German media: shining brightly, Chinese car companies collectively debut at the Munich Auto Show

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 15:52 PM

The IAA2023 Munich International Auto Show will be held from the 5th to the 10th local time. During the 6-day exhibition, leading industry representatives from the fields of micro mobility, bicycles, automobiles, suppliers, and technology will showcase the latest automotive technology, intelligent travel solutions, and more. It is worth noting that the number of Chinese exhibitors at this auto show has more than doubled compared to the previous year, making it the country with the highest number of exhibitors besides the host country Germany. How do you view the collective overseas expansion of Chinese car companies? How is the performance of Chinese car companies at the home ground of European automotive giants?

Chinese car companies make their debut at the IAA2023 Munich International Auto Show and enter the European market

At the Munich Auto Show, known as the "Olympic Games" of the world's automotive industry, when Chinese brand new energy vehicle booths were crowded with audiences, what changes are happening to the role of Chinese car companies at this year's auto show? What are the advantages of China's new energy vehicles in terms of technology, design, service, and price?

Journalist observation: How do German media evaluate Chinese exhibitors?

CCTV reporter Yu Peng: German colleagues are the first to highly affirm the strength of China's electric vehicles. At this exhibition, China has one of the most passenger car brands, with one-third of the 22 passenger car brands coming from China. German media gave many positive and positive evaluations when reporting, such as "shining brightly", Chinese car companies becoming the protagonist of the auto show, and Chinese car companies becoming more and more confident; Wait a minute. There are also reports that Germany used to export cars to China, which was very popular in China. However, now this business model has begun to reverse. Many Chinese cars have the same driving performance as German cars, and they have advanced auxiliary systems, friendly user interfaces, and rich entertainment functions; Wait a minute. In terms of technology, Chinese brands are also taking their own innovative path. For example, China's fast charging technology for power batteries has already taken the lead in the world. Some brands also solve consumers' battery anxiety and mileage anxiety through battery swapping. It can be said that in the field of electric vehicles, Chinese cars think more and go further than German cars.

Reporter observation: Do German consumers recognize Chinese electric vehicles?

CCTV reporter Yu Peng: Four years ago, when I came to Germany, I could hardly see Chinese electric vehicle brands. But now, as long as we go out, whether it's mid-range or high-end, we can definitely find many Chinese car brands appearing on the streets of Germany. We also interviewed many car owners who purchase Chinese electric vehicles, and there are many reasons why they choose Chinese cars. Specifically, they found that Chinese electric vehicles have a longer range, and under the same quality, the price of Chinese electric vehicles will also be lower. Among many high-end Chinese electric vehicles, these car owners pursue flexible and personalized services, as well as higher levels of automotive software and intelligence. These are important reasons why they choose Chinese electric vehicles. Overall, the recognition of Chinese brands by Germans is increasing.

The global electric vehicle industry is catching up with each other!

So far this year, 8% of the new electric vehicles sold in the European market are produced by Chinese brands, up from 6% last year and 4% in 2021. Behind the market share is the transformation of European consumers from unfamiliarity to acceptance of Chinese new energy vehicle brands. What is the competitiveness of Chinese brand cars? How are German car companies accelerating and strengthening on this track? Click on the video to learn together!

How do you view Chinese car companies collectively going global and appearing at the Munich Auto Show?

Xu Haidong, Deputy Chief Engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: This time, the collective appearance of Chinese automotive companies at the Munich Auto Show, I personally think this is a "shining moment". These companies are not simply making appearances, but bringing their relevant products for the European market, which are tangible products that can be sold in Europe. Through exhibition displays, the appearance and performance of the products, as well as the related configurations including intelligent cockpit and intelligent networking, as well as some of our technical standards, were presented to German audiences, allowing everyone to truly feel the competitiveness of Chinese automotive products and the development of our Chinese automotive industry. So I think this collective appearance of Chinese car companies is an important moment to enter the European market with confidence and dignity, and participate in the development of the European market, which is very memorable.

70 Chinese exhibitors showcase China's overall strength to the world

Host Dong Qian: In addition to car companies, there are also many Chinese component suppliers and technology solution manufacturers participating in this auto show. I feel that the entire Chinese new energy vehicle industry chain has collectively "gone global". How do you view this?

Xu Haidong, Deputy Chief Engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: The automobile industry itself is an industrial chain, from upstream materials, manufacturing processes, to final quality control, as well as the technological content in the entire product process and the level of the entire supply chain. This time, 70 Chinese companies, not only complete vehicle companies, but also leading companies in multiple supply chain fields such as three electric and charging technology, intelligent automotive electronics and software, etc., jointly went abroad as exhibitors to showcase our technology at the exhibition in Munich. This also fully reflects the strength of China's entire industry, the level of technological research and development in the industry chain, or the ability to innovate technology, which will continue to better support the development of China's automotive industry.

What are the advantages of Chinese cars entering the European market?

Xu Haidong, Deputy Chief Engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: After 40 years of reform and opening up, the Chinese automobile industry can be said to have achieved a certain leading position in the field of new energy in the past three years by "overtaking" by changing lanes. It should be said that the overall level of China's automotive industry has significantly improved, and it is leading in the field of new energy intelligent networking. This is thanks to the hard work of Chinese automotive professionals over the past 40 years, as well as the efforts of the entire industry, especially the new energy vehicle industry, supported by national policies. As a result, new energy vehicles can continuously iterate and improve. Our entire supply chain enterprise, including batteries, motors, and electronic control, has continuously developed with the development of the industry. In addition, we constantly innovate, learn, digest, and invest, which has led the entire Chinese automotive industry to a level similar to the world, and even to a leading position in certain fields. It can be said that this has paved a relatively bright path for the future development of the Chinese automotive industry.

What is the confidence of China's new energy vehicle industry to lead the way?

Xu Haidong, Deputy Chief Engineer of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers: Why has China's automobile industry been able to rise in the past two to three years? The main reasons we have carefully analyzed include: our positive design ability, our manufacturing ability, our supply chain ability, our ability to understand and feel consumers. It should be said that Chinese car companies have mastered and possess these abilities, which will support them to maintain a leading position for a certain period of time, or enable us to compete with these top companies in the global automotive market and ensure sustainable development.

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