Expert: In the future, we will dominate the battlefield and become a "new talent on the battlefield"! Can penetrate any air defense system, patrol missiles

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 13:01 PM

Patrol missile is a product of the cross fusion of advanced drone technology and cruise missile technology, known as the "new talent on the battlefield". In 2020, when the Nagorno Karabakh conflict occurred, there were reports that patrol missiles were used in large numbers. At present, both sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict also used patrol missiles. Recently, Türkiye also showed its self-developed "Archer" mini intelligent patrol missiles for the first time, and Israel also completed the performance test of the "Hero" series patrol missiles in extremely cold conditions.

So, how do cruise missiles work on the battlefield? Why has it been favored by various countries in recent years? Military observer Cao Weidong brought his interpretation.

Data picture: Türkiye "Archer" patrol missile

Patrol missile=drone?

According to data, cruise missiles are a multi-purpose ammunition that integrates reconnaissance and surveillance, target positioning, precision strikes, combat damage assessment, communication relay, and cluster collaborative operations. Does the similarity in functionality between cruise missiles and drones mean they can be interchangeable?

Cao Weidong:

Patrol missiles are a combination of cruise missiles and drones, and it is not realistic to replace each other. Firstly, cruise missiles have lower costs compared to drones or cruise missiles; Secondly, the flight distance and dwell time of drones and cruise missiles are superior to cruise missiles; Thirdly, patrol missiles can be launched quickly and operated simply. A single soldier or two people can launch patrol missiles, but the launch of drones generally needs to be carried out by professional operators.

The Road to Advanced Battlefield

It is believed that it was only after the low-cost autonomous attack ammunition of the United States, known as the "Lucas," that various countries began to invest in the research of cruise missiles, but different opinions have emerged. So, what kind of development has the cruise missile gone through?

Cao Weidong:

The prototype of the cruise missile should have been first used by Israel in the Bekaa Valley campaign in the 1980s. In order to reduce the casualties of manned combat aircraft, Israel used the "Habi" decoy drone, mainly to interfere with the enemy's radar, deceive the enemy to target the missile and artillery at the "Habi", so that real combat aircraft entered the combat area from different directions and heights. After seeing such combat effectiveness, the United States developed the "Quick Look" drone for reconnaissance and surveillance. On this basis, the United States and Israel have begun to improve drones and develop cruise missiles, such as the Israeli developed "Halop" cruise missile, which has destroyed S-300 anti-aircraft missiles.

The performance of "battlefield newcomers" is truly impressive

In some local military conflicts that have occurred in recent years, the performance of cruise missiles has impressed people. During the Syrian War, Israeli fighter jets repeatedly fired "Delilah" patrol missiles at anti-aircraft missile positions in the suburbs of Damascus, enticing the Syrian radar to turn on and then striking them. During the Naqqa conflict, the Azerbaijani army used the Israeli "Halop" cruise missile to destroy the radar of the Armenian army's surface to air missile system. So, how are patrol missiles applied in the current Russia-Ukraine conflict?

Cao Weidong:

Expert: In the future, we will dominate the battlefield and become a "new talent on the battlefield"! Can penetrate any air defense system, patrol missiles

During the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States provided Ukraine with "Spring Knife" 300 and "Spring Knife" 600 patrol missiles. The Spring Knife 300 is very compact, weighing about 2.5 kilograms, with a range of about 10 kilometers and a range of 15 minutes, but it cannot function on targets such as Russian tanks or armored vehicles. The "Spring Knife" 600 model adopts armor piercing warheads, mainly targeting armored targets. Its power is equivalent to the American "javelin" anti tank missile, which can block the advance of Russian armored forces on the battlefield.

Similarly, in response to the large caliber M777 howitzers and Hamas rockets provided by the United States to Ukraine, Russia also used the Lancet cruise missiles to suppress Ukraine's firepower. The stationary time of the Lancet is 30 to 40 minutes, with a range of approximately 40 kilometers. When hovering over the target, regardless of whether the opponent is in radar on state or firing shells, the patrol missile will rush down and destroy it.

Future cruise missiles will dominate the battlefield

According to reports, due to the small radar reflection area and weak infrared signal characteristics, patrol missiles can almost penetrate any air defense system and directly reach the target, bringing great air defense pressure to opponents. What is the future development direction of cruise missiles? In dealing with cruise missiles, some experts believe that the development of precision radar and multispectral optoelectronic detection devices can be accelerated, target search capabilities can be improved, and low-cost small air defense missiles can also be developed. So, what are the current means of dealing with cruise missiles?

Cao Weidong:

Patrol missiles will develop in the following three directions: first, lightweight, suitable for individual operation; Second, modularization, replacing different explosive parts when striking different targets; Thirdly, invisibility. In the future, cruise missiles may no longer emphasize their range and focus more on not being detected, compensating for the weaknesses of cruise missiles and drones, and leveraging their strengths to dominate the battlefield.

Dealing with cruise missiles can be approached in the following directions: Firstly, since cruise missiles are relatively small, laser weapons can be considered for interference; Secondly, patrol missiles generally use lithium batteries and can use electronic interference to disrupt signals or data links; Thirdly, Russia uses the Lancet cruise missile to deal with drones, and conversely, drones can also deal with cruise missiles.

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