"Friends" of the Service Trade Fair China | Medical | Service Trade Fair

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 16:32 PM

Figure 1: On September 3rd, a visitor experienced a Dunhuang tour based on AR/VR special effects at the China Mobile booth in Shougang Park, immersing themselves in the charm of Dunhuang murals. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

Figure 2: The total exhibition area of the Sports Services Special Exhibition Area of this year's Fair for Trade in Services reaches 13200 square meters, showcasing the cutting-edge achievements of the sports industry and building an efficient platform for exchange and cooperation in the sports industry. The picture shows the sports service exhibition area located in Shougang Park, where visitors experience bicycle racing. Photographed by Weng Qiyu

Figure 3: A digital human located at the Qualcomm booth. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao

Figure 4: This year's special exhibition of the Service Trade Fair focuses on industry hotspots and development trends, covering content such as AI and metaverse technology, consumer electronics services, etc. The picture shows the Shougang Park exhibition area of the Service Trade Fair, with small audiences experiencing immersive games. Photo by Luo Wei

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The China International Fair for Trade in Services concluded successfully on September 6, 2023. Every year at the Service Trade Fair, we see "old friends" who have been participating for many years. For them, the Fair for Trade in Services is an important platform to deepen the connection between the Chinese market and promote investment cooperation, as well as the best channel to discover new trends and formats in the service industry.

What new gains have "old friends" gained from this year's Service Trade Fair? Let's watch the "Friends" of the Service Trade Fair——

General Electric Healthcare launches a new development strategy in China——

Jointly improving the level of localization and intelligence

Our reporter Liao Ruiling

In just 10 seconds, advanced CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging devices equipped with AI technology can be completed for full body scans. For the fourth consecutive year, GE Medical has brought a series of new products and technologies to the Health and Health Services Special Exhibition Area at the Service Trade Fair.

"This year, GE Healthcare showcased a series of domestic innovative achievements such as advanced CT and Qiyuan magnetic resonance imaging." Xu Jun, Vice President of GE Healthcare China and General Manager of Government Relations and Market Access, introduced that as a multinational medical device enterprise, the innovative achievements exhibited by GE Healthcare have a common label - comprehensive domestic production. CT made in Beijing, magnetic resonance imaging produced in Tianjin... "We have launched a Chinese strategy of 'comprehensive localization, boundless innovation, and win-win cooperation' this year, and have achieved full chain localization in research and development, production, sales, and maintenance. Currently, the company has a research and development team of over 1800 people in China, and the team continuously promotes product innovation based on clinical needs. More than 70% of the products sold in China are domestically produced," said Xu Jun.

Comprehensive domestic production is a vivid portrayal of multinational corporations serving China in China. In Beijing, GE Medical's Beijing Imaging Equipment Manufacturing Base has a development history of over 30 years. "This is a microcosm of the development of high-end medical manufacturing in China," said Sun Xuguang, Chief Technology Officer of GE Healthcare China. "Our Beijing base covers the production of a full range of CT products from 16 rows to ultra high-end 256 rows of Revolution CT, with comprehensive domestic capabilities for key components such as CT, surgical machines, breast machines, and detectors. It has been rated as a 'Beijing Medical Equipment Localization Demonstration Base' by the Beijing Economic Development Zone Government. The 'Leading CT' we exhibited at the Service Trade Fair this time is a typical representative of domestic innovative manufacturing."

In addition to showcasing medical products and equipment, GE Healthcare also showcased a series of digital solutions tailored to the clinical needs of different medical institutions in China - "Smart Services" - at this service trade fair. This digital device service solution includes products such as Ultrasound Zhizunbao, Smart Magic Box Family 2.0, and Zhitongbao 3.0. "Intelligent Service" leverages digital technology to empower and explore more advanced technological means. It automatically analyzes the usage of imaging equipment such as CT, MR, and ultrasound from multiple dimensions and generates medical examination reports, allowing users to have a more objective, comprehensive, and intuitive understanding of the health status of the equipment, thereby improving the operational efficiency and management level of the hospital. At this year's Service Trade Fair, GE Healthcare's "Smart Services" digital solution also won the "Service Demonstration Case Award".

