Grasp new trends and showcase new business formats

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 12:33 PM

Golden autumn is approaching, and the 13th China Tourism Industry Expo will be held from September 1st to 3rd at the National Convention and Exhibition Center.

The cultural and creative products of the National Library, the Palace Museum, and the National Museum, such as folding fans, co branded lipsticks, and "Persimmon Ruyi" ornaments inspired by persimmons from "Food Materia Medica", have become "internet celebrities", attracting tourists to queue up to visit and purchase.

"These cultural and creative products integrate traditional and modern elements, are creative and popular, and are very inspiring to us," said Zhang Yanpeng, the person in charge of a cultural and creative company in Tianjin who came to visit.

Entering the Heping Exhibition Area of Tianjin and the landmark "City Reception Hall" Minyuan Square, what catches the eye are high-quality cultural and tourism resources such as the Five Avenues Small Western Building, Jinwan Square, and Centennial Golden Street, as well as the "Tianjin Encounter Peace" series of brand cultural and tourism activity scenes. "Integrating tourism immersion experience, cultural and entertainment consumption, and fashion trend interaction, combined with distinctive cultural and creative products and activity scenes, showcasing the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture promoted by Heping District," said Li Kang, member of the Standing Committee of Heping District Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department.

As you walk and look, each exhibition hall has its own unique features. Handmade brocade of the Li ethnic group in Hainan, traditional Miao silver of the Miao ethnic group in Guizhou, Yunnan tea, Quanzhou string puppet show... The exhibitions of intangible cultural heritage in various provincial pavilions are overwhelming.

Compared with previous tourism expos, this year's tourism expo seizes the new trends and demands of the mass tourism era, highlighting the exhibition and display of tourism equipment. RV camping equipment, scenic area equipment, hotel equipment, and special tourism equipment attract visitors to experience and inquire. Taking into account Tianjin's resource endowment, the exhibition hall also showcases marine tourism equipment, cruise ships, and yachts.

The China Tourism Industry Expo has been held for twelve times and is one of the important national level exhibitions hosted by Tianjin. This year's Travel Expo has an exhibition area of 120000 square meters, making it the largest one to date. It includes exhibitions, special forums, negotiations and transactions, scene experiences, and other activities.

On September 2nd, the 13th China Tourism Industry Expo Cultural and Tourism Industry Empowering Rural Revitalization Forum was held, fully showcasing the new achievements and models of rural revitalization.

"The rural industry has its highlights, and the new appearance of Tianjin suburbs has its highlights." Li Jin, President of Tianjin Leisure Agriculture Association, presented the beautiful Tianjin suburbs with both natural scenery and human fireworks under the theme of "Poetry and Distant Places in Close Sight". Liu Xuezheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiaying Town in Jizhou District, presented the development vitality of Xiaying Town from three aspects: strengthening ecological advantages, organizing sports events well, and telling cultural stories, with the theme of "lighting up rural tourism with culture and sports".

The integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism has great prospects. In recent years, Tianjin has implemented the rural revitalization strategy, making the promotion of integrated development of agriculture, culture, and tourism an important component of high-quality cultural and tourism development. It has formulated and introduced plans for rural tourism development, continuously promoting the integration of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and constructing a new spatial distribution pattern of integrated development of culture and tourism with "one core, one belt, two parks, three zones, and six clusters".

During the Tourism Expo, Tianjin also organized activities such as the 2023 Beijing Tianjin Hebei Tourism Project Investment and Financing Negotiation Conference, Tourism Product Promotion Conference, and Project Signing Ceremony, inviting thousands of domestic professional buyers to Tianjin for transaction negotiations, exploring solutions to the financing difficulties, high financing costs, and slow financing of cultural and tourism enterprises, and improving the effectiveness of the exhibition.

Chen Bing, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, introduced that in the early stage of the Tourism Expo, Tianjin collected about 300 cultural and tourism projects and sent them to financial institutions and companies with investment and financing intentions, allowing them to understand the situation of cultural and tourism resources in advance, providing strong support for negotiations and revitalization of cultural and tourism resources at the conference.

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