties, daring to take responsibility, being good at doing things, and truly focusing on practical work, can we promote the modernization of grassroots governance, and further advance the historical great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. We must have the spirit of daring to struggle. At all times, one must have the courage to be soft skinned. Keep self-confidence and initiative, strengthen the strength and ability of struggle, and dare to face any storm and risk challenges. Improve the mechanism of pragmatic responsibility and stimulate the active participation of Party members and cadres. Form a correct orientation of prioritizing the capable, rewarding the superior, demoting the mediocre, and eliminating the inferior, to take responsibility for the responsible, responsible, and supportive of the responsible. Establish a sound incentive mechanism and a fault-tolerant and error correction mechanism, providing a broad stage for entrepreneurs to take on responsibilities and work together with the broad masses of the people to embark on a new journey with enthusiasm, and work together to draw a new blueprint.

Guangming Daily


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