Participated in the Service Trade Fair four times, conveying GE Healthcare's determination and confidence to deeply cultivate the Chinese market and promote the optimization of Chinese health services. "At this service trade fair, we showcased various innovative achievements and technologies, showcasing GE Healthcare's determination to continuously cultivate high-end domestic medical equipment manufacturing and build a strong domestic supply chain for more than 30 years. We hope to accelerate China's high-end medical equipment industry chain to a world-class level. Xu Jun introduced that currently, the company has more than 1000 supplier partners nationwide, and within 200 kilometers centered around the Wuxi base, there are more than 300 local suppliers." We have built a strong supply chain and production chain in China, and through collaborative innovation with domestic supply chain partners, we continuously achieve the localization of core components and high-end medical devices, and supply them to the global market, so that advanced technology and applications in China can benefit global medical patients. "Jun said.

"Friends" of the Service Trade Fair China | Medical | Service Trade Fair

It was at the Service Trade Fair that Cloud Technology directly received orders from customers for the first time——

The "reception hall" for clients

Our reporter Wang Wenzheng

On the morning of September 3rd, flying from Ningbo to Beijing, Lu Shidong, the general manager of Zhejiang Yunduowang Technology Co., Ltd., appeared at the Ningbo exhibition area of the Service Trade Fair at noon, busy introducing the company's business to the audience.

"Coming to the Service Trade Fair and seeing so many exhibitors and traders gives me confidence to explore a larger market," said Lu Shidong, who met reporters in the corner of the exhibition area, describing the "initial impression" of the Service Trade Fair.

Lu Shidong told reporters that Yunduo Technology has participated in the Service Trade Fair for four consecutive years, and he himself has never been absent.

As a technology-based enterprise that mainly provides big data and artificial intelligence services to customers, before participating in the Service Trade Fair, Yunduo Technology only relied on third-party channels to contact overseas customers and obtain orders. It was the Service Trade Fair that enabled Yunduo Technology to achieve a "zero breakthrough" in directly accepting orders from customers.

Lu Shidong recalled the "first bucket of gold" he dug at the Service Trade Fair: in 2020, the company received a service outsourcing order from an education enterprise in Canada, providing technical outsourcing services for academic and teaching management big data platforms.

"Participating in the Fair for Trade in Services has given me an unprecedented sense of China's determination to promote the development and prosperity of service trade, and I have witnessed the influence of Chinese enterprises in the world economy and global service trade market," said Lu Shidong.

"The Canadian project has given us the confidence to 'go global'," said Lu Shidong. Since then, Yunduo Technology has received multiple orders from clients in countries such as Singapore and Germany through the Service Trade Fair. The company's independently developed digital operating system application areas have expanded from education to industry, cultural tourism, new energy vehicles, and other aspects, to meet the digital governance needs of enterprise level, industry level, and city level organizations.

For Cloud Technology, the Service Trade Fair has become a "reception hall" for customers, a "training ground" for employees, and a "big stage" for showcasing oneself.

"Over the years of participating in the exhibition, we have deepened our understanding of the service outsourcing markets in various countries and seen more business opportunities. At the same time, in the process of dealing with foreign peers and customers, my colleagues and I have broadened our horizons and improved our abilities. More importantly, the Service Trade Fair has given us confidence." Lu Shidong said, "Especially for entrepreneurial enterprises, confidence is more precious than gold. I firmly believe that service outsourcing is not only an industry, but also an engine for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing." In Lu Shidong's view, digital services will drive Ningbo, as a major city for manufacturing and goods trade, to achieve a transformation. "

By 2025, the import and export volume of service trade in the city will reach 200 billion yuan, the execution volume of offshore and onshore service outsourcing business in the city will reach 38 billion yuan and 36 billion yuan respectively, and the import and export volume of international digital services will reach 42.5 billion yuan... Ningbo City has set a package of goals, arranged special funds for the development of service trade, promoted the construction of service outsourcing demonstration cities, and promoted the innovative development of service trade.

