I Write Youth with My Volunteers - "Little Qinghe" at the Hangzhou Asian Games Talks about Volunteers | Hangzhou | Youth

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:45 PM

Hangzhou, September 5th (Xinhua News Agency) Question: I Write Youth with My Volunteers - "Little Qinghe" Says at the Hangzhou Asian Games

Xinhua News Agency reporters Duan Jingjing, Huang Xiao, and Cui Li

At 10 o'clock in the morning, multiple reports of heatstroke were received in the medical field of the Gongshu Canal Sports Park Gymnasium in Hangzhou. Under the command of the venue command center, the on-site volunteer field quickly entered a state, initiated emergency personnel deployment procedures to ensure that the competition was not affected, and assisted the medical field in carrying out on-site "treatment" and sending "patients" to ambulances.

This tense and orderly scene appeared at the scene of the recently held Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympics "one-day competition" comprehensive exercise. With the approach of the Hangzhou Asian Games, volunteer training has entered the final "practical" stage, including job specific training, full element drills, venue surveys, and emergency response.

In order to make guests from afar feel at home during the competition, the Hangzhou Asian Games recruited a total of 37600 competition volunteers named "Little Qinghe". The name of this volunteer, born at the G20 Hangzhou Summit, is derived from a poem by the Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli: "The lotus leaves reach the sky and are infinitely blue, while the lotus flowers reflect the sun and are exceptionally red.". "Qinghe" is a friendly pun with a strong sense of affinity.

It is reported that the recruitment of volunteers for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games was launched in May 2021. After global recruitment and supplementary recruitment, a total of 317000 people successfully applied, and 37600 volunteers were ultimately selected, mainly from 46 universities in Zhejiang Province. They also recruited professional forces in competitions, minority languages, medical care, and other fields to society. In addition, there are about 400 volunteers from outside Zhejiang Province, and about 400 other representative groups.

"The competition ratio for some positions has reached 14:1," said Wang Qian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Hangzhou Normal University and Volunteer Manager of the Cangqian Campus Venue Group Operation Team. During the recruitment and training process, she deeply felt the young people's longing for volunteer service, "their enthusiasm demonstrated the responsibility of the '90s' and' 00s'."

On September 2nd, volunteers from Zhejiang University of Foreign Languages listened to the course lecture.

I Write Youth with My Volunteers - "Little Qinghe" at the Hangzhou Asian Games Talks about Volunteers | Hangzhou | Youth

Volunteers in large-scale sports events, such as "small gears" in "big machines," not only have multiple positions and division of labor, but also require orderly and precise operation. "At present, more than 100 backbone volunteers in the service center of the National Olympic Committee in the Asian Games Village have all been in place." Yao Lingwei, a Turkish professional teacher at Zhejiang International Studies University, said that these volunteers are equivalent to delegation assistants. Many information communication and demand transmission need to be completed by them. Long service hours and high comprehensive requirements will bring them great challenges.

Hu Sitong, from the English teacher training program at Zhejiang University of Foreign Languages, serves as an assistant in the South Asia region. "After entering the Asian Games Village on August 16th, we have already received indoor and outdoor, online and offline training. As we are responsible for the South Asian region, we have also formed a team to systematically and deeply understand and learn about the customs, culture and traditions of the region." Hu Sitong said, "From not being professional and confident at the beginning, to now being able to help the delegation connect with accommodation, catering, communication and other services with ease, she is full of anticipation for the day when she officially steps into the volunteer service position.".

The relevant person in charge of the Volunteer Department of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee introduced that the volunteer teams for this year's Asian Games and Asian Paralympics have presented characteristics such as professionalism, representativeness, universality, and internationalism. For example, experienced volunteers who have participated in large-scale events such as the G20 Summit and the Beijing Winter Olympics, as well as professionals in the fields of medical treatment and competition.

In Wang Qian's view, her experience of serving as an assistant to the recruitment and training department head for volunteers at the G20 Hangzhou Summit has laid a solid foundation for her future research on volunteer services for large-scale competitions. In 2017, she brought volunteer service practice into the classroom, covering topics such as design and management of volunteer service projects, team management, media planning and dissemination, crisis response and response, policies and regulations, etiquette and image management, and psychological adjustment.

On August 24th, "Little Qinghe", a volunteer for the Hangzhou Asian Games, participated in the expedition ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi

In our daily exercise, we identify shortcomings, propose suggestions, and make improvements, striving to lay a solid foundation for officially escorting the Asian Games. From the practice of the G20 Hangzhou Summit, Wang Qian will lead the "young lotus" to the Hangzhou Asian Games more than 20 days later.

In addition to being taught by trainers, there are also many mentors around the volunteer team. As a native of Hangzhou, Ji Yue, a volunteer recruited by society, witnessed the changes that the Asian Games have brought to the city. "Although I have been working for two years, I still want to leave more vivid marks on my youth. Moreover, it is a grand event at my doorstep, and I don't want to miss such a rare opportunity."

In mid August, Ji Yue completed the handover of his job position and devoted himself wholeheartedly to volunteering for the Asian Games. During the training exchange, he shared his work experience with the student volunteers and learned from them how to be more infectious and approachable in volunteer service.

I Write Youth with My Volunteers - "Little Qinghe" at the Hangzhou Asian Games Talks about Volunteers | Hangzhou | Youth

"Showcasing the charm and style of contemporary Chinese youth to Asia and the world is a great value of volunteer service for the Games," said Fang Pan, assistant project coordinator of the service team of the National Olympic Committee and Paralympic Committee of the Hangzhou Asian Games. For many young people, participating in volunteer service for the Asian Games is like experiencing a large-scale social practice, which not only enhances their personal abilities and knowledge, but also provides them with the opportunity to become cross-cultural observers and communicators.

"The Hangzhou Asian Games is not only a sports event, but also a cultural exchange and mutual learning event." As an international volunteer, Mustafa, an Egyptian international student majoring in International Economics and Trade at Zhejiang University of Technology, said that he will work together with international volunteers from all over the world to promote the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress", strive to complete volunteer services, and become a good cultural disseminator.

On August 24th, the volunteer deployment ceremony for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games was held at the Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University. At the scene, "Little Qinghe" dressed in "Lake and Mountain Green" volunteer clothing had a resolute gaze and full of energy. "Waiting for you, come with us, the Qianjiang River surges with enthusiasm and boldness; waiting for you, come with us, feel the emerald valley flower sea by Xizi Lake..." This is the song of the Asian Games volunteers' expedition and also the song of youth belonging to the "little green lotus".

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