With the construction of the "cloud ladder", Ningbo outsourcing enterprises represented by Yunduo Technology are poised to take off.

Lu Shidong has a more grand plan, which is the "Oriental Service Trade Port" project launched by Yunduo Technology and Ningbo Service Trade Association. After its launch in November this year, it will build a standardized, cross industry, and cross regional service trade industry supply chain collaboration system, providing full lifecycle services from manufacturing to trade, and is expected to benefit over 100000 domestic and foreign enterprises.

"Friends" of the Service Trade Fair China | Medical | Service Trade Fair

"The generation that grew up at the Service Trade Fair will be more adapted to this stage," said Lu Shidong.

Antonpa Sports Technology attaches great importance to the Chinese market——

"Whenever there is an opportunity, we come year after year."

Our reporter Liao Ruiling

In the corner of the sports service exhibition area located in Shougang Park, there is a small corporate booth - the Antonpah Sports Technology Co., Ltd. booth in Austria. There are no highly experiential sports equipment here, only a TV playing football themed promotional videos in a loop. It is precisely this seemingly inconspicuous exhibitor who serves internationally renowned football clubs such as Bayern Munich in Germany.

"Antonpah Group is headquartered in Austria and mainly develops and manufactures high-precision scientific instruments. Based on a solid hardware and software 'family background', the sports sector under the group mainly provides training and evaluation systems for football, including professional level interactive football basic technical skills and cognitive ability training and evaluation systems, fully automatic psychological cognitive ability training systems, and a micro football entertainment training system covering an area of only 16 square meters." said Liu Yiqing, the head of China regional business at Antonpah Sports Technology Co., Ltd. in Austria.

Football training requires suitable climate and professional sports venues. "The training system we provide only requires 320 square meters of artificial turf and 360 degree panoramic visual projection, providing over 100 interactive training modes and divided into 5 levels based on training intensity. Players can set their desired actions and order on their tablet before starting training, without the need for coaches to participate, and can train on their own. These sports data can be accurately recorded and form an exclusive data database for athletes, making it easy for coaches to conduct scientific analysis and improve training efficiency." Liu Yiqing said, "In addition to football skill training, we also have a psychological evaluation system for athletes and the general public."

At the Antonpa booth, visitors occasionally stop to inquire about business. Liu Yiqing told reporters that this is the third year that the company has participated in the Service Trade Fair in Beijing, and every time they come to participate, they have gained a lot.

"Participating in exhibitions is an important opportunity for enterprises to meet government departments, peers, and partners. As an important high-level exhibition in China, the Service Trade Fair is a powerful platform for foreign enterprises to expand their market in China. At the Service Trade Fair, many investment executives come to our booth every year to consult products and negotiate business. We also met some sports associations, education associations, etc. at the Service Trade Fair, hoping to get to know more relevant procurement parties and let our football training system land in China as soon as possible." Liu Yiqing said, "We attach great importance to the Chinese market and are currently negotiating business cooperation with universities and others. The exhibition is just the beginning, and the subsequent business promotion, continuous customer expansion, and cooperation will take longer. We have patience and also..." Confidence. "

This year's Service Trade Fair has fully resumed offline exhibitions. Liu Yiqing said, "Last year there were quite a few people at the exhibition, and this year there have been noticeably more. As long as there is an opportunity, we come every year."

Participated in the Service Trade Fair four times, Qualcomm has "new tricks" every time——

"Seize the opportunity of digital transformation"

Our reporter Liao Ruiling

Standing at the corner of the booth, waving and twisting in front of the camera, the digital figures on the large screen can quickly perform the same actions - at this year's Service Trade Fair, the Qualcomm booth located in the comprehensive exhibition area of the National Convention Center attracted many visitors to queue up to "check in".

"This year marks the fourth consecutive year that Qualcomm has participated in the Service Trade Fair. As in previous years, we have brought about cooperation results with Chinese industry partners in cutting-edge technology fields such as 5G, big language models, and virtual reality, showcasing Qualcomm's rich practice of working together with partners to seize digital transformation opportunities." said Meng Pu, Chairman of Qualcomm China.

"Friends" of the Service Trade Fair China | Medical | Service Trade Fair

Strolling around the Qualcomm booth, digital technology elements can be seen everywhere: generative AI models that can run on Android smartphones without the need for networking; Wearing a lightweight head display device and picking up a handle allows users to "practice ball" in the workplace... "Last year at the Service Trade Fair, we collaborated with Zhonghe Group and China Mobile to showcase the 5G Unbounded XR competition experience plan. This year's network integration metaverse application experience based on the 5G current network is a new achievement of our tripartite cooperation. Users only need to wear a head display device to experience the dual camera 4K level picture quality and a metaverse experience with a delay of less than 20 milliseconds, which means that our goal of" moving the workplace into the metaverse "has taken another step forward." Meng Pu said.

Participated in the Service Trade Fair four times, Qualcomm has always had a new trend - using 5G and AI technology for coffee robots; A novel viewing experience supported by 5G millimeter wave technology; The football duel combining virtual and reality... "In the past three years, we have been awarded the 'Technology Innovation Service Demonstration Case' every year at the Service Trade Fair, including the '5G Navigation Plan', '5G Internet of Things Innovation Plan', and '5G+Smart First Aid' innovative cooperation and application. These are all rich practices of Qualcomm working with Chinese partners to continuously deepen the industry and seize digital transformation opportunities." said Hou Mingjuan, Global Vice President of Qualcomm.

In addition to showcasing the latest technological achievements, every year at the Service Trade Fair, Qualcomm executives always appear at various forums and summit venues. This year, Meng Pu participated in the "Beijing Tianjin Hebei Collaborative Investment Promotion and Investment Beijing Global Summit", sharing the practices of Qualcomm and Chinese partners in jointly promoting the development of the digital economy in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region; At the venue of the results release event at the China International Fair for Trade in Services, Qualcomm released a white paper titled "Hybrid AI is the Future of AI" offline. The company's relevant business leaders and industry personnel discussed the technology research and application prospects in the field of AI.

"With the help of the achievements created by the Service Trade Fair for enterprises, we announced a strategic cooperation with China National Geographic at the 2020 Service Trade Fair to promote the concept of ecological environment protection and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature through the latest technology. This cooperation project has continued to this day and has received good social feedback," Hou Mingjuan said.

"The China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) is an important platform for us to expand our market and expand our 'circle of friends'. It allows us to better recognize the achievements of our extensive cooperation with the industry, and also brings us many potential new opportunities for business development. Meng Pu said," Participating in CIFTIS for four consecutive years is a firm commitment of Gaotong to innovation and cooperation, as well as a positive response to China's continued high-level opening-up. We will continue to deeply cultivate the Chinese market and strive to bring more innovative cooperation achievements. "

Industry discussions unfold one after another——

This CIFIT will set up 10 summit forums, covering new trends of service trade development, facilitation of service trade, digital economy, digital trade, intellectual property protection, new formats of culture and tourism, meteorological economy, integration of medicine and industry, scientific and technological innovation, and "the Belt and Road" cooperation.

A series of heavyweight achievements have been released——

During the China Service Trade Fair, research reports such as the China Service Trade Development Report 2022, the Digital Trade Development and Cooperation Report 2023, and the China Service Industry Opening up in the Changing World were released.

People's Daily Overseas Edition

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